The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Simon
Ok i didn't hear her interview with Madonna but i have heard the trails for it (playing every 2 minutes on Radio 1). Has anyone else noticed that she tries to put on a "posh" voice to impress madonna? Unfortunately she fails miserably and just makes herself sound like even more of a stupid biffa.<br>PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can we start a campaign to get her off the radio cos she makes me want to puke whenever i hear her. Infact i now turn listen to another station in the morning. Oh by the way - anyone know what her new listening figures are? (if they're pants maybe radio 1 will get rid of her)
By Me@Here.
And I thought this site was about Chris Moyles....<P>Correct me if i'm wrong.<P>Me@Here.
By Lara
there is always room for hate and sara cox fits the bill nicely...
By Craggles
I must say that i agree. The campaign to remove the Bolton One from the air must go ahead. However, she is by far one of the best women in the world. Lets face it, how many other women drink beer and fart in bed. She should get her own sex show on BBC 2!
You can't hate Sara Cox, who else pushes the listeners and audio equiptment to the level she does. What with her screechy, fingers down a black board, whining, stupid, bumpkin  voice she can actually manage to carry out the unbeleiveable task of penetrating big slabs of lead and dividing it to make for miniture radio 1 pencil sets using her razor sharp sound waves alone.<P>I've changed my mind.<br>She also sounds like a seagull too.<P>
By jaffa
Let the campaign begin. Lets get her off the radio and into a soundproof cubicle never to be seen again.
By Ben (Guest)
The site is on it's way<P> <P>enjoy

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]