Always wanted to know something about the show? This is the place to 'Ask Aled'!
I would like to say that in Aled's defence (not to be up your arse Aled), I get the strong impression (from posts on here and things said on the show) that he has a keen interest and good knowledge of current affairs and politics - his music taste is not at all like mine, but that doesn't mean his opinion isn't valid (actually it's more valid than all of ours - seeing as he has a vote on the playlist).
bmstinton93 wrote:You're talking out your ass. Since when was it socially acceptable to laugh at a joke you don't get or don't find funny. If you don't like a joke you don't laugh. Is that not the whole point in comedy?

Just to be clear, I'm not talking about finding jokes funny, or thinking they're rubbish.

I'm talking about actually understanding them.

Now I can't think of ANYONE I know, that woudln't understand the jelly copter joke. I know loads of people that wouldn't think it funny, but to not be able to mentally connect the parts of the joke in order to understand it is something entirely different.

If they're not funny, they're not funny. That's not what I meant.
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By Wykey
Aled wrote:
Wykey wrote:But the you on the surgery appears, to me, to be an entirely different person from the you that was (for example) speaking during the opening link this morning.

Well that backs up my point, you're reading into such a narrow perception of someone - in my case musical heritage, humour and sport and are coming to a conclusion of how stupid I am, you're then surprised that I can sound like a different person on The Surgery. Well, The Surgery doesn't include any music from before I was born, we don't discuss sport and there's never been a comedy corner so i dont do the things that wind you up and you regard me as a different person.

But I'm not talking about intelligence or cleverness or stupidity, I'm talking about an actual lack of knowledge on subjects that I'd think the average man of our age to know about and have a grasp of.

And I'm not, have not and would not call you stupid. You're clearly not. There's a massive difference in common sense and intelligence (emotional or logical). My Cousin's got degrees coming out of his ears, and is technically very clever, but he wouldn't know where to begin if a fuse had gone, or if a tap was leaking.

If anything, I'm more stupid if for no other reason than having re-read what I've commented on, even I think I'm badgering you, and that wasn't what I wanted to do.
Why are people attacking a persons personality and thinking that it is acceptable behaviour because it is on a forum? I would actually say you are bullying. There are loads of things I don't know about which appears to be 'common' knowledge to others, why does it matter? Why take it upon yourself to tell that person exactly what you don't like about them? Pathetic.
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By Aled
Wykey wrote:Now I can't think of ANYONE I know, that woudln't understand the jelly copter joke. I know loads of people that wouldn't think it funny, but to not be able to mentally connect the parts of the joke in order to understand it is something entirely different.

Well if you knowing these people is what makes things legitimate lets hope you know surgeons and people capable of being Prime Minister otherwise we're ALL lost!
Aled is not stupid. Aled is pretty intelligent and well read.

Intelligence doesn't necessarily translate to understanding jokes, just as it doesn't necessarily translate to passing exams -- sometimes the latter is a memory test.
I bet there are a ton of eccentrics who are so supremely intelligent, they cannot fathom the lack of logic behind a clever pun or joke -- in the vein of "Mr. Logic" from Viz magazine.

I hope all this flak doesn't lead to Aled putting the kibosh on future sessions of "Let's see if Aled gets this joke" as they are very, very funny. Cleary Chris and the team find it just as hilarious.

Personally, while I do marvel at the lack of comprehension, I don't think it paints Aled as generally unintelligent because of his lack of understanding in this one narrowly defined field.
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By Aled
Wykey wrote:If anything, I'm more stupid if for no other reason than having re-read what I've commented on, even I think I'm badgering you, and that wasn't what I wanted to do.


I think I'm sensitive to suggestions that I change just because I annoy people - as firstly, I don't think everyone should try and be the same and have exactly the same knowledge of subjects and secondly I think it would make a dull show. Does Dave play up his ignorance of technology, probably not - does he feel comfortable enough to admit he doesn't know that much - yes, and I think that's great because it makes for fun radio. Should I research and read about Sport - I could, but I'd prefer not to just to shut up the haters because it's more inclusive of the listeners who couldn't care about Sport and so on.

There's someone for everyone on the show and I like that. If every member of the team became the same person with the same interest (easily done when we spend so much time together) we'd become niche and our figures would drop. I love how much support I get from girls and women under and over a certain age, I don't think I should change because the majority of listeners that want to be mates with Chris and/or Dave are annoyed by my lack of knowledge or 'stupidity' about sport, retro music or jokes.
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By Aled
neilt0 wrote:I hope all this flak doesn't lead to Aled putting the kibosh on future sessions of "Let's see if Aled gets this joke" as they are very, very funny. Cleary Chris and the team find it just as hilarious.

Personally, while I do marvel at the lack of comprehension, I don't think it paints Aled as generally unintelligent because of his lack of understanding in this one narrowly defined field.

