The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
Hello everyone

I know this is similar to the 'new feature' thread that's running already in the forum but I wanted to pose the question and open it up a bit more.

Matt, Freya and myself are mapping out events, features and plans for the show for the rest of 2011 - but I'd hate to miss a trick as a great idea is a great idea whether it came from Chris, us or outside of Radio 1 - and who better to throw in ideas than the hard core fans themselves! You, more than anyone else outside the team know Chris' style and what works for the show.

So, here's your chance. What would you like to see us doing in 2011?

It can be an outside broadcasts, features or events, it can be team based or a single team member and involve another event like music or sport.

Little head's up - there is a little prize for someone/people who come up with that gem of an idea that we can run with...
Chris Moyles Show Sports Day

Each member of the show competes against a team of competition winners in various sports, could even be a station wide event...or up against 1 Extra.

Dodgy Olympic tie in?

edit. the special something best not be a bloody sam & matt mug.
Last edited by chrysostom on Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Splatt Matt.

Get Dave to compile a music based quiz.

Each contestant has a condition attached to their answer - for example:-

Chris must get the answer wrong
Dom must answer correctly but include a reference to the weather in his reply
Tina may get the answer right or wrong, but must incorporate the name of a Premiership footballer with more than five syllables in her reply
Freya must phrase her answer in the style of Yoda

Every time one of the team answers a question without completely fulfilling their criteria, Matt gets a custard pie in the face. If it can not be established whether the contenstant has satisfied their criteria or not, Matt gets a custard pie inthe face. If the contestant DOES satisfy the criteria, Matt gets a custard pie in the face.

Something like that anyway. As long as it involves custard pies and Matt's face.
Similar to what you guys have done in the past during certain theme weeks but that each member including producers should come up with a game/feature that has to be so hilariously bad, you don't think it will be topped in how horrible it is (some of Dave's games come into this pretty much) and the one who has the game that is considered to be the least bad of the lot unfortunately has to do a forfeit that the audience gets to decide what it is (within reason of the BBC guidelines of course). Like say Chris came up with the best of the bad games, he has to do a forfeit like not being able to rant about anything on air for a week (like Chandler in Friends couldn't make jokes) or if Dom had to do the forfeit, he will have to wear a wig for an entire show week or speak in one of his impersonations constantly even in the news.. A good one for Tina is that she will have to sing everything she says! :P

You can always have a list of forfeits prepared though also and you can get the listeners to vote on which one is best in terms of entertainment purposes. Sounds a bit complicated but can always go into detail if somehow it gets chosen.

The audience can vote on what they thought what was the best of a bad bunch pretty much also. Audience participation is always fun.
Last edited by DarroM on Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I always like the outrside broadcast/tour thingy; The Moyles Karaokee tour from 2009 was amazing. Touring helps to cover more of the country and means you can get within a decent drive for most people. Or some sort of activity week to which listeners can join in, like the Karting/Wanted thingy. Personally, i'm always MEGA jealous of the whole 'come meet us for a pint in .....' feature, as i've never been near enough to participate - maybe extend that feature to cover more of the UK. Basically, anything which means i'll finally get a chance to shake the Big-Mans (Chris, not God) hand in thanks for the years of entertainment.

And, thinking beyond audience participation, I always like the shows when the team are 'away' and are living togther under one roof. Sure, it may be random, but its great to hear all the tales of what you've been up to and the fall-outs/embarassing moments from within the team. Whos the Daddy?!

Beyond that.... Daves games are always good. It would be nice to see (hear?) Tina thrown into some more silly situations to see if she sinks or swims! Any feature which involves Baldy Dom and his silly impressions. And, if only it weren't a sensative subject in reality, i'd suggest some sort of x-factor show to find Chris a new woman!
dimtimjim wrote:I always like the outrside broadcast/tour thingy; The Moyles Karaokee tour from 2009 was amazing. Touring helps to cover more of the country and means you can get within a decent drive for most people. Or some sort of activity week to which listeners can join in, like the Karting/Wanted thingy. Personally, i'm always MEGA jealous of the whole 'come meet us for a pint in .....' feature, as i've never been near enough to participate - maybe extend that feature to cover more of the UK. Basically, anything which means i'll finally get a chance to shake the Big-Mans (Chris, not God) hand in thanks for the years of entertainment.

And, thinking beyond audience participation, I always like the shows when the team are 'away' and are living togther under one roof. Sure, it may be random, but its great to hear all the tales of what you've been up to and the fall-outs/embarassing moments from within the team. Whos the Daddy?!

Beyond that.... Daves games are always good. It would be nice to see (hear?) Tina thrown into some more silly situations to see if she sinks or swims! Any feature which involves Baldy Dom and his silly impressions. And, if only it weren't a sensative subject in reality, i'd suggest some sort of x-factor show to find Chris a new woman!

Some of those sound pretty good to me.
The Dave Vitty School of Features.

