The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
Hello Everybody
On todays show - its Aleds birthday, and its Aleds birthday! A week after Andi Peters visit he opens the show.

1. Charlotte Church - Crazy Chick, 2. Rasmus - In The Shadows, 3. Black Eyed Peas - Don't Lie, 4. Coldplay - Fix You, 5. Oasis - The Importance Of Being Aled, 5. Deep Dish - Flashdance, 6. EXCLUSIVE - Sugababes - Ugly, 7. James Blunt - Your Beautiful, 8. LIVE - Kaiser Chiefs - I Predict A Riot, 9. The Killers - Somebody Told Me, 10. Akon - Bellydancer, 11. Sugababes - Push The Button, 12. Happy Mondays - Loose Fit, 13. Gwen Stafani - Cool, 14. Mattafix - Big City Life,

Aleds Birthday
[Warning, Aled is being talked about below and there is a lot of Welsh references. Therefore there may be alot of critisim, cause I live in Gloucestershire]
Aled is 36 (29?) and is already in at 7:05 who is named after Aled and coincidently they are both Welsh. Land of my Fathers is the national anthem for Wales is Aleds present, well he's getting bugger all else. And Aleds going on the hell-hole show on S4C, again, on 'Wow Factor'.

Astronauts are Having the Day Off
How Do Astronauts Play Downfall, Hungry Hippos or Connect 4? No-one knows. Chris's new money-making adventure is a zoo in space.

Don't Panic
Exam results are in today for many and the line will open at eight a.m. today incase your nervous to get your results at eleven.

Doms newish parody
'Coldplays - Fax You', comes out of Doms singing to the song, but to be fair Chris keeps kicking him in the nuts each time it gets to 'Fix You'. Doms musical talent also completly spoils the 'I like the way you move.'

Chris Tarrents In
News mistakes and Chris having control of the news jingles leads to Chris's horrendous weather in Tarrents voice.

Aleds Birthday
Stevie Wonder is a big fan of woo-woos and cannot come. Kemal could be in Aleds cake. Its also Dereks birthday today as well, the queen.

Dereks Birthday
Chris is busy today, Dom is painting the kitchen, Carries going to the doctors for her eye, Daves going to see Everton in the Champions League, Rachels around though. Private jokes are 7:45, such a laugh.
Aleds Presents - Dave has the A55 soundtrack. All your favourite roads on one CD - the likes of the A4, M1 and new bonus track, the first and second Severn crossing.
Aleds Presents - Rachels bought ABBA's Dancing Queen CD for Aled and a blindfold.

Nick has problems of it being the world first play of the single which is the next single after the first single as the CD is labelled wrongly. It was still a world exclusive. Its Sugaday on Radio 1. The real 'non world exclusive' of the Sugababes is played just before 9.

Dereks Birthday
Doms bought a card this morning in a shop round the corner.
Presents - A tape of him and his mates having a dance.
Presents - Its someone from Aberystwyth but not his mum, or dad, or sister, or anyone special apart from the people down the Dolphin (Aleds never been there).
Presents - A message from Claire, Miss Wales. And a message from Mr Wales, Aled the Mayor. As well as something off the Scott Mills show, his sister.

Rachel's Show
Sunday Mornings 5am - 5.05 am.
Chris hates Akon's single and asks 'Who disagrees?'. And Rachel replies with those famous laugable words 'I don't mind it.' Chris goes 'You need to clean your ears out.' and Rach goes 'Pardon'. Cue the music machine.

Dereks Birthday
Presents - Dave has a genuine present, wrapped by his wife in this weeks heat magazine. Its a girls guide to football.

Usual Features
A Game Of Two Halves
Dave and Chappers are chucked out of the BBC Sport trailer with Chris, Colin and Edith. Dave was off in a strop. Premiership starts this weekend. Leeds v. Cardiff tonight however the tickets aren't for this match. Yesterday one smart arse worked out the feature and scored.
Todays match - Portsmouth v. Spurs
Todays question - What shirt number...

Rob DJ's Monday Night Pub Quiz
Chris has just had a dump!
Q1. Who won this years comic relief does fame academy this year?
Q2. How do you tell the age of the horse?
'Find out when it was born'
Q3. Which European country has the most trees?
'Dublin. one, two, tree, twentytree, tirtytree, fourtytree..'
Q4. Stirrup, Anvil and Hammer are found in which part of the body?
Q5. A new car costs £23, 999 including V.A.T. How much of the price of the car is VAT to the nearest pound?

A1. Edith Bowmen (All)
A2. Teeth (All bar Dave)
A3. Finland (Aled)
A4. Ear (All bar Chris)
A5. £3574.52 (?)
Aleds used a calculator

Last week Carrie was on top with 11. Everyone else on 8. Aleds on 1 but only done 1 round.
Last week Carrie was on top with 14. Dave on 8. Chris and Dom on 7. Aleds on 4 but only done 2 rounds.

Tedious Link
See the full link for the Happy Mondays (but don't bother, Derek thinks its crap).

RAMBLE - Guess What this was about!
Presents - A message from Ma and Pa, Dicko, Longman (not broadcastiable), and someone singing. Its Mr D. Kemert. Also Davina and Aled Jones.

Presents - Rachel presents a brown box to display in Aleds home. And theres also a brown Sharon next to Dean Gaffney in a frame. (Rach & Aled).

Guess Where?
And I'll never know! The Last 1/2 Hour of the review to be inserted here when listen again would like to work for me.

Todays CPC

Folkface Live
Listen To Folk Face

One Road Travel
A55 in N.Wales has been narrowed near the A548 junction.
We all narrow together. And Chris is eating an egg sarnie fish mouthed

Yesterdays Weather
Hottest - Falmouth, Cornwall - 14.7 hours
Coolest - Kirkwall - 13C

Saturday is up