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Tea or Coffee?

By JayE
I'll just shut up from now on, obviously I have no relivant opinion on anything.
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By Wykey
I watched my best mate die at the age of 25 from lung cancer, despite never having smoked.

If someone dies of old age, what are you going to do, not get old?

Shit happens.
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By chrysostom
JayE wrote: I can stick up for myself. I'm mature enough to do so.

JayE wrote:I'll just shut up from now on, obviously I have no relivant opinion on anything.
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By Yudster
I've never smoked. I grew up with both parents being heavy smokers and I would go so far as to say it ruined my childhood - not because of their health or anything, but because even then I hated the smell, the mess and the garbage of it so much, and it was constantly around me. I was phobic about ashtrays by the time I was 6 and that, living in a house with two heavy smokers, made for a constantly anxious existence. My parents both stopped smoking because of serious smoking related illness. My mum is ok, it was too late for my dad, he died years after he stopped of stomach cancer, which is strongly linked to smoking.

As a kid, I simply never wanted to start. All my friends were starting, and they all said the same thing - "its because everyone else does" - but I thought that was bollocks, the fact that they all smoked never made me remotely interested in starting too.

When I had a pub it was well before the smoking ban, and I managed to control my phobia at that time, but again it was a strain and a problem I needed a lot of help with. I managed though. Now, I think the smoking ban has made things worse in a lot of ways, in that it was easier to avoid smokers when they were inside certain buildings rather than ALL on the street. I can avoid going into certain buildings, but I can't avoid having to walk up the High Street to get to my bus stop.

I don't understand why anyone smokes, but many do, knowing it will almost certainly make them ill or at least exacerbate any other illness, and has a very good chance of causing an illness which will kill them prematurely. This is not the reason why I don't smoke though, so I see no real reason why it would be the key for anyone else.

I am afraid I do like tomatos. When asked if I like cheese I always say "no" - but then I think about it, and its definitely fair to say that there are some cheeses that I really do like. Double Gloucester for instance. I'm just not a fan of "mousetrap", as my old granny used to call it, which is all Mr Yudster likes in the way of cheese.

Based on my recent enforced familiarity with the Employment Act, the Equality Act and various pieces of discrimination legislation, if any firm made a hiring decision based solely on an answer to the questions "do you like cheese" or "do you like tomatos" they would be in breach of the law. Doesn't mean you can't ask as part of the process though, and analysis of the results is always interesting.

I think that covers any contribution I have had to the previous couple of pages.
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By Nicola_Red
I like tomatoes too, particularly cherry ones. I did used to like cheese too though, if that helps.
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By MK Chris
Ahem... I should probably explain myself. Smoking is something I have strong views on... although in this instance, it's fair to say I was probably trolling a little bit*. If you want to smoke, then smoke, it's a free country - just don't do it around places where people are forced to take their kids like outside the * supermarket, or worse, play areas - that really pisses me off.

Bottom line - if you smoke, you * stink terribly, but then I guess all smokers know that and if that's OK for you then so be it.

Cheese is amazing, tomatoes are OK, other than cherry tomatoes, which are brilliant.

*quite a lot...
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By neilt0
Yudster wrote:Based on my recent enforced familiarity with the Employment Act, the Equality Act and various pieces of discrimination legislation, if any firm made a hiring decision based solely on an answer to the questions "do you like cheese" or "do you like tomatos" they would be in breach of the law. Doesn't mean you can't ask as part of the process though, and analysis of the results is always interesting.

That was a joke. Of course we didn't make hiring decisions based on that.

However, we did find out that all girls like tomatoes and all boys like cheese.
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By chrysostom
Technically, you can use it as supportive evidence of someone not being the right cultural fit for the company, or the team.
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By dimtimjim
neilt0 wrote: all boys like cheese.

I don't.
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By Nicola_Red
Misfit wrote:this escalated pretty quickly from tea and coffee.

I quite like the way it's turned into a general 'likes and dislikes' discussion. Next up: mushrooms.
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By Wykey
What kind of mushrooms and what kind of truffles.

The magic type are fine, anything else is not.
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By Yudster
neilt0 wrote:
Yudster wrote:Based on my recent enforced familiarity with the Employment Act, the Equality Act and various pieces of discrimination legislation, if any firm made a hiring decision based solely on an answer to the questions "do you like cheese" or "do you like tomatos" they would be in breach of the law. Doesn't mean you can't ask as part of the process though, and analysis of the results is always interesting.

That was a joke. Of course we didn't make hiring decisions based on that.

However, we did find out that all girls like tomatoes and all boys like cheese.

I didn't assume you did - I like it as an ice-breaker question.
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By DevilsDuck
Mushrooms are like tomatoes, fine in things and horrible on their own.
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By chrysostom
Yudster wrote:I like it as an ice-breaker question.

Presumably it's triggery to those who are lactose intolerant? :P
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By Yudster
They are classically one of those foods that you hate as a child and youngster and often grow to like as an adult. That's definitely happened with me.
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By Badger Mark
neilt0 wrote:One of the icebreaker questions we used to ask interviewees when I worked for A Well Known Games Company* was "Do you like cheese?" and "Do you like tomatoes?"

We never hired anyone who didn't like cheese. Fortunately, everyone likes cheese. No sane person likes (fresh) tomatoes. Everyone likes tomato sauce or tomatoes in Italian dishes.

* Other games companies are available.

I like cheese - but what the heck is wrong with fresh tomatoes?????
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By neilt0
Badger Mark wrote:I like cheese - but what the heck is wrong with fresh tomatoes?????

They are the work of the devil of course. Unless you are a girl. Girls like them.
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By Badger Mark
Misfit wrote:
I'm not "dumb" for starting smoking, I know what I'm doing. whats your opinion on drinking? It, like, cigs, provide literally no actual use but for people to enjoy themselves, however, if they drink too much, they can die? is it therefore ridiculous?

There is a difference in that moderate alcohol use is not associated with health problems while moderate smoking habits can still lead to all kinds of health problems.
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By Badger Mark
Nicola_Red wrote:
Misfit wrote:this escalated pretty quickly from tea and coffee.

I quite like the way it's turned into a general 'likes and dislikes' discussion. Next up: mushrooms.

HATE mushrooms. They are truly disgusting. That said, they are very important in an ecological sense.
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By Badger Mark
neilt0 wrote:
Badger Mark wrote:I like cheese - but what the heck is wrong with fresh tomatoes?????

They are the work of the devil of course. Unless you are a girl. Girls like them.

Well then call me Satan's little helper, because I love tomatoes. And I am definitely not a girl. Just ask my wife.
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By chrysostom
Badger Mark wrote:There is a difference in that moderate alcohol use is not associated with health problems while moderate smoking habits can still lead to all kinds of health problems.

Given that by our government's standards excessive alcohol use can be as little as exceeding 3 units in one day (for women, 4 for men) - what most people understand as moderate would probably be classed as excessive.

Badger Mark wrote:Well then call me Satan's little helper, because I love tomatoes. And I am definitely not a girl. Just ask my wife.

Wisconsin Const., Art. XIII, sec. 13 (2006) wrote: Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state. A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized in this state


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