The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
Note: Although this is in tom's id ( the page had been deleted from my history) it's still Craig posting this, so i you want to e-mail me just click on the name above as usual

OPENING MONOLOGUE: Now broadcasting from Flange it’s the
Chris Moyles show! Today we talk to Donel Jones as we throw water melons at him
and see if he can duck in time in our new in our new feature, Donal Duck ! And now
it’s The man Who is up at the crack of noon to start another Manic Monday Chris

Nahhhhhh, you can’t taste the difference

In link 1, everyone’s tired except Mel. Mariah Carry can’t stay away, we all think she
fancies Dave. Chris thinks it’s Rhys, because she’s intrigued. So she’s coming in and
Chris wants her to get a coffee for him because the machine’s broken. Chris went to
the pub this weekend, wow, thats new!

In link 2, Mariah’s arrived and she’s in the toilet. So what else do we talk about?
When Rhys comes in to work his arse is like the theme tune to bonzana. When Rhys
go’s to the toilet for a dump the world falls out his arse.

In link 3, Chris can see Mariah’s Body Guard and is, quite frankly pooping him self!
So as soon a Rhys gets in... “Mate, got a job for you!”

Link 4 brings us Mariah and her tales of the past. She’s been talking for weeks and
only got 3 hours sleep. She started her fashion career (?!?!?) at Junior High and wants
to give Chris a make over. She was also a bully at school. Callers call and ask “is it
true she fell asleep on a plane for three hours” “Have you ever cleaned a toilet” “ Do
you ever where a bra?” She’s also going to sing happy birthday to Chris at her gig in
Wembley. She then go’s on to complain about her figure, What’s wrong with it?!?!?!
She goes on about Bra’s for about 10 minutes. Chris’ Girlfriend warned him about

Helen won and will be back tomorrow!

We might be getting a Kristen update ( Her baby was due yesterday ) So Mel phones
up to see if the “ bun’s out of the oven.” And it is!!!!!! A baby boy, 6 pounds 9 onzes.
We think about names ( last name Butler ) Benson, Bernie, Billy....

True Or False
No-one wins today, well, thats what happens ever day

97---99 FM____________Radio 1

Saturday is up