Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Vivienne
the weather is awful : dull, rainy.... however, I should have some serious good karma going on... I have done something nice this morning on the train... Hee hee.
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By Bruvva
Postmen - that's what's annoying me. After my previous complaint about non bonus payment, I've now found out that the cheque has been posted but it's stuck at some depot because of these lazy, work shy fops.

By scamp88
Bruvva wrote:Postmen - that's what's annoying me. After my previous complaint about non bonus payment, I've now found out that the cheque has been posted but it's stuck at some depot because of these lazy, work shy fops.


Amen Mr. Bruvva,

I havent got my letters for ages..... :?
I love that Work Shy Fops :D
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By Bruvva
They're certainly paid enough to stuff envelopes into the wrong letterbox and, not unusually, the wrong block of flats in my neck of the woods. Anyway, that's not why they're striking and don't you try and bring reason and/or facts to the table and spoil a perfectly good rant.
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By Vivienne
sorry! There was an article about it in today's "metro" which I have lost now, explaining a lot! Very interesting! They (postmen) are up exceptionally early, and out in all weathers...!! My dad used to do this job (before he was hit by an articulated lorry), so I feel quite strongly about fair pay!
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By MK Chris
They're grown-up paper boys.

The above comment is in jest.
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By Yudster
onenightwithlaura wrote:*air power druming*

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By foot-loose
Where do all the letters go when they are on strike? Do you just have to squeeze as many into that postbox as possible or are they still being emptied?

If they are - where do they get taken? Id imagine that the sorting offices must get quite full pretty quickly. I know they must have a bit of overflow space cos of christmas etc, but we aint had post since last thursday (i think).
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By MK Chris
Maybe no one's written to you.
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By foot-loose
Noone ever "writes" to me other than the bank, and people that want things from my bank. Or other banks telling me how good their bank is and why I should bank with them.

Bloody bankers.
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By Zoot
I'm on the Rota to take my Director home and back to Birmingham every 2 weeks.
Yes I was asked (not by him mind you) and yes I said I'd do it, but only cause if I didn't I'd be the only guy in the department who wasn't, but I'm still annoyed about it.
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By Yudster
Zoot wrote:I'm on the Rota to take my Director home and back to Birmingham every 2 weeks.
Yes I was asked (not by him mind you) and yes I said I'd do it, but only cause if I didn't I'd be the only guy in the department who wasn't, but I'm still annoyed about it.

I wouldn't do this. Directors here get paid enough to arrange their own bloody transport.
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By MK Chris
They still tend to take it out of company funds, but Yudster's right (as the sig says), they usually get paid enough.
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By S4B
Everything! I feel like poopoo and have to be well for a signing with Jason Donovan tomorrow and then Phil Beadle in the evening. All I want to do is die! I may go to bed and hope tomorrow I am better
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By Andy B
Having to weigh up going to the Moyles book signing or seeing the Editors tonight. No time to do both as I'm not taking my book to the gig. I said it as a joke before but I may actually have to go hang outside BH all morning to get my book signed....choices choices.
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