The TV & Radio Show Reviews
Chris started today's show by being nice to somebody. Original I suppose. The subject was Rhys, and Chris was just saying how he had said that he thought Rhys looked good at the moment. Chris especially likes Rhys' little beard which he described as like cress - since it grows out just from his chin.

Respect the cress. - Dave's comment.

Chris: You could smuggle people in that beard... as long as they were small people. Like the size of your beard... Beard people.
Dave: Bearded people... perhaps.

Had Moylesy been drinking last night? Very strange trail of thought!

Apparently Rachael from S Club 7 was being a bit funny with Chris yesterday before she went on the air. Chris was wondering why she was like that. Perhaps she was overcome by being on the radio with the saviour himself... or perhaps she doesn't like Chris saying how much he fancies her on the air.... Just a thought.

Later one in the link Chris once again got onto the subject of Melinda and Sarah Cox, who were both at the British Grand Prix (not together). Mel. got away without too much suffering from this. He's obviously learning how to get out of an attack from Chris! Dave also got peeved when they (well Chris) began to talk about Dave's lass. Dave said he simply didn't like discussing the subject on national radio... fair enough... I suppose.

Later on, after some persuasion from Chris we got to hear Rhys impersonating Jay from Five, by singing some of the lyrics from Keep on Moving. Soon after this Chris and Mel. began to argue over clothes again. Chris didn't appear to like Simon's jacket:

You look like a teddy bear that's found on the top of a bus shelter! - Chris' novel way of describing what Mel. looked like.

Mel. commented about Chris' shirt (perhaps Chris was wearing his Hawaii shirt again). Dave thought Chris looked liked a marshmallow.

Chris spent a lot of the rest of the show taking the mickey out of Dave Pearce; by playing clips of a lot of spoof features closely related to the mix selector.

The Twix selector.
The Pick and mix selector.
The Dicks selector - featuring Darren Day, Gary Bushell, Jeremy Clarkson.

Ben was back on Viaduct today, but it was the other caller who proved the most amusing. I also like the way Ben is prepared to ask the question that simply have to be asked.

Why do all these birds keep going for Comedy Dave? - Ben referring to earlier in the show when Chris read some messages left on the message board on the Radio 1 website which were about Dave.

Dave always gets sensitive when Chris makes the point that Dave only got his girlfriend because of his job. Rhys pointed out that Anna was hardly likely to go for Chris if he was a bricklayer... which is probably true.

Anna's only interested in my money, she'll be furious when she finds out I haven't got any. - Chris' honest reply.

It was pretty obvious that Chris also liked the second caller, but only becawuse he had prowblems with is r's and w's. The caller (Geowrge... sorrwy, George) had apparently been to the dentist today, at least that was his excuse. Needless to say Dave and Chris took the opportunity to ensure that they asked George questions that he was likely to have trouble saying.

It turned out that George is a teacher and he said he had been busy marking over the holiday.

What are you marking? Weeding, Writing and Awithmetic? - Chris.

This sort of thing continued... for quite a while until the quiz started.

Just take you time... don't wush (rush). - Chris' closing comment before they started Viaduct.

Ben actually lost on a tie-breaker question (well they actually had three questions). Needless to say all the answers began began with the letter r, so it would be funny when George gave the answers. George won 2-1, but since Chris likes Ben they will both weturn tomorrow.

Just before Get Down Chris spotted one of the Dreem Teem outside, so needless to say he had to comment...

It was also interesting at the end of the show, when initially we could hear Steve Lamacq, instead of Newsbeat!

** This review was posted by the webmaster of MoylesNet ( - a source of quality, up to date show reviews and news on Chris Moyles and his show. **

Saturday is up