The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
It would be quite funny if you did a massive competition like the ones where people get to go to the Brits or the Big Weekend - where people have to jump through lots of hoops to get there - and did a really crap prize at the end like a car sticker.
jsnsmith wrote:How about Wing walking weather, that way Dom will be able to get a good an accurate weather report from all over the UK while he up
in the clouds?

How about Weather Winging Walker.

The Legend makes it up the forecast as he goes along. A bit like Dom does now.
Topher wrote:It would be quite funny if you did a massive competition like the ones where people get to go to the Brits or the Big Weekend - where people have to jump through lots of hoops to get there - and did a really crap prize at the end like a car sticker.

Yeah, that sounds like it could have mileage. I wonder how many problems the BBC competition rules cause in these things tho...
nicola_red wrote:
Topher wrote:It would be quite funny if you did a massive competition like the ones where people get to go to the Brits or the Big Weekend - where people have to jump through lots of hoops to get there - and did a really crap prize at the end like a car sticker.

Yeah, that sounds like it could have mileage. I wonder how many problems the BBC competition rules cause in these things tho...

Well if you don't give them any sort of physical prize then surely its not a competition?

Just give them a follow on twitter or something?
Well, they stopped them doing that thing where they played the foghorn over a word in a song and people had to call in with the missing word, there were no prizes in that...
Tiffin originated from the word tiff ( to sip tea ).
Us brits use to love drinking indian tea so much we bought the country ( sarcastic referance from the braun advert ).
So therefore it means tea break.

Anyone for a spot of tiffin what what?

I hope that clears it up.
They should bring back

Custard mustard game
The electric shock game
Lie dector game
What am I feeling and shocker game

Am I being naughty in thinking of these things ;)
Yeah, admittedly I have been mostly negative in this thread. It's like I said before, I freely admit I haven't had any good ideas to contribute yet (although to be fair I haven't had time to give it much thought). I am trying to be constructive rather than just go "that's rubbish", if it helps.

Oh also, 'lol'-ing isn't allowed here :)
First suggestion I thought about was a "In situ" version of the team playing carpark catchphrase.

If the team are out on the "road" for a week visiting and doing the show from different towns again (like the theatre shows they did). They could have Roy Walker live, in person reading out the questions. And have either Chris with a listener in one car against Dave and another listener in another car. Then on the 2nd day something like Dom with listener against Tina with listener.

Not thought about who'd play on the 3rd, 4th and 5th day. But we could have the day 1 winner against day 2 winner, and day 1 loser against day 2.
As they were joking about this morning, the sleepover Moyles show would be quite funny. Though I suppose that's sort of what happened with the Country House/Bangor House, as they all 'lived' together. Maybe playing it up.

The late night idea is also a fun one too. When Radio 1 do one of those days where they let nighttime people take over, they don't get the daytime lot to take over past 7, so that could be nice.
Thanks for the suggestions on this thread everyone.

I'd like to congratulate Richbrown, Chrysostom, Nisha, Dimtimjim and Zoot (plus one other forum member who hasn't replied yet!) who have been invited by Matt, Frey and myself to Radio 1 HQ for a tour and a brainstorm in person of Chris Moyles Show features and ideas.

It's happening on Friday - I'll let you know how it goes!

Yay, congratulations you lot and have a brilliant time! Don't forget the custard pies....!
Missed my chance of an invite to R1 HQ, but how about...

'Dave's Cinema Review' - Every week, Dave goes and sees one film at the cinema, then gives a full and frank review of what he thought, if he stays awake. The film should be chosen at random by the team (so you could do this one day, and the review the next) or you could give options for the public to vote for, thus, Dave would end up seeing something crap or just something that he wouldn't like.

I don't know how long the feature could go for, I suppose it'd depend on how Dave embrasses it and how the team work it. It's always been funny in the past though when the team have spoken about films, and a feature around this subject should seemingly work.

Have a good times those of you going down to London. :D
Well done to the lucky bunch and thanks Aled
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Friday is up, and platinum:[…]