Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
Nicola_Red wrote:
Deadly wrote:Is that book implying women shouldn't want to look good or feel good about themselves? I'm not a fan of women attacking other women on weight issues. Everyone should live how they want to live.

No, not at all. It's the exact opposite. But I won't go into it because I've upset people by mentioning it and that's the last thing I want to do.

You haven't upset people so much as given them the opportunity to point out your hypocrisy in posting that comment here. That's all peope are doing really.
chrysostom wrote:I've put on a lot of weight in the last 6 months. Sadly, January will have to be a fresh start. DAMN YOU CHRISTMAS.

I'd say you still have time to make a difference before Christmas. I do know what you mean as it's not just the day itself but much of the run-up to Christmas includes more foody and drinky opportunities than usual...

However, this time last year was when I joined up to the little weigh-in club in my office, and I succeeded in dropping a few pounds before Christmas. I gained over that period of course, but by the time of my return to the office on the 3rd January (which is always where I mark "back to normal levels of food/drink" time) I still weighed a little less than I had in October, which gave me a great start. :D
neilt0 wrote:I've lost a few pounds and am in that annoying limbo of tubby-trousers falling down, but thinner trousers still not fitting. Gah! First-world tubby problems.

Ditto! I'm in between sizes in everything. Where's a 33" waist pair of jeans when you want one?
I've found it's extremely difficult to keep to a strict diet when working 8.30-5.30, sometimes I go out to get a nice lunch just to get out of the office!(not to mention the snacking involved when sitting at a desk for 8-9 hours!)
chrysostom wrote:I've found it's extremely difficult to keep to a strict diet when working 8.30-5.30, sometimes I go out to get a nice lunch just to get out of the office!(not to mention the snacking involved when sitting at a desk for 8-9 hours!)

I guess you drive around a lot? Can you not ditch the car for a bike?
chrysostom wrote:It's public transport (the tube) - cycling in London is tantamount to suicide! I'm hopeful of/planning a big lifestyle change soon though.

I'm the same! Only just moved this weekend. I'm not going to cycle yet, but going to do a couple of dummy runs over the next couple of weekends before I brave it! Problem is, I'll be going uphill for most of it going to work from Tooting (but to be fair, I can roll it down hill going home!).
chrysostom wrote:It's public transport (the tube) - cycling in London is tantamount to suicide! I'm hopeful of/planning a big lifestyle change soon though.

You're moving to the country to become Dom's Housekeeper and Gardner! And chicken farmer.
chrysostom wrote:
Tunster wrote:I'll be going uphill for most of it going to work from Tooting (but to be fair, I can roll it down hill going home!).


I don't know where to go from here without this being awkward.

Holy crap. Talking about cheesey (chat room participants will know!) comments, what a small world. You're probably one of smarmy people who already have a seat if you get on a Tooting Broadway.
My weight has been gradually creeping up since the summer. Part of the problem has been the change in routine which means that I can't go for a swim in the evenings any more because Mr Yudster works and Baby Yudster is in bed and obviously can't be left. Exercise at the weekends is still perfectly possible, but I can always come up with a reason not to do it.

My diet is also a problem, but I know perfectly well that from a psychological standpoint I won't be able to control my eating effectively unless I am also getting regular and effective exercise - I've never been able to do one or the other, its both or neither.

And Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are only 29p in Sainsbury's.
charlalottie wrote:Day three of being stuck exactly in the same place without going a 1/4lb either way. Think this the longest my weight has been that stable in years.

That's good though! As long as it's not going up, that's progress. You might have reached a point where you need to tweak your diet/exercise to push the weight down.
Jamie Oliver says that chilli can increase the rate at which your body burns fat by 25% - the only problem with that is that unless your body is producing its energy by burning fat (ketogenesis) this is irrelevant. Anyone with a significant intake of carbohydrates is going to be producing their energy through the metabolism of carbs, which is a lot easier for the body to do, and doesn't burn fat unless you restrict calories to an uncomfortable level or do lots - and I mean LOTS - of excercise. Or both.

That being said, chilli is good for you in many ways so if you like it, eat lots!
Last edited by Yudster on Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
I love chilli, but I'm under Doctors orders to eat less of it... So I now only have it 4/5 days a week.

On a side note, I've started lane swimming again, 'kin loving it so far. Could do with a water proof iPod thingy...
Swimming is BORING - a waterproof iPod would be an excellent idea.
Yudster wrote:Swimming is BORING - a waterproof iPod would be an excellent idea.

To be fair, I'm such a competative twunt (not in everything, but...) that I can amuse myself by racing people.

Manged 60 widths (Ponds Forge do lane swimming widths instead of lengths as the pool is used for lots of other things at same time - is full World Olympic size though, so a width is 60m), which is 3.6km, in 38 minutes, which I was well chuffed with for a first time back in over a year.
I have a friend who is currently doing the Paleo diet, which basically reasons that since the introduction of agriculture we have based our diet on cultivated grains which we aren't designed to eat, and that it is healthier to take the approach of the earlier paleolithic hunter-gatherers as a diet model.

Its not dissimilar to Atkins in that it removes all processed carbs (bread, cereals, rice, pasta and especially refined sugar) from the diet but it differs in that it doesn't restrict fruit, seeds, nuts, potatos etc. As it is based on a hunter-gatherer idea, obviously it includes meat and fish, and the creators of the diet also specify grass-fed meat but I can't help thinking this is just getting picky. In another similarity to Atkins it emphasises the importance of eggs, and underlines the myth that eating food which contains cholesterol impacts on the amount of cholesterol in your blood (it doesn't - your body makes its own cholesterol, the only dietary influence on it is again to do with processed carbohydrates so removing them is what helps to lower your cholesterol).

My friend said that the first week of the diet felt strange, but she is used to it now and feeling great. She also became UK Women's Racketball champion and UK Mixed Doubles Racketball champion at the weekend, so it hasn't hurt her energy levels.

Years ago Mr Yudster and I did Atkins and I have to say it was brilliant, especially for him. He lost loads of weight and was the fittest he has ever been probably. The problem with it is the cost - all that meat doesn't come cheap. I am planning to reinstigate maybe a combination of Atkins and Paleo after Christmas, see what happens.
^^ interesting. I'd be keen for you to shame more info on this with me please Yuds. Nothing too much for you, a linky or something... Ta.

EDIT: Dunny worry, I utilised Google. Looks good, but don't like idea of cutting out Dairy - I LOVE both milk and yogurt.
Paleo only says to cut out dairy if you are sensitive though - the creator of the regime said that it makes sense to cut out dairy as there is no reason for any mammal to have any form of milk beyond infancy, but they also said that its a personal thing and that as long as you aren't intolerant, dairy is nutritionally if not spiritually compatible with the diet!
Rh-h-h-h-h-heally, thats good news. As a general rule, I don't agree with diets; my stance has always been, its doesn't matter what you eat (obviously within reason - a MacAttack a day is never a good idea) but what you do with said fuel once inside you. But, this looks like a diet I could actually stick to for more than 2 days.

Biggest differences to my current diet would be bread n cereal, but I'm certainly gonna look to make a few modifications. Can only help, I suppose.

Thanks for mentioning this Yuds.
I have no idea if it is any good - I will report back on my friend's experiences!

I mostly agree about Named Diets - but I do believe that the single most beneficial thing anyone can do with their diet is to remove refined sugar from it completely. Personally I find this very difficult but I can do it for extended periods if I get my head in the right place. Reducing processed carbs also makes a ton of sense to me.
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