The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris

Chris starts off by talking about the fitness regime, suprise that. Chris mentions how Dave and Will have managed to stop smoking, Dave for 22 days and Will has started again with no help from 'Fit' Lizzie who gave him a cigarette on Friday night. Chris wants to find out information about the Popstars from the t.v show after reading in the Mirror that they have moved to a 'safe' house, with Moyles on the case I doubt the word safe will last long, he asks people to phone in with any information on the Popstars whereabouts.

Link 2

Chris does a rant about somebody at R1 not doing there job properly because the touch screen has not been updated, I wouldn't wonder in at 4.20 because I wouldn't be doing my job properly, fire them, thats what I say Good point actually.

Link 3

Phone calls - Some guy who heard the names but can only remember 1 of the names, Noel and a cute bird, pointless caller.
Find out that the Popstars are living in Millhill from 2 callers, 2nd women becomes Ms X, Moyles's secret spy to find out more about Popstars.

Link 4

Find out it was Producer Wills birthday yesterday, tells them he got some good presents, something called a punch up the bracket.

Link 5 after 4.30 news and 2 songs

LWT have been on the phone to try and stop Moyles revealing info about the Popstars, he decideds to compramise or blackmail LWT, Moyles wants Nigel dressed in a black thong singing Reach by S Club 7, decide to fill a minute or so by staying silent and discussing life, very funny. Moves on to talk about how his flat is falling apart, this link involves and impression of a Brummy guy followed up by he's Welsh very funny, tells us a story about how he did the toilet with a candle lit, pleasant mental image, the funniest link of the show.

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Still no word from LWT, starts to tease about whether or not he should reveal info on the Popstars, Chris obviously has it planned not to say anything but it wins ratings, keeps people listening and it supplies prep for a few days.

Link 7

Tells us he has E4 and he didn't realise, hello to all the Sky Digital listeners, Popstars have until 5.30 to meet our demands or we will reveal all

Link 8

After 5 Will goes mad is brought up again, Chris seems to have a point, Wills on another planet.

Link 9 after 5.00 news and 2 songs

Update from LWT, they are shaking in their shoes according to Will about Moyles's supposed information, LWT offer various things like a sleepover and the girls delivering the single, Chris and Dave decide their not good enough so they still threaten to expose the Popstars, does anyone really care about the Popstars, by the time he exposes them tomorrow it will be in the paper tomorrow morning, just my opinion. They get the listeners to vote on what they should do, spill the beans or hold on the the info. New Manics single, 2 singles released at once, a song for the fans and a good pop song, good marketing if u ask me.

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No real opinion about the new Manics song, I got the impression that he didn't like it but didn't want to say because it might be a grower (a song that grows on you)

For the rest of the show Chris keeps on teasing but in the end decides not to tell any information about the Popstars but he has told LWT that they will need to meet his demands before 16.00 tomorrow or they will spill the beans, umm, I have my doubts.
Not a bad show today, the info teasing was a bit lame, I reckon he has no information but it filled a show and it will make people listen tomorrow, so it worked then.

Saturday is up