Rule One : Name > Feature.

are you afreya'd of the dark?
sex and the vitty
really daheley?
tina dapeeley
give a finch, and take emile
unfollow fincham
(the old classic) caeser aled/a salad on aled,

Dominic Byrne Fortnight

ken dom (dom does cooking)
con dom (people try to hoodwink dom)
dom - in - eight (people try to find where dom is in 8 goes...essentially where's westwood)
bore-dom (tell dom a long story, until he can take no more)
king-dom of heaven (dom is king for a day)
dom - i - know (ask dom questions, if he gets them wrong he gets pushed over)
dom - in - ant (you'll need ant danbury's permission for that)
so, dom might (dom becomes a vagrant for the day)
whizz - dom (dom is banned from going to the toilet)
free-dom (dom is released from his contract)

also, maybe something where each team member tries to find their doppelganger from the listeners, and they send their pictures in via CMS twitter or text. Chris, Dom, Tina, Aled and Dave would be 1 for each day of the week...Fincham could be in there too. could do a photo shoot with all of them and get the audience to vote when you have chosen the finalists for each team member, possibly use facebook questions to get people to vote (and drive people to 'like' the facebook page).
Last edited by chrysostom on Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:20 pm, edited 4 times in total.
I think some of my favourite features over the last few years have been ones where the team have been set some kind of challenge where they compete against themselves, like the Mastermind one a few months back, or where they had to book the best guest on the show...
So how about some kind of 'Apprentice' type game where they are set a challenge on a Monday and have to present it on the show on the Friday? Something really open and random, like 'get a cartoon character made of yourself and get it animated' or 'Convince a celeb to get your name tattoo'd ' or 'Learn to play and sing a song on an instrument then sell it on itunes', something they can go away and work on and banter/boast about during the week till the finale on the Friday.
chrysostom wrote:The Dave Vitty School of Features.

Rule One : Name > Feature.

are you afreya'd of the dark?
sex and the vitty
really daheley?
tina dapeeley
give a finch, and take emile
unfollow fincham
(the old classic) caeser aled/a salad on aled,

Dominic Byrne Section

ken dom (dom does cooking)
con dom (people try to hoodwink dom)
dom - in - eight (people try to find where dom is in 8 goes...essentially where's westwood)
bore-dom (tell dom a long story, until he can take no more)
king-dom of heaven (dom is king for a day)
dom - i - know (ask dom questions, if he gets them wrong he gets pushed over)
dom - in - ant (you'll need ant danbury's permission for that)
so, dom might (dom becomes a vagrant for the day)
whizz - dom (dom is banned from going to the toilet)
free-dom (dom is released from his contract)

Some of those made me laugh! :)
Zoot wrote:I think some of my favourite features over the last few years have been ones where the team have been set some kind of challenge where they compete against themselves, like the Mastermind one a few months back, or where they had to book the best guest on the show...
So how about some kind of 'Apprentice' type game where they are set a challenge on a Monday and have to present it on the show on the Friday? Something really open and random, like 'get a cartoon character made of yourself and get it animated' or 'Convince a celeb to get your name tattoo'd ' or 'Learn to play and sing a song on an instrument then sell it on itunes', something they can go away and work on and banter/boast about during the week till the finale on the Friday.

Sorry for the constant replies people. This one I like the sound of because I love the Apprentice and doing something similar to the Apprentice is cool. Also, it would be useful to add on (if you think it's alright) in that the worst one in the challenge should get a forfeit that the audience or the team get to choose within reason. Pretty much the equivalent of getting fired on the show.
DarroM wrote:
Sorry for the constant replies people. This one I like the sound of because I love the Apprentice and doing something similar to the Apprentice is cool. Also, it would be useful to add on (if you think it's alright) in that the worst one in the challenge should get a forfeit that the audience or the team get to choose within reason. Pretty much the equivalent of getting fired on the show.

Yea, and maybe each the week the 'Lord Alan Sugar' character could be a different celeb with some relation to the challenge (you could call them the 'Lord' of the week') so for instance you could have 'Lord' Jamie Oliver setting them a challenge of inventing a recipe, filming a 'how to make it video' then bringing the food in for him to taste and Judge on the Friday, then he sets the prize/forfeit?
A quiz or a game where the loser has to do a forefit such as big steve and table of pain or something embrassing
What about a Outdoor holiday one like the canal boat one did in 2005 but something different this time
Any of the above with custard pies in Matt's face.
How about a treasure hunt! You could reveal a clue each day and a listener has to find the next clue somewhere in the UK(at BBC studios around the country). Sometimes to get the clue they will have to do a challenge or the team will have to do a challenge etc.

When someone finds a clue they get to choose who they give a point too e.g. I find a clue and I want the point to be given to Dom.

At the end of the treasure hunt the team members will all have points and the one with most win the prize and whatever the treasure is(maybe the treasure is some custard pies for matts face)
What about a contest between radio 1 and Xtra

They have to guess a song but it is played backwards
DarroM wrote:
Yudster wrote:Any of the above with custard pies in Matt's face.

At the end of the day, you don't care what event or feature gets chosen as long as custard pies thrown into Matt's face occurs during it! :P

And your point is...?
Last year Chris played the Bullseye theme tune and started naming ridiculous and funny prizes on the prize board.

LMAO at this. Its not exactly a feature but once a week maybe after the news play the Bullseye theme and come up with funny prizes.
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