The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
Also - I wonder if the next 2 months will just fizzle out, or they'll do a massive "leaving tour" with all the things they always talked about?

Is it a coincidence the new boss joined just last week? Surely he wouldn't come in and immediately fire the main DJ?
I...speechless. I don't know what to say. D:
dimtimjim wrote:
Munki Bhoy wrote:In fact, this whole news really does make me reconsider the value of that TV licence - CM was my main intake of Beeb output and worth every £. Now that annual handover is gonna be riddled with pain.

You don't need a TV license to listen to the radio, as far as I'm aware..
dimtimjim wrote:
d000hg wrote: waiting to give Scott the breakfast job?

No. Chris = 38, Scott = 39.
Is it purely an age thing though? I suppose a 40yo breakfast DJ is pushing it.

I wonder what Dave, Dom, Aled and Tina will do. They really do make the show.
chrysostom wrote:No, you don't - but the TV license funds the entire BBC. I've often said that I'd pay a subscription equivalent to the license fee just to listen to the show.

I watch lots of documentaries on BBC4 so I still feel like I'm getting something out of it, but it's true that in the past I've thought that I'd be happy to pay my half of ours entirely for the entertainment the show brings.
gutted... simply gutted! I've been there since the start; to be honest - i didn't even contemplate this coming today.

fair play for going out his way, and choosing the time rather than being edged out.

I simply have so many memories attached to this show (it's just a show...) - it is/was so much more than that to me... got me through college, uni, work - a whole 18 month backpacking trip. It feels more than the end of the breakfast stint, it has to be the end of moyles on radio1 doesn't it?


I think this'll be one of the time Fearne's show receives quite a lot more listeners at half-past. xD
Also, did Aled just say the last show will be live-streamed?

And oh Gods, that Show Cloae the brought tears to my eyes. Bleh...
Shocked, gutted, upset :( can't really put it into words to be honest.

I might book Friday 28th September off work and head up to the R1 HQ (assuming that's when it's going to happen). Anyone else fancy it?

As for a replacement... Please not Fearne. Please not Scott. Please not Grimshaw. Greg James I could handle but I have this nagging feeling in the back of my head it's going to be some yoof "celeb", a bit like when Fearne replaced Jo Whiley.

I need some time to think, and drink coffee. Back in a bit...
Last edited by James H on Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
When the show closing jingle was played it set me off again. I still can't believe it's happening.

IS there going to be a helpline for us fans to help us get over it.
chrisjames wrote:Breaking news-Matt edmondson has just been congratulated by Holy Moly as new breakfast host!

update: seems it was just a joke.false alarm

BAHAHAHA. Holy Moly is a parody site. Can't believe you thought that was serious!
James H wrote:Shocked, gutted, upset :( can't really put it into words to be honest.

I might book Friday 28th September off work and head up to the R1 HQ (assuming that's when it's going to happen). Anyone else fancy it?

As for a replacement... Please not Fearne. Please not Scott. Please not Grimshaw. Greg James I could handle but I have this nagging feeling in the back of my head it's going to be some yoof "celeb", a bit like when Fearne replaced Jo Whiley.

I need some time to think, and drink coffee. Back in a bit...

I am going to book at least the last three days of that week off. I can't always listen at work and there is no way I am missing the final show.

I am thinking of going to the studios too, but probably not that day. Is imagine it will be pandemonium down there.
I am officially out of Radio 1's target audience in February - couldn't he have waiting until then? Selfish beggar.

In all seriousness, I am very sad. The show has been a saving grace for me over the past 6 years (that's how long I've been listening), seen me through difficult mornings, quashed many a bad dream memory, lifted me out of grumpy moods or simply been a great start to a great day.

It's so weird to think how much I couldn't stand the guy in 1997 and remember fearing the likely possibility of him getting Breakfast, and still wasn't a fan when he did. Back then, I was actually looking forward to this very day. But since, so much has changed. And now I'm dreading news of it being Greg James. Strange how things come around like that...

Apart from echoing everything everyone else has said (although I respectfully disagree with those who believe the show has lost its sparkle lately - I've enjoyed it immensely the past few weeks, even with the extra music), there was a moment this morning when it suddenly occurred to me that we'll never have a Chris Moyles (breakfast) Show run-up to Christmas again. That made me sad too. :(
Last edited by Latina on Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
Travis Bickle wrote:I am going to book at least the last three days of that week off. I can't always listen at work and there is no way I am missing the final show..

Same here - missed the last Mark & Lard show cos of work and I've regretted that ever since.
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