Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By dimtimjim
Bonanzoid wrote:Louis Walsh is just a dick. And I kinda agree with Topher, what kinda spelling is Treyc? Were her parents lsydexic?

It makes her seem way more ghetto to spell it dat way. Although I think Treysee would be better. I would apply similar logic to my own name, but 'Tim' is already ghetto enough.... :?
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By Munki Bhoy
Highlight of the series so far - watching loads of people on Twitter implode as it turned out that Cher could, in fact, sing well. Lots of people trying to hate her and failing is REALLY funny.

Meanwhile, Lewis Walsh continues to give Wagner mash-ups of songs.

Other than that, last night was pretty much a snorefest. Even Matt wasn't up to his own usual high standard.
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By Yudster
I just saw about three minutes of X-Factor and would like to know why the lad who helped to do up my friend Andrea's house is in it.
By Emmy
Chris was on The Xtra-Factor tonight, despite the fact that he doesn't seem to have watched much, if any, of the X-Factor
this year. This meant that he had to bullshit his way through it.
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By Sidders
It was totally wrong how aiden went tonight. When will Simon realise that katie is shit?
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By MK Chris
The thing I really hate about X-Factor (other than the fact that we are supposed to care about who wins) is that we are supposed to believe that Simon Cowell and Louis Walsh (who have worked together for over 20 years and have made each other very rich) are constantly at each other's throats. Seriously, credit people with a little bit more intelligence please.
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By dimtimjim
Yeah, that irritates me sometimes too, when you can see it running through Simons mind how to base a decision. I honestly believe 'tallent' is not highest up his agenda and he focusses more on what will have the bigger impact, create more fus about the show. Tis one big over the top cheque writing to that man. Git.

And as Chris often says, what the * is Dannniiii minogue doing on there?! Hardly a glittering musical tallent herself!
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By Boboff
Yeah sometimes its like its more about entertainment, publicity, and making money than about finding real musical tallent isn't it!

Bloody cheek.
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By Munki Bhoy
Last week: "Why didn't they go to deadlock? It's completely outrageous! Katie should have gone!"

This week:" Why did they let it go to deadlock? It's completely outrageous! Katie should have gone!"


I'm not sure what I find more entertaining, the panto on the telly or the over-reaction everyone always has on Twitter and Facebook.

By the way, Aiden was SHIT.
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By chrysostom
Aiden was shit. and also looked like he had some form of mental illness as he performed, suppressing a tick.

he was also seeming a very sore loser with his twitter comment.
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By Yudster
I've never wanted to watch X-Factor and reading all this validates my choice beautifully I think.
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By Boboff
We watch it as a family, and really enjoy Xtra Factor with Connie Huck ( if ever there was a rhyming slang in the making that girl is it) as well.

But it is only TV, better than the Cube, Family Fortunes or that thing where fat people fall all tall things into water with Richard Hammond.

We get special Tea's in, dips and snacks and Veg out, it is fun, it's family fun, which is important. Now if I had a squash or Rugby prodeje Son or musical daughter we could do other things, but I suppose I am just common and normal, a little bit lazy, and I like it.

Matt Cuddle is good, Rebecca is good, Cher is ok, One direction can sing and appeal to pre-teen girls, Wagner is the Rage against the machine vote, and Katie sings like a breathless Maryln Monroe, but really when she sings it sounds a little like porn, Paije has a long career in Holiday Camps ahead of him with copiuos stops at fast food outlets on the way, Mary is Irish and no real talent, Aiden was a reasonable singer, a bit Morrisey, but destined for a group if he can start writing his own songs.

See it's just like a soap opera really.

I agree with Andy, but in this life far too many thoughts and opinions are expressed through Twitter and Facebook, my Father always said that a Man should keep his own councel, I believe that to be truer today than ever. ( apprecaited the Irony of saying that in a post on a public forum)

I am not perfect, I am not cool, I am not a superior intelligence, but am I happy? Cource not, I 'm fat.
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By Yudster
But out of everyone who watches it that's posted here, you're the only one that sounds as though you're actually enjoying it.
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By Boboff
Yeah, but they are young and it's cool to be "anti" everything.

They can all be heard whistling Eilane Paige on a Monday Morning though..........

The fact people are engaged with the show makes it daft to say it's not a good franchise really.

Oh and we got to see Chris on the Telly, he was ok as well, no funny looks, lots of flat belly rubbing, and a nice finale with the old "making it look like he was scratching Connie Huck's chin" when she was doing the last link.
By R94N
Just thought it was relevant, since it's got quite popular on YouTube...
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By pjordan2000
Favourite quote from this weeks X Factor (Sunday show) after Louis moans about Katie

Cheryl "Well you saved her last week"
Louis "Well at least i voted"
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By Munki Bhoy
Yudster wrote:But out of everyone who watches it that's posted here, you're the only one that sounds as though you're actually enjoying it.

I'm enjoying it as an entertainment programme. It's terrible as a singing competition.
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By dimtimjim
Erm, hello....... Are you not listening to Wagner?!
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By Munki Bhoy
dimtimjim wrote:Erm, hello....... Are you not listening to Wagner?!

Well, yeah. But one singer does not make a "competition". You kinda need more than one for it to be "competitive".
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By dimtimjim
Ok, i'll consider myself told....
By Jill
I'm glad Katie Weasel has gone and i'm glad Wagner has gone now. It was becoming a bit of a joke. There's no-one that really stands out for me this year, but I think it will be Matt, Rebecca and One Direction in the final.
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By dimtimjim
Yeah, it was about time for Wagner to go. Ta-ra.

Saturday is up