The TV & Radio Show Reviews
1. Freeloaders – Love On My Mind 7:00 NEWSBEAT 2. Fall Out Boy – Sugar We’re Going Down 3. Rihanna – SOS 4. Richard Ashcroft – Music Is Power 5. Madonna – Hung Up 7:30 NEWSBEAT 6. Snow Patrol – You’re All I Have 7. 2pac ft. Elton John – Ghetto Gospel 8:00 NEWSBEAT 8. Dirty Pretty Things – Bang Ban, You’re Dead 9. Blaze – Most Precious Love 10. Red Hot Chilli Peppers – Dani California (Live for Radio1) 8:30 NEWSBEAT 11. Hard-fi – Better Do Better 12. Kylie Minogue – Love At First Sight 13. Orsen – Bright Idea 14. Lenny Kravitz - Are You Going My Way (Tedious Link) 15. Gnarls Barkley – Crazy 16. The Flaming Lips – The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song 9:30 NEWSBEAT 17. Joey Negro - Come On Make A Move On Me [DJ Spen Remix] 18. U2 Vertigo

6:55 this morning and the wait was over. Two weeks of <s>One night with Laura</s> Scott Mills came to an end, and Chris was back, and what better way to start it than a bit of gold – JK & Joel gold that is from the days when they weren’t the legends of early morning radio 1 that they are today. Accompanied, as ever by their faithful theme tune (well, the music from Chucklevision), moments we never thought would air again, such as when JK (or is it Joel?) asked people to ring in and name their favourite radio station and win a CD…oh my! There was also the legendary PJ & Duncan competition, one of my personal favourites and I know it’s one of yours too. A truly memorable start to a new run for Moyles.

We also heard Joel’s original attempts at talking to callers. In this particular clip, Chris pointed out that Joel had finally found a higher pitched voice than his own, which is pretty spectacular to begin with. In the clip, they couldn’t decided which line to go for (Chris:”Because there were so many”). It was Julie who was “lucky caller 20”, and boy did she sound excited. Joel thought she sounded familiar as they had actually spoken earlier that show – who says these competitions are fixed? She certainly sounded chuffed to have won it, as Joel pointed out it was worth £15 in the shops so she has saved herself some money there. Then to fill some time he asked if this most charismatic of girls wanted to say “Hi” to anyone. She clearly didn’t, but Joel kept forcing her too, which was a tad unfair if you ask me, but at least all her teachers got a nice namecheck.

What the team did on holiday

Because it was so excellent….*ahem*…Chris thought of a couple of follow ons to “One Night With Laura” over the holidays. The first was “One Filling with Longman”, which is clearly self-explanatory, and slightly rude when said fast, as it will do when Chris creates the jingles to it. The next is “One hour with Aled” which is only open to strippers, ho’s and other big breasted ladies. The premise is you are locked in a room with Aled for 60 minutes and half to turn him straight in that time. Not as good as a radio feature. Tv would work though.


Dom went to France, and did such exciting activities as horse riding and boat rowing – well his son did, whilst Carrie went to Scotland, Cornwall and Swansea. Chris wondered if she was either on tour or had just robbed a bank and kept on going and Dave went to Croatia and Bosnia (Chris: “Brilliant. Chappers and Dave get all over don’t they?!”), whilst Rachel did the same as Carrie, but in reverse.

But what we all want to know is where Chris went – which he didn’t really want to say – naturally he doesn’t want to get papped. He did reveal this though…

Chris: ”Me and Wogan have got palaces next to each other on our own private islands, in the shape of BBC logo and a pound sign. The rest of the DJs have what can only be described as huts. Edith has a nice home, Colin has one too, but it’s not as nice and Scott’s got a hammock. But it is nice”*

*1st thinly veiled reference to last week’s salary story of the morning

Chris also said he had written a further 10,000 words for his book (Dave:”Only 60,000 to go then!”), and had found a new way of elongating phrases within his witty anecdotes to ensure that the word count within his brand new journal of memoirs of the life and times of himself was bumped up to almost quadruple of that of the original phrase or sentence thus making it look like he has more stories to tell than he actually does. He should tell me how to do that sometimes, could be useful for the reviews…Dave said he should have increased the font size and put more pictures in. I don’t think it works like that though Dave.




Take That Chat & Tickets

Gary Barlow, off of Take That, was on the phone this morning to have a bit of banter with the team, as well as a very special announcement. First off, Chris thought “Never Forget” should have been the last song from the lads, but Gary was apparently just too eager to get tied to a chair for the video for “how deep is your love”. Understandable really. He also gave a bit of a sneak peak into the show – there is going to be nudity apparently (Chris “Gary in a thong then”).

The big reason he was ringing up though is because Take That are doing a concert on the show on Thursday – hurray! It’s been 10 years-ish since the last one according to Dave so it should be a cracker…err maybe. He also said he has a massive announcement with the band on Thursday, so another reason to tune in Gary offered tickets to the gang, who can’t wait to go. He also offered them to Jo Whiley as well, but Chris had a better idea….

Chris: I tell you what Dave…I’ll buy the tickets, they’ll be better than Jo’s*

*2nd thinly veiled reference to last week’s salary story of the morning


A ticket giveaway followed. Not that interesting and a bit redundant in a review in retrospect since you can’t win them!

Phone in games/quizzes

First up – yes…It’s back. Celebrity Tarzan returned with a rocking rollover. Today caller Alex guessed Myleen Klass, off of Hear say and CD:uk. Woohoo. A new one tomorrow Tarzan fans.

If that was enough – there was more local radio action in the form of Rob DJ’s Pub Quiz. Yes, nobody’s favourite feature was back for yet another run with lots of quizzy goodness. The scores have been reset for those who care, which means anyone can win…err…the respect of us? There was a farmer playing for the boys team which meant a bit of chat about crop rotation –

Chris: Do you make a lot of money?
Caller: No
Chris: I Do!

*3rd thinly veiled reference to last week’s salary story of the morning

No Beep Beep Busters today sadly – its taking a rest for the Take That comp and not dropped. Sad, they had the 2 crap competitions on today and left the good one out.

Other Stuff On Today’s Show

(*) Chris is on drugs to get through today’s show. Well, a Vic’s inhaler. He even had to take a shot during the Barlow interview.

(*) Chris is wondering weather or not to meet the Queen at the new broadcasting house. He says he’ll never get back from the Take That gig in time, since her madge is starting her walkabout at 10:15.

Mini-Moyles Update


Urm…there isn’t one. Sadly Mini-Moyles came to an end last week, so this will be the last update ever. In fact it isn’t really an update it’s just a pointless bit of info to end the review with!

<a href="">>Tuesday 18th April– What did you think of this show/review. Post your comments here<</a>

Saturday is up