The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
Hellooooo! This is my FIRST review, so sorry if its a bit rubbish!!
I only managed to listen to half an hours worth of good old Moylesy today, so obviously I can't write the best or most professional of reviews(sorry!!)
A 'Lizzie Quizzie'named 'Fightiing Fit or Fit For Nothing' was presented by Thin Lizzie herself with contestants- Jane who is the teams fitness trainer and 'The boys'(Chris , Will and Dave)Naturally, Jane won the quiz because she is the fitness expert!
Chris made a tiny bit of a sarcastic comment to Lizzie along the lines of I'm just delighted that you're not in tomorrow. which resulted in Lizzie faling into a depth of silence.
Chris needs to see a foot specialist to sort out,well..... his feet. Unfortunately, Chris will be missing out on his training session tomorrow to get his hair done!(bless him).
The whole training thing is supposedly going quite well for the team with Chris making the most effort to attend the sessions(even if he does eat steak and kidney pie and chips!)and is complaining about the expense of being fit!
Will has no'Will' power to give up smoking , you never know but grapes might just do the trick.

Saturday is up