The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
1. The Killers - Smile Like You Mean It 7:00 NEWSBEAT 2. U2 - Elevation 3. Black Eyed Peas - Don't Lie 4. Freemasons - Love On My Mind 5. Razorlight - Golden Touch 7:30 NEWSBEAT 6. Lionel Richie - All Night Long (Dance Remix) 7. Jay Z - 99 Problems 8. The White Stripes - My Doorbell 9. Uniting Nations - You & Me 8:00 NEWSBEAT 10. Oasis - The Importance Of Being Idle 11. Kylie Minogue - Can't Get You Out Of My Head 12. Metafix - Big City Life 13. Eminem - Lose Yourself 8:30 NEWSBEAT 14. James Blunt - You're Beautiful 15. Ciara - Oh 16. The Bravery - Honest Mistake 17. Sum 41 - Fat Lip (Tedious Link) 18. Kayne West - Diamonds From Sierra Leone 19. David Grey - The One I Love 20. Inaya Day - Nasty Girl 9:30 NEWSBEAT 21. Akon - Bonanza (Belly Dancer) 22.Lost Prophets - Last Train Home 23.

Sorry for the less than detailed review this week folks, I didn't find today's show particularly interesting or informative and I doubt that most of you will have either. Still I'm here to do a job, so here's the stuff that happened…

The start of the show proved this, although to be fair Dave does consider this to be the on-air mic check part of the show, because hardly anyone listens to it. It may just be me, but maybe if they advertised the show starting at 6:55 rather than 7 then people would get to hear this wonderful chat about how Rachel is wearing a butterfly jumper - with hair that hasn't been washed. Great stuff…

Listening figures increase

Well done to Chris and the team for a listening figure increase in the past few months. Well deserved if you asked me (although with me writing reviews for this site and all, I suppose I am a bit biased), especially the shows in the last month or so - some of the teams best radio since they came to breakfast in my opinion.


Chris got a call from the big Parf Daddy last night to confirm the wondrous increase in listeners, although sadly an increase in wage isn't to follow for Chris (hopefully it's all going to Dom instead, but don't let Chris hear me say that). However when Parf broke the news to Chris, there weren't too many celebrations. Not because Chris wasn't pleased, it's just he didn't know if he should be pleased since the Daddy had had a few to drink and had forgotten all the details. And he's one of the most powerful people in the UK music industry. You gotta have faith.

Other Stuff On Today's Show

(*) Jo Whiley has lost her flip-flops. And if you think that is good radio, you have lost the plot.

(*) Dave's gig with Chappers didn't go so well at the weekend as someone offered Dave out for a fight at the end. The world tour continues.

(*) More people ringing up for no reason - probably the highlight was some woman ringing up to request All Night Long by Lionel Richie. The caller actually went on so long that Chris managed to find it and play it - but it was only the dance remix he played last year. I really like this feature, as Chris really handles it well and is a lot more amusing than when Scott Mills does it. Hopefully not a 'flash in the pan' feature.


(*) The "hilarious" 7:47 joke returned…the sooner that dies the better.

(*) More on the 24 competition, but since it doesn't actually come to an end until tomorrow it was a lot of filler on how to register.

(*) Talking of filler - a lot of time was taken up by giving away Roy Walker t-shirts, which I suspect is only exciting if you win one.


(*) On Scott Mills' show yesterday, someone called Fred rang up and said Chris was in his restaurant and only tipped him 20p. Chris said this wasn't true (and not because he just tipped him 25p either). Cue some revenge on Scott's show later today then methinks…

(*) Exam results are coming up for a lot of people, so Chris celebrated with a jingle…

If you're waiting for the postman, with exam results in hand,
We hope you get just what you need, and get what you had planned,
But if you have failed, just have a cup of tea,
And get you're application in, for a job at the BBC,
The Chris Moyles Show, National Radio 1

Mini Moyles Update

Here's what the team have been up to on today's mini moyles…


Chris went home to make a mess as his cleaner's coming today and Friday.
Dom had a kip and Carrie went for a run by the Thames. Dave had a kip and went out with Tim from Accounts.
Aled is off on a secret reconnaissance mission in a mysterious destination. Rachel went shopping for outfit for a friend's wedding and Joce did a water-based activity at a leisure centre.

<a href="">>Thursday 6th August - What did you think of this show/review. Post your comments here<</a>

Saturday is up