Always wanted to know something about the show? This is the place to 'Ask Aled'!
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By Aled
OldGit wrote:
fathomer90 wrote:Will you be in Celbrity Big Brother Aled

I heard Davina trying to convince Chris, So, is there any chance that any of the team may be in, especially Chris?

Not at this time no. But then, there's enough time for things to change.
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By Aled
Mk. wrote:Aled - Will you guys at some point get official listening figures through from SIRIUS? And if so, any idea when?

We will get them at some point. But it'd be more out of curiosity as the number of people listening to us in America isn't that important to us.
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By Aled
Mafro wrote:Aled, after you're excellent DJ-ing set on BBLB, is there any plans to hit the road and tour the country?

no, not at all. I couldn't mix two tunes to save my life!
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By Aled
fish heads wrote:Aled,

How has the reaction been from America? Has there been much feedback from the American audience, or is it mostly ex-pats who listen to the show and e-mail in?

We get some e-mails from people who listen in America. Unfortunately, the main forms of communicating aren't open to people listening abroad, our phone and texts numbers wouldn't work from the US.
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By Adam
Aled - would you or anyother of the team be interested in joining the new chatroom for a webchat. Ask Aled but Live. ?
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By Aled
Adam wrote:Aled - would you or anyother of the team be interested in joining the new chatroom for a webchat. Ask Aled but Live. ?

I'd be up for that sometime.
By Jono
Will there be any more 'Say No to Wogan' features or discussion in the future or is that it?
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By Chris
Aled wrote:I'd be up for that sometime.

Super! Let me think about how best we could arrange that.
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By iSeb
Aled, what are your feelings of filming the show go out, and airing it on BBC Three? Maybe just a behind the scenes documentary?

I'm sure it would boost the quality of BBC Three by leaps and bounds.
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By iSeb
Aled wrote:...A MASSIVE OB in October
an even bigger one in November
and an even bigger one again in December....

Could one of these be in Charlotte Church's pub?
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By Mk.
Aled wrote:
fish heads wrote:Aled,

How has the reaction been from America? Has there been much feedback from the American audience, or is it mostly ex-pats who listen to the show and e-mail in?

We get some e-mails from people who listen in America. Unfortunately, the main forms of communicating aren't open to people listening abroad, our phone and texts numbers wouldn't work from the US.

Plus they'd all arrive 5 hours later and really confuse Colin & Edith

You're little teaser list is sounding great though Aled. Thanks for keeping us in the fold, as always.
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By Betti911
What happened to the secret student Aled? Did Chris sack him cause he was rubbish?
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By gregs
Betti911 wrote:What happened to the secret student Aled? Did Chris sack him cause he was rubbish?

i'm going to uni.. i'll do it- message board special :?

monday - went t'pub for a beer
tuesday - beer at pub
wednesday - thinking of going to pub
thursday - meeting at 7, pub
friday -
saturday -
sunday - hungover - maybe a beer later
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By Aled
Jono wrote:Will there be any more 'Say No to Wogan' features or discussion in the future or is that it?

That's it. It was far far more successful than any of us hoped. All the merchendise ran out on the first day and when we invited texts for the t-shirts we got 37,000 texts in just a few minutes.
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By tombugler
Hey Aled. Did u miss me?

I've heard a rumour that Chris and the team may be doing a "secret show" at the end of this month in a Coastal Town with Joss Stone, Mariah Carey, McFly and Robbie Williams.

Can you confirm/deny/hint?
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By Adam
tombugler wrote:Hey Aled. Did u miss me?

I've heard a rumour that Chris and the team may be doing a "secret show" at the end of this month in a Coastal Town with Joss Stone, Mariah Carey, McFly and Robbie Williams.

Can you confirm/deny/hint?

Ha - thats some line up.
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By Aled
tombugler wrote:Hey Aled. Did u miss me?

I've heard a rumour that Chris and the team may be doing a "secret show" at the end of this month in a Coastal Town with Joss Stone, Mariah Carey, McFly and Robbie Williams.

Can you confirm/deny/hint?

I can deny that.
By Jono
Aled wrote:
Jono wrote:Will there be any more 'Say No to Wogan' features or discussion in the future or is that it?

That's it. It was far far more successful than any of us hoped. All the merchendise ran out on the first day and when we invited texts for the t-shirts we got 37,000 texts in just a few minutes.

Oh, surely that was a big step to get voiceovers, jingles and merchandise for just that week?
By Tom Holt
What about launching 'Say no to Woss' for one week only?
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By x-ema-x
Aled wrote:
Jono wrote:Will there be any more 'Say No to Wogan' features or discussion in the future or is that it?

That's it. It was far far more successful than any of us hoped. All the merchendise ran out on the first day and when we invited texts for the t-shirts we got 37,000 texts in just a few minutes.

oh so they're not being sold at the BBC centres accross the UK??
(im on about the t-shirts)
By David
Jono wrote:
Aled wrote:
Jono wrote:Will there be any more 'Say No to Wogan' features or discussion in the future or is that it?

That's it. It was far far more successful than any of us hoped. All the merchendise ran out on the first day and when we invited texts for the t-shirts we got 37,000 texts in just a few minutes.

Oh, surely that was a big step to get voiceovers, jingles and merchandise for just that week?

I think it did its job. What else was going to happen if it continued? Short and snappy, kill it before it became tedious (unlike the pub quiz).
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By Aled
Jono wrote:
Aled wrote:
Jono wrote:Will there be any more 'Say No to Wogan' features or discussion in the future or is that it?

That's it. It was far far more successful than any of us hoped. All the merchendise ran out on the first day and when we invited texts for the t-shirts we got 37,000 texts in just a few minutes.

Oh, surely that was a big step to get voiceovers, jingles and merchandise for just that week?

We don't do things by half on THIS show!
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By Uglybob
Betti911 wrote:What happened to the secret student Aled? Did Chris sack him cause he was rubbish?

chris mentioned on the show that the student was as dull as ditch water so they binned him
By Tom Holt
Aled wrote:We're in a different studio on Monday

I take it this is just for today Aled, but i've noticed a few of the other shows across the weekend haven't had a webcam on them - does this perhaps mean the old Moyles/Zane studio has been upgraded yet and you're all having a bit of a shuffle?

EDIT: They've just said onair that the normal studio is set to self destruct at any moment :lol: (ie power problems)
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By Minnie the Minx
Well the studio Moyles/Zane uses is the most uptodate one anyway...

Aled, did any of you wear 'Say No To Wogan' t-shirts whilst at Radio2 today?
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