Ultimately it's Chris that decides whether we do this feature - I'd never produce 'me not getting jokes' as I do get sensitive the tonne of abuse that comes my way from it - but Chris clearly enjoyes going down this road. All I do is try and be honest, and if that's me then it can't be a matter or right / wrong.
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By Wykey
catherine wrote:Why are people attacking a persons personality and thinking that it is acceptable behaviour because it is on a forum? I would actually say you are bullying. There are loads of things I don't know about which appears to be 'common' knowledge to others, why does it matter? Why take it upon yourself to tell that person exactly what you don't like about them? Pathetic.

Because we're adults, and when adults talk about something calmly and sensibly, admit when they're wrong and occasionally contribute another point of view then their combined appreciation and understanding increases?

At least that's my intention.

You should try it.
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By Wykey
Aled wrote:
Wykey wrote:Now I can't think of ANYONE I know, that woudln't understand the jelly copter joke. I know loads of people that wouldn't think it funny, but to not be able to mentally connect the parts of the joke in order to understand it is something entirely different.

Well if you knowing these people is what makes things legitimate lets hope you know surgeons and people capable of being Prime Minister otherwise we're ALL lost!


Point taken.

Although I know a LOT of people who'd make a better Prime Minister, but that's an entirely different matter ;)
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By Wykey
bmstinton93 wrote:Tbf there is only 2 people being Anti Aled. All the rest of us are sticking up for him.

No one's being anti-aled as far as I can tell.

A few people have (I think) misunderstood what Emmy meant about the jokes, and a few people for some reason think that criticism is a form of attack.

Personally I think if I thought someone I respected was coming across in a certain way, I'd have to say something. To say nothing would do both a disservice.

I could have worded it in a more sensitive manner, next time I'll try and make sure I do.
Aled not understanding jokes is good radio. Dave being crap at maths and not understanding technology is good radio. Dom pretending he understands meteorology and does anything more than read bits of paper with minimal weather reports written on them is dreadful though and I really wish he would stop.

Seeing as this is the Ask Aled thread and I have to make apretence at being on topic, Aled, what do you think about that?!
I'm finding it hard to understand what your asking Yudster as you seem to be slagging the presenters off more than asking questions about the show in a thread desighned so that questions can be asked not "such and such is rubbish for this reason what do you say to that?"
slaphead1982 wrote:I'm finding it hard to understand what your asking Yudster as you seem to be slagging the presenters off more than asking questions about the show in a thread desighned so that questions can be asked not "such and such is rubbish for this reason what do you say to that?"

True, but historically this thread has consisted not just of people posting questions but also of others discussing those questions and Aled's responses, so I don't really see a problem with Yuds' comment.
I hope I haven't been slagging off the presenters either - I love them all!
Yudster wrote: Dom pretending he understands meteorology and does anything more than read bits of paper with minimal weather reports written on them is dreadful though and I really wish he would stop.

Noooooo. If I were Dom, i'd have meteorology on my CV....

Although, you're old enough to Grandmother the target audience*, which I hope Al takes into account.... :wink:

Yudster wrote:Aled not understanding jokes is good radio. Dave being crap at maths and not understanding technology is good radio. Dom pretending he understands meteorology and does anything more than read bits of paper with minimal weather reports written on them is dreadful though and I really wish he would stop.

I had that down as Chris giving his read reports stick, rather than anything Dom had instigated.

Though I'd agree that the value of weather reports on the show is minimal.
No no no no I want to hear the weather report, what I don't want is to hear Dom going on about Charts and pretending he is a "qualified meteorologist" because its is really irritating and if I was a meteorologist it would piss me off even more than it already does! See, its supposed to be funny and I don't find it funny - isn't that what we were talking about?
By Emmy
Aled wrote:
Emmy wrote:Why is one more valuable than the other? There are plenty of people for whom emotional intelligence isn't their strongest point who get by perfectly well in life (I'd include myself in that category) and vice-versa.

It isn't.

That's the point I'm making.

You did seem to imply that it was more valuable.

Aled wrote:emotional intelligence is far superior to intellect from an educational point of view.

But I'm glad we can agree that it isn't.

Aled wrote:Just because I'm not strong in one particular intelligence doesn't mean I can be marked down as a human being as unfit to work in a particular job. There are many many different types of intelligence.

I never said a thing about you being unfit to work in any job, although you might want to think twice about taking up a career as a comedian...

Edit-Or a cake decorator, going by your best efforts at decorating a cupcake today!/ahj/status/146998 ... 57/photo/1. The phrase 'a dog's dinner' springs to mind! :-P Like many other people on Twitter I misread your tweet 'I dressed a cupcake' as 'I dressed as a cupcake' and was very disappointed when I looked at the photo. Now that would have been funny!

If we could swap the Aled/joke links for Dave and Maths/Technology links I'd be very happy. I love dopey (said affectionally, before anyone accuses me of bullying) Dave with his terrible maths skills, lack of technological awareness, and his ability to get on a train going in the opposite direction to his intended destination.
Last edited by Emmy on Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wykey wrote:No, if you were talking about what we were talking about, it would be you not understanding what weather is, not whether you enjoyed the weather or not.

I was talking about what you were talking about when Aled and the team were talking about stuff that people here then started talking about.

And the weather is shite, what are you talking about?!
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