Always wanted to know something about the show? This is the place to 'Ask Aled'!
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By Aled
chongster wrote:Helo Aled,

Sut wyt ti heddiw? Gobeithio fod ti'n yawn. Ti am fynd i'r Eisteddfod o gwbwl wythnos yma? Dwi ddim yn disgwyl ti am oherweydd ti'n gwithio yn llyndain trwyr wythnos, o'n i ond yn meddwl oherwydd y waith ti wedi wneud hefo S4C~ or blaen, efallai fudd chi am mynd i reportio neu rhywbeth. Dwi'n gweithio drws nesaf ir holl peth yn Parc Menai! Sori dydi fy cymraeg dim 100%

Waw! Da iawn ti. Creda neu beidio ond dwi yn mynd i'r Eisteffod. Dwy'n cael diwrnod i ffwrdd o gwaith ac yn dod lan Dydd Mercher
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
does every sentence in welsh include the word Eisteddfod?
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By Chongster
Aled wrote:
chongster wrote:Helo Aled,

Sut wyt ti heddiw? Gobeithio fod ti'n yawn. Ti am fynd i'r Eisteddfod o gwbwl wythnos yma? Dwi ddim yn disgwyl ti am oherweydd ti'n gwithio yn llyndain trwyr wythnos, o'n i ond yn meddwl oherwydd y waith ti wedi wneud hefo S4C~ or blaen, efallai fudd chi am mynd i reportio neu rhywbeth. Dwi'n gweithio drws nesaf ir holl peth yn Parc Menai! Sori dydi fy cymraeg dim 100%

Waw! Da iawn ti. Creda neu beidio ond dwi yn mynd i'r Eisteffod. Dwy'n cael diwrnod i ffwrdd o gwaith ac yn dod lan Dydd Mercher

Oh wow!! ti'n dod yma gyda gwaith arall oddiwrth y BBC, neu ond i edrych o gwmpas? Dwi'm yn gwaebod os ti'n cofio fi, ond wnes i dweud helo i ti ar y nos Oceans 12 Premiere yn Cymraeg, on wedyn wnaeth Chris tynnu chi i ffwrth i weld eu estafell oedd o efo ar y nos un y Soho Hotel. Ac hefyd, fi a wnaeth y Cartwn o chi, Rachael, Dave, a Chris wnes i rhoi i Chris ar y nos yna, dwi ddim yn gwaebod os ti wedi gweld o, gobeithio dy fod di! Fydd gennych chi problem a fi dod i dweud helo i ti ar y diwrnod? on i eisio siarad i ti ar y nos Oceans 12, on ges i ddim digon o cyfle :( nai talu am dy ginio os ti eisio!!! hehe, (iesu dwin rŵd!!!) sori, maen siwr dy fod tin brysur ofnadwy efo eich teuly ney pwybynag tin dod efo!
Last edited by Chongster on Tue Aug 02, 2005 8:52 am, edited 3 times in total.
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By DemonHorse
Lon soS li JakU, soch Jataaal....
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By Mafro
Aled, what's been your favourite single and album of the year so far?
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By DemonHorse
OldGit wrote:
DemonHorse wrote:Lon soS li JakU, soch Jataaal....


Something else I didn't know until a few days ago, you can set your google page to other langauges (knew that bit....) including Elmer Fudd, Klingon etc

very rough klingon, yes.
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By Steve.
chongster wrote:
Aled wrote:
chongster wrote:Helo Aled,

Sut wyt ti heddiw? Gobeithio fod ti'n yawn. Ti am fynd i'r Eisteddfod o gwbwl wythnos yma? Dwi ddim yn disgwyl ti am oherweydd ti'n gwithio yn llyndain trwyr wythnos, o'n i ond yn meddwl oherwydd y waith ti wedi wneud hefo S4C~ or blaen, efallai fudd chi am mynd i reportio neu rhywbeth. Dwi'n gweithio drws nesaf ir holl peth yn Parc Menai! Sori dydi fy cymraeg dim 100%

Waw! Da iawn ti. Creda neu beidio ond dwi yn mynd i'r Eisteffod. Dwy'n cael diwrnod i ffwrdd o gwaith ac yn dod lan Dydd Mercher

Oh wow!! ti'n dod yma gyda gwaith arall oddiwrth y BBC, neu ond i edrych o gwmpas? Dwi'm yn gwaebod os ti'n cofio fi, ond wnes i dweud helo i ti ar y nos Oceans 12 Premiere yn Cymraeg, on wedyn wnaeth Chris tynnu chi i ffwrth i weld eu estafell oedd o efo ar y nos un y Soho Hotel. Ac hefyd, fi a wnaeth y Cartwn o chi, Rachael, Dave, a Chris wnes i rhoi i Chris ar y nos yna, dwi ddim yn gwaebod os ti wedi gweld o, gobeithio dy fod di! Fydd gennych chi problem a fi dod i dweud helo i ti ar y diwrnod? on i eisio siarad i ti ar y nos Oceans 12, on ges i ddim digon o cyfle :( nai talu am dy ginio os ti eisio!!! hehe, (iesu dwin rŵd!!!) sori, maen siwr dy fod tin brysur ofnadwy efo eich teuly ney pwybynag tin dod efo!

Does anyone feel a bit left out?
By Mike Redding
Yup, And just about everyone else who does'nt speak welsh
I only know 2 phrases

Dim Parcio - No Parking
Gorsaf - Station
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By Adam
Speak in English - its unfair to those who don't understand Welsh.
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By Chongster
Sorry, I just replied the second time in welsh because Aled replied to me in welsh too! Dont worry though, we really werent saying anything bad, just talking about the Eisteddfod really.
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By Jelly Babe
I've got a few questions for aled

:arrow: How long does it take for the team to prepare the show?
:arrow: How often do you get to go back to Wales?
Last edited by Jelly Babe on Sat Aug 06, 2005 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Adam

Congrats on the recent figures increase. How does the team generally feel? You must be doing something right. :)
By Jono
Happy Birthday for tomorrow Aled!!! :D
Enjoy your day
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By Adam
I was about to say the same thing.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
yet it took you a full hour and twenty five minutes to articulate it?

Happy Birthday Aled.
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By Chongster
If its happy birthday you were looking for, its Penblwydd Hapus, I'm not sure what you wrote myself. But anyway...

Penblywdd Hapus Aled.
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By DemonHorse
dammit Jono beat me to it...
still if ya got time to sit at the PC all day watching for new messages on minimoyles.... :p

still, happy birthday for tomnrrow Aled :D
By Jono
DemonHorse wrote:dammit Jono beat me to it...
still if ya got time to sit at the PC all day watching for new messages on minimoyles.... :p

Damn, he's figured me out ;)

(In advance) Did you get anything exciting?
By Mike Redding
chongster wrote:If its happy birthday you were looking for, its Penblwydd Hapus, I'm not sure what you wrote myself.

It was suppossed to be happy birthday aled but i used a crap translator thing on the web. :oops: :lol:
By Tom Holt
Happy birthday Aled! ***keeps on topic*** - Recieve anything exciting? :wink:
By lauren
Happy Birthday Aled

Lauren x
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