The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
New York Magazine has an amusing article about "modern etiquette":

When can you get together with your friend’s ex?
The simple answer is never, for the sake of simplicity, good karma, and world peace. However, if you suspect this could be a case of Romeo-and-Juliet love without the suicide, there are certain requirements that should still be met:
• The statute of limitations has passed on your friend’s right to be possessive (three months for every year they were together). A man should wait longer to do the asking, not out of politeness to his ex but so he doesn’t come off as a dog. A woman can always pretend she needs a shoulder to lean on when what she really needs is a tumble in the hay.
• The uncontrollable feelings have been discussed in a considerate and sensitive conversation with the friend. Initiating said conversation falls to the pursuing friend, not the ex.
• The friend has moved on and is in a wholly satisfying, happy, healthy relationship.
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By neilt0
swaddon1903 wrote:Speaking of Moyles and Vitty, I noticed that Chris isn't following Dave on Twitter any more.

Make of that what you will.

He got fed up of all the offensive DMs!
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By Nicola_Red
This came to my mind the other day when my mp3 player threw up a podcast from August, shortly before the show ended. I can't remember the context, but Chris and Dave were doing the "you're childish" "no you're childish" thing and giggling like schoolkids. Obviously it's possible that the audio may hide some sort of tension that could have been visible if they were on TV, but judging purely from what went out on the radio, they sounded as friendly as they ever had. I was glad to hear it, cos since the rumours about their argument surfaced, I was kind of concerned that maybe it had been blindingly obvious on air and I'd just been blinkered and missed it. But I don't think that was the case at all. Obviously I think stuff like the fact they don't publicly communicate anymore does indicate some kind of falling out, who knows what about, but I maintain that it wasn't really evident on air.
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By chrysostom
swaddon1903 wrote:Speaking of Moyles and Vitty, I noticed that Chris isn't following Dave on Twitter any more.

Make of that what you will.

Dave doesn't follow Chris either.

And Chris doesn't follow Jayne.
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By The Deadly
chrysostom wrote:
swaddon1903 wrote:Speaking of Moyles and Vitty, I noticed that Chris isn't following Dave on Twitter any more.

Make of that what you will.

Dave doesn't follow Chris either.

And Chris doesn't follow Jayne.

Neither of them follow me and I don't follow Scott Mills.
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By Topher
Poor thing - you know you can force him to unfollow you by blocking and unblocking?
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By Travis Bickle
Chris and Dave haven't followed each other on twitter for quite a while. If I remember correctly Dave was the first to unfollow. Not that any of it particularly matters though. Even when they followed each other they didn't tweet.
By mattpant
Hi Guys,

Love the new refreshed website... And loving the new show on Radio X - just a real shame that Dave Vitty hasn't been involved in anyway - no (deliberate) mention of him, I know Noel Gallagher made a reference but nobody from the "team" has.

I'm aware of the unconfirmed press reports that the 2 have had some sort of row and are no longer on speaking terms, and whatever has happened I really do hope that one day they will team up together, time is the greatest healer so they say... I know Chris didn't speak to Longman for years then he popped back up again one morning! The fact that neither Chris or Dave has ever said anything publicly on the topic of them no longer speaking surely shows they have some form of loyalty between each other?

I was just wondering from any of the archived show playbacks if anybody thinks they have "spotted" where a fallout took place and can you tell from a different tone / atmosphere on the show? When listening to the shows when they originally aired I wasn't aware of any issues in camp, maybe this was because they were both extremely professional, but now we assume something has happened, is it easier to spot?


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By Longview01
Can't say I miss Dave that much, Dom more than makes up for his absence
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By Nicola_Red
I have merged this as I really don't think it warrants a new topic. Personally i don't feel that it needs rehashing at all, but you know, whatever floats your boat.
By rocka23
My ability to put two and two together to get five has been in overdrive this morning, either that or I am clutching at the straws of hope that Dave may return to the show, especially as I think him and new Dave would work well together.

With everybody moving on a bit it seems, Jayne is now pregnant again with her new squeeze, Dave recently introducing his girlfriend Nicole on twitter and Chris being a big success on his return I think it could happen.

Then I notice on twitter that Dave's new lady actually follows Chris on Twitter!! An old fan maybe but I am hoping the fact she is still there whilst Dave, Jayne, etc have all dropped Chris this might be the start of a beautiful reconciliation!!
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By Topher
I wish people would stop reading far too much into who follows who on Twitter, it has no bearing on anything. The gutter press go mad for that sort of thing too.
By fatboydave73
Topher wrote:I wish people would stop reading far too much into who follows who on Twitter, it has no bearing on anything. The gutter press go mad for that sort of thing too.

Agree totally; I follow Cheggers on Twitter, and he follows me. I haven't got his phone number though.......
By rocka23
Who follows who is not the main part of that though, the fact all seem to be moving on is more where my post was coming from the rest was pure hope.

.......... as for Cheggers you can have a piece of his soul if he thinks there is some self publicity at the end of it......
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By Topher
Oi, I'll have nothing bad said about Keith Chegwin, thanks...
By bmstinton93
The Naked Jungle will go down in history.

Hang on, Chris Tarrant is on tomorrow's show? Amazing!
By rocka23
Just googled the naked jungle...... you owe me a lunch!!!

Cheggers want for the limelight is not a totally negative thing but it certainly something that is there, I do apologise though, I should know the forum rules better.

I always knew I was better as a voyeur...............
By VMPhil
Chris just did a Periscope and actually mentioned Dave, although it was the same response as his Sun interview - Dave's working full time for his production company.
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