Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By dimtimjim
S'all going wrong for us, not happy. And with Southampton flying high like they are, most embarassing when discussing football at home.
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By Bruvva
Could be worse, you could be Villa.

Sam Allardyce's interview over the weekend was interesting, after his usual bigging himself up, he actually made a decent point about certain managers (Rodgers, Wenger, Pellegrini) not being able to change their tactics as opposed to managers like Mourninho and, of course himself (he's nothing if not self aggrandising), who change their tactics depending on who they're playing or who they've got available to play for them. He's usually 100% wrong on most things but this time I found myself agreeing with him. I mean, look at Rodgers, had success last season with what was essentially one up front (either Suarez or Sturridge with a couple of players supporting) now Suarez has left and Sturridge is injured, he's attempting Balotelli as a lone striker despite him never playing well like that, he needs someone up with him - in his only game with Sturridge this season, he looked decent, since then, on his own, he's looked totally lost.
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By Bruvva
United's back 4 at the end of yesterday's game : Valencia - Carrick - McNair - Shaw

* me. That's actually worse than Liverpool's.
By bmstinton93
Worcester City earning a replay against Scunthorpe in the second round of the FA cup at aggborough next week! Praying for Man United in round 3!
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By Bruvva
Losing 14-13 on pens, unlucky.
By bmstinton93
I cannot be disheartened by that though, Scunthorpe were poor against a team 3 years below them. As much as we did deserve a win we still took a league one team to 210 minutes of football at a draw and then broke the FA cup record for penalties and I will never watch a better football match in my life. Absolutely fantastic match and brilliant cup run.
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By Yudster
We're going down. League 2 here we come.

Saturday is up