The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Misfit
so... if we do some toby lerone style stuff can the clippers from the forum get the sounds if we do it?
of course if people cant be arsed I'm not fussed just think it'll be fun
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By chrysostom

Anyone interested in a Dominick the Donkey for Christmas number 34 campaign?


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By The Deadly
It's not going to work. Chris has shown a complete lack of interest in talking about the show or it's fans since it finished so how can you expect anyone to care? He has gone down in the estimations of even the most hardcore of hardcore fans so by default the casual Chris Moyles fan has forgotten all about Dominick the Donkey and they are the ones who have to buy the record to achieve success. I'm not having a go at you for trying this but I just can't see it happening.
By bmstinton93
I disagree. He retweeted the tweet from chris about the replay shows the other day and then tweeted the account to say thanks. I think he would jump on board with it.
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By The Deadly
He doesn't give a single * about the show any more. One retweet means * all compared to the silence since the show ended and his complete lack of interest in radio. That's just my opinion and I'd be happy for him to prove me wrong.
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By chrysostom
Fair enough, a few people on Twitter seem to have been livened up by the notion and it will help me test out various techniques for social campaigns - in the worst case scenario, a few people listen to Dominick the Donkey more than they would have!
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By The Deadly
Yeah that's true. I think a "12 days of Moyles" could be good too. You could tweet links to the 12 most memorable or important moments in the shows history from the sound vault to give people a smile in the build up to Christmas. Hopefully that might appeal to Chris himself to get behind it.
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By The Deadly
Or a Moyles advent calendar twitter thing. Same concept except instead of a chocolate behind the window you get a great clip.
By fatboydave73
That would be a good way of generating interest in the site.

As long as "Come to Daddy" features lol
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By Nicola_Red
Yeah, I like that idea. Don't forget all Dave's Christmas raps are in the vault too - the 2010 ones in particular are gems (he got a bit lazy with them in 2011).
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By The Deadly
Anything to jog people's memory to how great the show was is good. Even better if it reminds Chris how good he was.
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By chrysostom
I was considering testing a new application called "Thunderclap" which people sign up to, and at a specified time will send out 1 tweet via your account (which helps when you try and get things to trend) - with a hashtag like #DominickTheDonkeyForDec8, and a link to a version of the song from itunes. (does anyone know which is a good one to link to, preferably one that gives money to Lou Monte?)

I also really like Deadly's idea of an advent calendar, and revamping the account for December. Could link to the Panto and the favourite Christmas time moments (Aled turns you on?)

The show will become more and more irrelevant every year, but I think this might be one of the last chances to get a large group of people who would identify themselves as 'Moyles listeners' to reminisce. Plus I'm awfully bored, and it would be a good chance to give the site some good press.

Would anyone be interested (or start a thread) where people link to their favourite Christmas moments from the show, or photos, videos etc.?

ps. I know it's likely doomed to fail, but it's doing no real it?
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By The Deadly
Like I said in a previous post it's definitely worth trying because it may rekindle some interest from Chris. If he was to retweet a few of the advent calendar clips or requests for Dominick the Donkey downloads then that would be a successful campaign.
By JayE
chrysostom wrote: (does anyone know which is a good one to link to, preferably one that gives money to Lou Monte?)

Just had a look and this one was just released and Lou Monte's name is attached to this version: ... mpt=uo%3D4 so we could use this one..?

The idea is great by the way and I'll be happy to join in.
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By G-Sizzle
If we can get Dominc Bynre involved (which would be easier than Moyles) then that's a bonus.
If he can get it played on the capita breakfast show then even better! But I won't hold my breath on that!
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By Nicola_Red
I just read (in the comments on an American article about Christmas songs - nothing to do with Moyles) that the reason DtD is so popular with Italian American people is that its recording was financed by the Gambino mafia family. WHAAAAT?!
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By chrysostom
Sinatra was also (allegedly) a mafia man as well - I think there are lots of Italian American actors/musicians who were heavily involved with the big 5 crime families in the 40s onwards
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By Nicola_Red
Yeah, I know about Sinatra and Dean Martin and all their dodgy connections. I just never thought of Dominick in that context - I was obviously being naive :)
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By The Deadly
And these days 90% of Hollywood are paid up members of the Illuminati.
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By Comedy John
Dominic wrote this on Twitter and Chris Retweeted it.

Dominic Byrne ‏@domisatwit

Hi. ?

Retweeted by Chris Moyles
By JayE
Are we going to do this thing then?

Edit: I'm properly in the mood for this now: I found this on YouTube..
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