Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
bmstinton93 wrote:Finally reached my first grad scheme assessment centre! Any tips?

Late night, beer induced Internet browsing congratulations sir.
I think. I'm guessing this is a good thing.
As for tips. Never congratulate a bigger woman on their forthcoming expectant child.
They lose their * shit on that.
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By Yudster
I can't remember who said it but the best advice on such matters is that you never ask a woman how her pregnancy is going unless you can actually see a baby coming out of her.
flyingbadger wrote:As for tips. Never congratulate a bigger woman on their forthcoming expectant child.
They lose their * shit on that.

Excellent advice. Especially relevant where I come from!
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By jocky85
Well, this loaded at page 617 for the last time I opened this thread & it's now page 670 so I'm a little behind!

Anyway, what's making me happy? Screw you Radio 1 & your target audience - I'm going to Big Weekend!
By Misfit
I finished last friday mate! Congrats! Bet you're as glad as I am it's all done and dusted! Hopefully get some work experience at some radio stations soon!
Yeah, its great, although I actually don't know what to do with myself right now. I'm struggling to get hours at Sainsburys and can't go getting a new job before August, and have no money to do anything! No more Uni is amazing though!
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By Topher
Ha - looks like Mr Moyles' brother shares my views on the Labour party leadership candidate Jeremy Corbyn - just seen this comment on one of the campaign statuses after he got on to the ballot (checked, the photo is unmistakably Chris' brother):

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By Topher
It's not loading at the moment?
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By Topher
Oh, did you check the date on it? There was an ITV article doing the rounds from 2014 that I believe was for the Comic Relief special they did with David Beckham. It's not coming back - and nor should it, there are too many people not around now, not least John Sullivan and Roger Lloyd-Pack in addition to Buster Merryfield and Kenneth MacDonald who were already gone when it came back last time.
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By Topher

*Must... not... rise... to it.....*
chrysostom wrote:Ah ffs.



a-moron wrote:Just a quickie BBQ.

Quote. Then post.

And none of these wee * ------> :roll:

a-moron wrote:Well it's lovely to have you Pajo / P_B / Burkster?

I hope you've read the forum rules.
Adhere to these and it should be plain sailing.

Oh and none of the these wee * :roll:

Welcome aboard.

a-moron wrote:I'm not lovely. I'm a bit of a dick to be fair.
I will, however, always treat "newbies" nicely unless they start doing * things. Like post one of these -> :roll:

Newbies... * hate that term. What a condescending, wanky term of phrase. That's all that is. :roll:

And G-Sizzle doesn't half talk some shite by the way.
We can be "a bitchy bunch in here"?!
Speak for yourself *. Especially with that pish about noses being put out of joint with someone actually having physical contact with Moyles.
Ask Tim, he's met him and we all love him in here.
Oh wait...

a-moron wrote:
Nicola_Red wrote:You don't! You look like someone who is defending me and I appreciate that. Deadly is allowed to think that I'm disloyal and that you're an arse kisser, but he isn't allowed to post personal insults.

Ha, I wouldn't have said it was personal insult. More a defamation of character.

(The two are different, right?)

And Deadly can call me what ever he wants. Just not an arse licker. Or post one of these :roll:

a-moron wrote:Oh dear big Bin Man Gerry. It's no really that exciting.
I can flash you a bit of leg if that's your thing or call you an expletive. That's about all I got.

Welcome along new guys anyhoo's.
Don't be one post wonders.
Don't poke the Yuds.
Don't succumb to Deadly's advances.
Do be prepared to be merged by Nic and most importantly...
Any * posts one these :roll:
Then we're finished.
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By DevilsDuck
Nobody would dare feed the yuds...
g4NCledNosqsSeWAuP48DK6CQtfOs6gZ81AlQxXOnI8.png (20.55 KiB) Viewed 89505 times
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By Topher
Not this time - that was from me after he rubbished Fools.
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By Yudster
Its never been my favourite thing either.
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