Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By dimtimjim
Anyone know? On annual leave or jus' not about..?

Hope it the former. Miss her!
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By dimtimjim
flyingbadger wrote:I noticed she was in the chatroom yesterday.

Obvs just bored with us on here.


Moi aussi, j'ai un eiffel dans mon pantalon.

Je viens de mangé un paquet entier de toffos
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By dimtimjim

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By Bonanzoid
flyingbadger wrote:I noticed she was in the chatroom yesterday.

Obvs just bored with us on here.

Ou est la gare?

Le chaton est sous la table.

J'ai une tour d'eiffiel dans mon pantalon.

Taught French by Eddie Izzard and Scrubs, I like it.
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By Yudster
dimtimjim wrote:Anyone know? On annual leave or jus' not about..?

Hope it the former. Miss her!

I'm here! Its just that since I went part time (which is SUCH a scam, you should all try it!) I don't get a natural break in my day to come in here and talk to you all. I pop into the chat room early, and then sometimes again after work, but other than that, its not so easy!
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By Topher
Le singe est sur la branche.
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By dimtimjim
Yudster wrote:I'm here! Its just that since I went part time (which is SUCH a scam, you should all try it!) I don't get a natural break in my day to come in here and talk to you all. I pop into the chat room early, and then sometimes again after work, but other than that, its not so easy!

That's ok, as long as you're alright... :)

EDIT: Am down your way tomorrow Yuddles picking up the new motor... Keep an eye out for me! :wink:
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By Yudster
Well I am going to be in Berkhamstead!
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By Yudster
I don't mind not having a break, apart from that it eats into my internet time! I'm basically finishing 2 hours early every day (at 3pm) but only losing 1 hour per day - and it feels like half days.

Are you enjoying being back in Dorset Char?
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By Yudster
Good good - useless people shouldn't be allowed to get away with being useless at what they are paid to do.

Is Elmo the annoying ex you've been talking about? Is he trying it on again?
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By Yudster
I'm confused - I'm still not sure if we're talking about Elmo or Mr Penipee or someone else!
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By Yudster
Alex? He of the ridiculous attempt at facial hair? Oh dear!
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By The Deadly
I'm in Dorset right now. I'll come and sort him out for you in exchange for a continental breakfast.
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By Bruvva
The Deadly wrote:I'm in Dorset right now. I'll come and sort him out for you in exchange for a continental breakfast.

You've let yourself down there, perfect opportunity for the "I'd recommend it to anyone" gag and you blow it. You should be ASHAMED.
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By The Deadly
I'd love nothing more than to send you guys snap chat videos of me jacking mysel but I'd need at least one hand free to operate the phone.

Saturday is up