Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
swaddon1903 wrote:I doubt you could fit one show on a CD anyway. Besides, nobody uses CDs nowadays. This isn't the 1990s.

CDs' will never die.
Long live physical copies.
Plus your doubts are correct. A CD is only 90 mins long whereas most of the shows on here are around the 95+ minute region.
ianpwilliams wrote:Friday 11th November 2005
Monday 14th November 2005
Tuesday 15th November 2005
Wednesday 16th November 2005

Some of the dates are wrong.
The 11th & 16th are right but...
The 15th is actually the 14th and the 14th is actually the 21st.
Ok they've been edited. It was confusing because at least one of them seemed to be labelled as being on the weekend, which I knew couldn't have been right. I don't actually listen to them yet, so from now on I'll just name them as they are originally named, and if they are wrong then someone can let me know and I'll update the details.
I think the archive that Johnny works on needs to be updated, I would like to do it if I had the access but I don't! Listening to July 2004 shows and man some of the things that happened are making me laugh a lot. One show they took the piss out of Dave for supposedly being drunk since he came in late the previous night and had a row with his then wife. Also, when Chris shouted at Aled for having Tim Vincent as a Guess Who?. Don't know why but the way he said his name (Tim Vincent) when angry was hilarious to me. Might be his accent!
slaphead1982 wrote:
ianpwilliams wrote:Friday 11th November 2005
Monday 14th November 2005
Tuesday 15th November 2005
Wednesday 16th November 2005

Some of the dates are wrong.
The 11th & 16th are right but...
The 15th is actually the 14th and the 14th is actually the 21st.

So are the properties wrong as well then? What do I need to do to correct my archive?
ianpwilliams wrote:The files themselves should now be as they are described in my original post at the top of this page. Some of the descriptions within the IA link might be slightly wrong, because I can't work out how to change them.

So shall I just download them again then?
I cant believe it has taken me so long to start listening to these old shows, but I have started doing so now and thanks to you all for providing these shows for us.

A couple of questions though. Is the list on the first page the only place we can find a list of the shows that are in any order? If so, are there any plans to update it? As it stands it seems like we need to go through all of the pages on this thread to find the shows needed. Am I right in that?

No criticism of anyone by the way. The work done to get the shows on here is fantastic :D
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