Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Longview01
The Deadly wrote:It has new gameplay elements and on the most recent COD game there were more tactical elements to it in the story mode.

Yet again I am completely right.

Nice vague answer there

You might wanna list out exactly what new gameplay elements they have added in the last few games before claiming to be right..
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By The Deadly
Why don't you go and play the games and then come back and make it clear that as always I am right? You obviously haven't played all of the COD games otherwise you'd understand what I was saying.

Stick to Pokemon and Frogger. They might be more on you level.
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By Yudster
I love Pokemon.
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By dimtimjim
Yudster wrote:I love Pokemon.


She does, y'know. All girls do, only some admit to it though...
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By Yudster
No. But I am often Pokemon League Champion.
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By Longview01
The Deadly wrote:Why don't you go and play the games and then come back and make it clear that as always I am right? You obviously haven't played all of the COD games otherwise you'd understand what I was saying.

Stick to Pokemon and Frogger. They might be more on you level.

Right i'm not sure where to start with this statement....but lets give it ago shall we?

First things first, you made the statement that it has new gameplay in every game...its not my job to prove you wrong its your job to prove your statements right. If you can't do that then don't make such bold statements over an internet forum where someone is likely to call you out on your bullshit.

I have played all the COD games except Black Ops 2 and thats only because I refuse to pay full price or near on full price for a game that's nearly identical to a game I bought 3 times over already.

Here's a pic so you can see I still own most of them...


The Deadly wrote:Stick to Pokemon and Frogger. They might be more on you level.

This is just childish and uncalled for, its amazing how you resort to personal attacks when you can't actually defend a statement you made.

So in conclusion, either back up your shit or stfu and stop acting like a childish * over the internet.
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By chrysostom
Longview, that was outstanding.

For my last birthday, I got a Game Boy colour with Pokemon Red. I was very happy.
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By The Deadly
Longview01 wrote:
The Deadly wrote:Why don't you go and play the games and then come back and make it clear that as always I am right? You obviously haven't played all of the COD games otherwise you'd understand what I was saying.

Stick to Pokemon and Frogger. They might be more on you level.

Right i'm not sure where to start with this statement....but lets give it ago shall we?

First things first, you made the statement that it has new gameplay in every game...its not my job to prove you wrong its your job to prove your statements right. If you can't do that then don't make such bold statements over an internet forum where someone is likely to call you out on your bullshit.

I have played all the COD games except Black Ops 2 and thats only because I refuse to pay full price or near on full price for a game that's nearly identical to a game I bought 3 times over already.

Here's a pic so you can see I still own most of them...


The Deadly wrote:Stick to Pokemon and Frogger. They might be more on you level.

This is just childish and uncalled for, its amazing how you resort to personal attacks when you can't actually defend a statement you made.

So in conclusion, either back up your shit or stfu and stop acting like a childish * over the internet.

The fact you own the games and can't see how they differ is a sad reflection of your intelligence. You are clearly a very simple human being.
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By The Deadly
Your games collection is extremely impressive though. I hope it makes up for your obvious lack of interaction with real humans.
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By flyingbadger
S'alright kid.

We had fun didn't we, time to move on and all that, look after yourself buddy.


Just try to remember all the good times eh.

*voice trembles*

Tina's mobile phone number outrage. Remember?
We'll always have that.


Sorry. I have to go...
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By dimtimjim
I like Longview.
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By flyingbadger
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By The Deadly
Great song by an excellent band. Sums everything up quite nicely. If you listen to the lyrics it pretty much relates to mine and Longviews disagreement.
By bmstinton93
flyingbadger wrote:S'alright kid.

We had fun didn't we, time to move on and all that, look after yourself buddy.


Just try to remember all the good times eh.

*voice trembles*

Tina's mobile phone number outrage. Remember?
We'll always have that.


Sorry. I have to go...

This is miles better than what Longview has ever written. I apologise:
dimjimtim wrote:The only reason it became controversial was because of 2 big girls blouses feeling the need to be all wussy about it with an outcry of epic proportions. With their "Taking this site to a new low" & "MODS, MODS GET IT REMOVED" carry on. * me, for all we know it could have been an elaborate ruse by Tina and some Ugandan scam organisation that when you phone it you get pumped for £200 upon connection.

Does it really matter though. Ask yourself that big Neily-Weily and Shandy Student. Is Ben posting a telephone number on here really taking this site to a new low. Is it really disrespecting the show members. Is it really causing you such offense that you are having to call for it's removal from the thread. Because if these are things that matter so much to you then you guys must have right forearms the size pop-eye's on a wee break from olive.

Go out, get frisky with whatever turns you chubby. Bang wan in then sit back, relax and realise it's just a phone number. And if that person was stupid enough to post it on Twitter then hell bloody mend them.
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By Yudster
Deadly reminds me of someone.
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By Yudster
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By Longview01
The Deadly wrote:Your games collection is extremely impressive though. I hope it makes up for your obvious lack of interaction with real humans.

You really are a sad little misinformed * aren't ya?

Shame you couldn't just answer my question instead of getting personal over an internet forum....pretty pathetic and low tbhou

EDIT - If you feel like answering my question then PM me, don't expect me to keep feeding your trolling on here
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By flyingbadger
Longview01 wrote:So in conclusion, either back up your shit or stfu and stop acting like a childish * over the internet.

That * I agreed with.

Longview01 wrote:You really are a sad little misinformed * aren't ya?

That one. Not so much.
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By Longview01
flyingbadger wrote:
Longview01 wrote:So in conclusion, either back up your shit or stfu and stop acting like a childish * over the internet.

That * I agreed with.

Longview01 wrote:You really are a sad little misinformed * aren't ya?

That one. Not so much.

The 2nd * was justified, I asked him to stop acting like a childish * over the internet and he didn't...infact he got worse.

So I am just calling him what he is tbh

What I don't get is that all I did was ask him to back up a statement and he started to get personal with me....its * pathetic and uncalled for.
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