Always wanted to know something about the show? This is the place to 'Ask Aled'!
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By Eddie
Very good, I'm pleased you noticed my deliberate mistake (ha ha) - Now lets get this thread back on track (And yes, before you say it, I know it was me that brought it off track)......questions for Aled.
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By Matt
I can't be arsed to pick out at least 3 mistakes in that post Eddie ;)
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By Eddie
good. I know I'm far from perfect but not using any punctuation in a sentence is plain lazy! Anyway, moving on, back to the topic in hand....questions for Aled.
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By StaticFish
I must be winner of starting the biggest thread in the history of


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By Gigglyboots
Not yet Dan - 38 pages for "emails to chris", you can find it on can you not?!
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By StaticFish
blimey. what is that about
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By jc
StaticFish wrote:I must be winner of starting the biggest thread in the history of

Oh well, at least I can take credit for thinking it up. - jc
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By Gigglyboots
StaticFish wrote:blimey. what is that about

Emails to begin with!
Just go to the site I posted before, its somewhere on it, just takes a while to load. Its about anything in the end really.
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By Sam
That thread was genius, an aspiring point for all threads.
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By Uglybob
Not forgetting my thread waging war on Lee Brennan of 911
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By Sam
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By Minnie the Minx
FAAled wrote:
Minnie the Minx wrote:Aled - Why did you not come to Notts at the weekend?

Well done for getting the Licky Licky Brown Nose Award. Next time you get it, in your speech, at the end will you say:

"I wanna thank my stick insect Freddie"?

Thank you. I'm very chuffed. Although I've certainly done my back in trying to beat him.

If I say that at the end do'nt you think Chris is going to ask what I'm on about? What do I say?

Just say its for comedy effect - in celebrity speeches they thank everything. Anyway Chris will be too busy saying "Get off"

Were you given the chance to produce the show while Will's away or did they think Lizzie would be better?
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By Uglybob
I want Moyles show now to be on playback now i wont be able to hear it. Whats the point of having specialist shows when only a small number will want to listen to it. Moyles playback minus the records.
By David
radio 2's daytime shows are on the radio player so i dunno why radio 1's aint
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By Uglybob
even Janice Longs show is too
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By StaticFish
yup jc, you thought of it alright :)
By FAAled
Minnie the Minx wrote:
FAAled wrote:
Minnie the Minx wrote:Aled - Why did you not come to Notts at the weekend?

Well done for getting the Licky Licky Brown Nose Award. Next time you get it, in your speech, at the end will you say:

"I wanna thank my stick insect Freddie"?

Thank you. I'm very chuffed. Although I've certainly done my back in trying to beat him.

If I say that at the end do'nt you think Chris is going to ask what I'm on about? What do I say?

Just say its for comedy effect - in celebrity speeches they thank everything. Anyway Chris will be too busy saying "Get off"

Were you given the chance to produce the show while Will's away or did they think Lizzie would be better?

This was arranged before I even joined the show. Lizzie's v good at what she does, I've only been on the show for 6 weeks - I've got a lot to learn about the show and about Chris before I could hope to fill in Will's shoes. Lizzie knows the show inside out so it's the right decision
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By StaticFish
I wouldnt say that lizzie knows the show inside out at all :) but your the boss

By FAAled
How cool - this thread's massive!

Any more questions?
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By StaticFish
I aled, hows it going :)

can you say something on air one day that only "we" know?

By FAAled
StaticFish wrote:I wouldnt say that lizzie knows the show inside out at all :) but your the boss


you have to remember that there is almost two sides to everyone on that show and almost to the show itself.

None of it's lying or false - at all, but it's almost as if the personalities on air are a charicature of their real selves. you can almost never guess which angles of you Chris is going to seize on and expand. you then start to become that person on air. Which although IS you is probably a louder version of that one element.

Lizzie and I are now both trained producers. To listen to Chris you'd say I was a work experience job off the streets. I don't mind when he picks on me on air about it becuase it feels like he's picking on the caricature not me (I've only been upset a couple of times but that's because I agreed with what he was saying).

Similarly the seemingly dippy Lizzie is in fact one of the people I respect most at radio 1 because she's really sorted. understands the programme, the studio and Chris - and that's a real achievement.
By FAAled
StaticFish wrote:I aled, hows it going :)

can you say something on air one day that only "we" know?


maybe one day. But it's really hard at the moment to try and take everything in and say right stuff on air without trying to drop secret messages! I'm not very good at that. But I'll be there for a while so one day, we'll see.
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By Sidders
How old are you, just out of interest?
By Bridgie
whats the strangest phone call you've ever had when you've been working in the studios? what do most people talk about when they ring up?
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By Uglybob
Have you sent Mr Harris a pic yet that you said you would give him for the members of the team section?
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