Always wanted to know something about the show? This is the place to 'Ask Aled'!
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By Minnie the Minx

Got a bit worried there. The last thing we need is a Will/Gareth single coming back up the charts.

Did think that picture of Aled looked a bit cheesy (the original cartoon.)
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By Adam
in fact the whole of the bbc-i radio chris moyles mini site is chessy
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By Stephen.
David wrote:There used to be a feature on the Kodak website which would allow you to give it a picture and it would 'Cartoonise' it - I don't know if it still exsists or not.


Yep, still does exist. If you're interested anyone its:

Just click on the "Play" drop down list and you'll see "Cartoon Maker" 3rd link down. You've got to be a member but that only takes a few seconds to register.

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By Gigglyboots
Ah just done it - it just kinda outlines the pic in black lines, so not as impressive as I guessed, still very good mind.
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By Stephen.
Yeh I had the same let down. It all depends on what your original picture is like because if you do it on the example pics it works great!

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By Gigglyboots
Yeah, I think the example pics are quite big and bold - Mines was only little and not close up.
By FAAled
WhatEvertastic wrote:FAAled
Hope your housemove went well.
Tell me this are Fame Academy students allowed to discuss who they are going to vote out on a Friday?

If they can they could form alliances like in 'Survivor' couldn't they? [/u]

It did thanks.

They are allowed to discuss who they want to stay so could get into a Survivor style alliance if they wanted. I can't see them soing that as that it could backfire - Survivor do it anonymously.
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By AndyB
Shouldn't you be working? :)
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By Adam
How many animals of each sex did moses take on the ark?
By David
none - moses never used the ark!
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By Adam
thanks aled.
By David
no problem
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By Uglybob
5:10 he wasnt needed as no FA Update and they played Its A Rainbow trancey novelty song again.
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By Adam
aled- u there?
By FAAled
Ad wrote:aled- u there?

ooh yes!
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By Sidders
Nice update Aled.
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By Uglybob
Aled, What CD did Dave get the D Mob track from?
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By Jonny Hoare
nice to hear D mob on radio one, and tongy too. Aled can you have a word with tongy to make his friday chats with moylesly a regular occurence as i think it is funny. and i am a force to be reckoned with...
By FAAled
uglybob wrote:Aled, What CD did Dave get the D Mob track from?

Not sure, I'll find out on Monday for you.
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By Uglybob
well i have it on a Now but it wouldnt be available now cos they delete them as soon as a new one is out.
By FAAled
Sidla wrote:Nice update Aled.

Thank you :D
By Everlast
Aled- when laying carpet underlay, should one pin it Rubber side up or Rubber side down?

also, Where is the best place to buy wall tiles based on the price, quality and quantity.
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By Funky Drummer
Aled - what is the favourite type of cheese for each member of the team?
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By spurs_are_gr8
Aled, Wot do you prefer T.V or Radio work?
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