Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here

Strange question but the pupils in my class have really enjoyed doing the maths questions from the Chris Moyles Quiz Show. Is it possible to get hold of a copy of a video of the questions and answers so I can use them in lessons. I tried it with the Hoosiers and they loved it. Have recorded them on my sky box but not sure if that is any help. Would especially like to know if there was any from the first series. Obviously something that is windows movie maker compatible would but stunning so I can edit it as and when needed !

Hope you can help

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By Zoot
I think your best bet is to get hold of some AVI files of the shows and edit the maths questions out yourself. Try asking Johnny 1989 here on the forum, he has a fantastic archive full of Moyles stuff, he may be able to help you.
richardtomlinson recorded the entire first series, which you can download from links provided here; you'd just need to clip the relevant parts.

Just an update, I have collected all the Maths questions (so far) for my lessons. Thank you to all those who have sent me links. I am happy to share them, let me know... Obviously I don't hold the copyrights etc etc !

Hi Jenna,

Not got a link for them as they are all stored on my mac but have tried to send you an "Example" as an attachment to your email. Let me know if it is in a format you can use. If so let me know and I will send you the rest.

Good luck for your PGCE !

Hi everyone

I've just signed up to this, simply because I've been searching online for the maths song videos! Wuold it be possible for you to send them to me Bill? I teach Maths and I'm planning on using them to end lessons with my pupils. I think they'll love them! Do you have The Wanted's one?

My email address is


It's not really a good idea to give your email address out on a forum, people. Better to use the PM facility for that.
Hi, loving these maths videos! Please could someone send me a link/download to an audio file of the example maths song? I'm going to use it with my maths class to make a lipsync video so only need an audio file... any help much appreciated! My email is if anyone can email it to me


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