The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
OPENING MONOLOGUE: Now broadcasting from Dancer, it’s the
Chris Moyles show! Today we talk to Old page 3 girls when about retirement in our
new feature, The Knocker Yard! And now its The Nightmare Before Christmas, Chris

Might look the same, but it don’t taste the same.

In link 1, Rhys gets recognised in the pub! Ruckus Rhys, minder of the stars will be
back! Chris went to the Spice Girls concert with his Girlfriend and her sister, who
was the only one who stood up dancing; and who was there? Frank Skinner! Want to
test Chris on his Spice Girl knowledge? Call!

In link 2, Chris is getting old for the radio when he can understand what some one’s
saying on a record. And they all start laughing, and can’t seem to stop. Chris is
complaining about papers saying stuff like “Chris who went to so and so school”.
Chris of course went to St. Kevin’s, who was the patron saint of car-jacking.

In link 3, a caller calls and asks “ do you know Baby Spice’s middle name” Chris
replies “yes I do!”

Link 4 brings us another caller! “ Why was Mel C upset last night?” Chris replies “
Because she wants me and she seen me and my Girlfriend”.

Elaine won the game, a Playstation, Chocolate thing, a video, and will be back

1. What W will Noel Gallager build in his garden? Wonder Wall
2. What F describes Chris Moyles’ trip to the Spice Girls concert last night? Free
tickets for all!
3. What S describes Gareth Southgate? Shite at penalties. .

And the advent calendar:
1. This Christmas, me and the wife are going to Poole. In Dorset? Yes, I’d
recommend it to anyone.
2. What’s brown and sticky? Poo
3. How does the man on the Moon cut his hair? He clips it.

97---99 FM____________Radio 1

Thanks, both shows are up