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By erotic_dancing_gnome
i saw them on tfi, i thought what a whole loada keek. i want to hear music, lyrics, not the sound of a drill with someone crying
By the_esoteric_mynciboy
at the drive in are one of the best band around at the mo, but they are somewhat of an acquired taste. although it may sound like frentic, formless screaming, i think theyre excellent, and surprisingly good  lyrically. plus their later.. appearance was one of the funniest things ive seen in ages.
Im getting their album this week. They are definatly one of the best band around at the moment. "the new Nirvana" aparently?
By erotic_dancing_gnome
at least nirvana were a bit talented, rocks not supposed to br funny
By the_esoteric_mynciboy
i thought that atdi's performance on later was funny because you had this blisteringly fast and loud music, and the only way cedric could express himself was by standing on a chair. <P>all music needs an element of humour in it. fans and the bands themselves know this, and while they may not make comedy songs to put on albums, often they might do one-off parodies in their live sets (see radiohead doing wonderwall, smashing pumpkins doing dance of the dwarves and foo fighters doing bullet with butterfly wings). when comedy songs are done, most are awful, but some are really good ("poodle rockin" by gorkys and "cant stop dreaming of injured popstars" by chris tt coming to mind).<P>so cheer up. misreable *******  
By Lara
I love at the drive-in and i'm gettin their abulm....anyone heard them on steve lamacq's show?
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By Roddy
they model themselves on Armchair Perverts* i tells ya<P>*Thank-you Lozza  <IMG SRC="">

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