The TV & Radio Show Reviews
Chris and Dave were apparently up at 6am today to continue working on their boy band (Ghetto-Life) - it must be serious if their prepared to get up at this time in the morning. Dave reckons that they are already pop stars, a bit premature perhaps but they had been in the studios this morning recording a new and improved version of their proposed hit - Your my baby. Rhys had been replaced with more professional guitarists - electrical as well. Chris remained on lead vocals (what happened to Mel?), and Dave did the rap! Surprisingly Dave rapped reasonably well and Chris sounded alright until the de-facto key change (required for any song to be a hit). In the first link Chris just played the first verse, as a taster ;-). Chris had also put on a subtle American accent. We got to hear it later on...

In the second link Chris revealed that Dave's rap name is choc-ice!

Chris also managed to drop the backing music that they normally play during the links down the side of the studio - which apparently you can never get to! Dave offered to try and fill.

I want backing music, not some dozy moron. - Chris' referring to Dave (who claimed to be the human beat-box).

Chris got a bit peeved by all this, and saw the possibility to fill a link by once again firing Comedy Dave.

Rhys ejected Dave from the studio and Dave was a bit miffed. Chris said it was his way of getting into the rock and roll culture.

After they finally played the full version of Your my baby I think people were impressed, I certainly was! The phone poll seemed to indicate that people would actually buy the track, if it were released.

Ben was back on Viaduct again, along with George and the big shock was that Ben lost and it's the end of his reign! Surprising really, since I though Moylesy would make sure that Ben continued through the week. George had lost his speech impediment, so obviously is was just because he had been to the dentist. However at the request of Chris he put the voice on again anyway.

Ben, I hate to do this... bye! - Chris cutting Ben off.

I thought on the whole it was a very average show, not terrible but just not that memorable. There just wasn't that many real laughs, sorry!

Chris is still sticking with Get-down as well...

** This review was posted by the webmaster of MoylesNet ( - a source of quality, up to date show reviews and news on Chris Moyles and his show. **

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]