Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By 4realaa
Im not saying you have to be a rockstar, thats not important to everyone. it just the one thing i know will make me happy, you have to find something that gives your existance justification instead of saying how bad it is, if its that bad, change it. Make a differnce, join a voluntary organisation, save some children, give some blood, anything. Or just hug me and send me loads of pictures of the manics.<P>
By david3
well sorry to dissapoint you dumb ass, i wear skirts and i am neither *** or a poof (although surely they are the same thing you **** ) <P>its they're, not their you ****  <P>and if you are still under the impression that skirts are just for girls then it is you who need you head examined, you also need to answer some question about why you bother to exist when you are so clearly not required. <P>stupid people should be killed to make way for the intelligent ones. Join the queue you dumb **** .
By non_o_scrpt
they were shocked, i didnt care. Dont care what anyone thinks of me, they can beat me up and i'll just smile, bored with soceity and the pointless constraints it places on us, refuse to be told what i do, refuse to fall into gender roles, i know that i am male, wearing a skirt deosnt change that, reject it all baby. <P>jsut tell them, they'll hate it, but they'll have to get use to it, your dad probably likes wearing your mothers clothes anyway so he wont be too bothered.<P><br>

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]