The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By Nicola_Red
1. Why have you dredged up a two week old thread to post that?

2. Where is your evidence that they are no longer friends? Or are you just making guesses and passing them off as fact?
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By The Deadly
Is this the same idiot who made the thread about the sexual allegations? Utter *.
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By Nicola_Red
Deadly, personal insults are not allowed here.
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By Yudster
Ah, but he may have been using the adjective "utter *" to describe the allegations, not the person who made them. Grammatical ambiguity can have its advantages..!
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By Nicola_Red
You're right, and he should probably take that advantage.
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By Yudster
Or stating that the person resembles a rooster.
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By The Deadly
Yudster wrote:Or stating that the person resembles a rooster.

Yes, yes this is what happened.

If I ever need someone to represent me in a courtroom I'm giving you a call.
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By Yudster
You could do worse. You could definitely do better, but you could do worse.
*'s sake.

Ah well, everyone who argued the point that it should be discussed on here, it was said that it'll lead to press like this for the forum.

The leaving do thing is a new assertion though. Hope this all blows over quickly, but if it's not denied now that it's gone to publication - the usual brigade will be out in force saying it must be true.

There's also a tax thing coming out now. I think the heat that Andy Dawson has copped over Chris slating his Album review has led him to sharpen his knives and get Chris some bad press.
It seems to me that they've just lifted the story straight from here. They also incorrectly state that Dave & Jayne met when she was a runner at Radio 1, surely it was when she was a runner on Chris Channel five show. I really really hope this is bullshit but I fear it might'nt and this will be the reason we'll never hear Chris and Dave present a show again togeather.
Said he'd done breakfast for 10 years hahaha.

Someone here said they were the Lennon and McCartney of radio, I'd like to think so.

But for me, their friendship/professionalism will always be similar to that of Cloughie and Peter Taylor In that film 'The Damned United'. Moyles is the front of house performer, and Dave is the comedy brains behind the scenes giving material.

They're a pair, that's what made them special and I hope will continue to do so in future.
Last edited by SAV1OUR on Sat Nov 10, 2012 2:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
If they did fall out then they did a great job of covering it up on air so well done to them for that. The only thing which makes me think there could be 1% of truth is that Dave didn't write any of the new album. It's bizarre to me that he wouldn't be involved in the project to some degree and also probably explains why "Don't Call me Baldy" isn't featured on the album. The song did huge numbers on YouTube and I can't believe it didn't make the album. To my understanding Dave wrote the lyrics for that one.
One of the three of them have to come out in the next day or two on twitter and refute this story or if they fail to do so unfortuntely it would seem to me there must be some truth to it. On the album point I thought Don't Call me Baldy was'nt on the album due to contractual issues with Carly Jepson.
What specifically was quoted from here? I can't see anything -- it all seems to be "quotes" from "R1 insiders", not our speculation here. "R1 insiders" often means "we made it up based on * all evidence".

The only songs Chris got the rights to were written by his personal friends like Olly and Gary, so not getting the rights to Call Me Maybe is hardly a surprise.

Dave being a possible backup for IACGMOOH would explain his absence from the tour, but if he's not working for IACGMOOH it would be very odd that he's not involved in the tour.
Given that he was on 5 Live recently, does that mean he's not in the jungle with Nadine Dorris et al?
Whether the specifics of the story are correct our not I have no idea, but it is clear for all to see that they are not the close friends they once were.

They haven't seen each other since the show ended, Dave didn't contribute to the album, is having nothing to do with the tour and even more clearly their on-air chemistry was nothing like it used to be.

As I say, I have no idea whether it is 'bitter' or what the cause is, but either they grew apart or there was a reason for it. Whether this is the reason, who knows.

There are no direct quotes so to say it either is or isn't true is just speculation either way.
I would think that the mirror are making a story out of nothing here.

Something has happened with chris and Dave. That much is obvious. As for the ins and outs. It all stemming due to chris' friendship with Jayne. I would not take it as that reason.

Didn't chris stay friends with dave's first wife Emma without too much fuss. If any. In the same way chris has stayed friends with Jayne. Although speculating a bit. The Same as dave who probably stayed friends with Sophie for example. Or any of the team staying in contact with Sophie. (8 years friendship the team with sophie) you can't just stop being friends with someone because person a has broke up with person b. When person c has built up there own friendship with person b in there own right.

The person I have to feel sorry for in this is Nicole. Pretty sure both Dave and Jayne have tried too keep things like this out of the papers to not let Nicole see all this. And have Kept everything as private as possible.
bmstinton93 wrote:I guarantee this story is true.

I agree I'm afraid. The fact that they haven't muttered a single word to each other on twitter for ages is also very odd.(Dave is very dull on twitter.) Like others have said, a comment Is needed sharpish from someone to convince me otherwise. Such a shame when you think of all the joy they've given us together over the years and it's certainly not how I wanna remember the end.
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