Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
So I bought a book on glycaemic loading (on ebay - only cost a couple quid) and I'm thoroughly confused by it. It's not possible just calculate the glycaemic load of a food, you've got to rely on a combination of using established charts and guesswork, which doesn't really appeal to me. In the past I've used the Weight Watchers system, and whilst I don't think that's the way forward for me anymore, I do really like the aspect of calculating the points value of every food. I think being able to establish numbers for everything and having a system just appeals to my OCD. So yeah, I feel a bit unsure about GL.

I'm looking into the paleo thing at the moment. There is a website dedicated to vegetarians doing paleo, but it's light on actual recipes! So I shall do some more research before deciding on anything.
Paleo ought to be good for vegans I would have thought - lots of veg, you can't have cultivated grains but potatos, sweet potatoes, root veg, nuts and pulses ought to be ok. I would have thought Soy was a no no but I imagine quorn would be ok. I'll be honest, I wouldn't want to live on it, but I reckon I could make a lot of really good meals with that kind of choice. It would be a LOT better with eggs cheese and cream of course...!
Eggs? I thought quorn was that fungus stuff! Shows how much I know about this meat free lark. And I thought tofu was soy - never mind!
Quorn is indeed the fungus stuff, but they use eggs to bind it. I did read a while ago that they now make a vegan burger, but I've never actually seen it for sale anywhere. Tofu is soya bean curd, yeah, and you're right, it isn't allowed on paleo. I think I just assumed it would be cos it's almost pure protein, but apparently not. That sort of leaves me wondering what I'd eat for protein, apart from nuts. Also no milk, which means no tea or coffee - and that kind of rules it out cos I think I'd just be too miserable without those. I think I might just be going back to low-carb, cos it's fairly familiar.
Well if you're comfortable with it its certainly a good option.
I was planning not to go back on my "diet" until 2 January, but I'm back on it today - I've had enough, the carbs are making me bloated and lethargic and my belly aches. I've not eaten huge amounts, it's just my body works better without carbs. I want my energy back!
I have instructed Mr Red that unless the weather is horrific, we're going running on Sunday. I need to see if I can do it again - my hip has deteriorated a bit since I last ran with any frequency, but it's the only exercise I ever really enjoyed, so I intend to give it a go. I'm considering investing in a recumbent bike as well, as I can't use a regular one.
I too feel bloated and horrible after eating so much crap over the past week. I am so glutinous that I just carry on though. I have eaten sensibly and lost weight over the past 18 months, but I took the whole of December off and have eaten what I like.

I'll be amazed if I haven't put on at least a stone over the past month. Back on it in a fashion from the 2nd, then back on properly from the 6th. I'll be amazed if I haven't put on at least a stone over the past month. I can't wait really. I felt so much better when I was eating healthily, but as has been the case over most of my life, greed got the better of me.
Don't overdo it Nic, you might be better off starting with fast walking, adding an incline to increase the intensity? You've got plenty of hills around your way!

Either way don't compromise that hip, your surgical options are going to be limited given how much it has already been through.
From a weight loss point of view running has never made any difference for me. I've enjoyed getting fitter, but I've never lost any appreciable amount of weight as a result.

Starting from scratch I think this schedule is pretty reasonable. I did it myself quite a few years ago and even if you have no intention of completing the whole thing, I think the first few weeks are a decent introduction if nothing else.
I find it difficult to get my head around but I'm reliably informed that unless you are training at a full time athletes level plus eating at a large calorie deficit, exercise is pretty incidental to weight loss.

Apparently people who exercise are hungrier so tend to eat more, and given that 1lb fat loss equates to about 3500 calories and the fact that an hour in the gym or out running will burn on average 300 - 400 calories only, you fan see how maybe it doesn't do a lot.

I still think it's a good idea though.
Went for my first run on Sunday - it went pretty well really. I could run for longer than I thought - wasn't timing it as I haven't got a stopwatch yet, but it was longer than 10 seconds which is enough to impress me with how unfit I currently am :) My hip did start to ache halfway through, but a quick stretch and it was fine again, so I think I'm good to carry on. The problem really is that we're experiencing so much rain here - I know, when doesn't it rain in Manchester, but it's constant at the moment - and I hate running in the pouring rain. I know the alternative is a treadmill, but I cant really afford to join a gym. I'm still considering the recumbent bike thing, though. Diet wise I'm still eating the last of the carb foods we have at home, as I can't afford to just throw out food! But after my birthday next week I'm making a proper start on the 'carb cleanse' from the veggie low carb diet book.
Started my diet yesterday - looking to keep my calorie intake around the 1,250 per day mark. I'm quite good once I get into a rhythm, but haven't lost a decent amount of weight since I started working full time (the time before that around 3.5 years ago, I lost 6 stone in 3 months...but that was coupled with an awful break up - and nothing to do for 3 months)
Due to me being heavier than I've ever been in my life I've now cut out extra sugar from my diet so none in my cups of tea and none sprinkled on my cornflakes in the morning and my chocolate bars have been replaced with bananas.

It seems to be working, roughly half a stone gone over the last two weeks and, ideally, another 1 1/2 to go (down to 12 1/2). The app I have on my phone wants me to get down to 10 stone. TEN. That is NEVER happening. I've not been that light since about 1992 during my vegetarian phase when I went down to 6 1/2 stone.

Hopefully weight loss will help stop the pain in my knees which in turn stops me from running....
Today was the first day of my carb cleanse, which is 25g of carbs max per day for two weeks. It went okay, I had a sugar crash at about 4pm but I was able to just lie down for a bit - it'll be much harder to get through when I'm at work! I also had a bad allergy attack this evening, but I'm hoping that's not related.
So I never used to agree with the gym or ever see myself doing it but when I was with Katie I joined up for a bit as it gave me a reason to. I gave up with it shortly after we broke up as I just had no motivation to go, or to even do anything.

But last week I decided to sign up again. This time I have signed up for a year and I intend on going every single evening straight from work. As I finish at 4 I will still be home by about half 5 so I have no reason not to stick with it. As my confidence is at an all time low I actually plan on massively bulking up and am even considering protein shakes. I'll be kicking Megan Fox out of bed in no time! :P
bmstinton93 wrote:But last week I decided to sign up again. This time I have signed up for a year and I intend on going every single evening straight from work. As I finish at 4 I will still be home by about half 5 so I have no reason not to stick with it. As my confidence is at an all time low I actually plan on massively bulking up and am even considering protein shakes. I'll be kicking Megan Fox out of bed in no time! :P

Pleased you've fond some motivation Yoof, but don't go every single day, that's not a great plan. Sure, build up to that in 6 months time, but off the bat? No.

Also, try to avoid artificially propping up your diet. Yes, there is loads of 'advice' out there on protein shakes etc, but that mostly come from those who profit from it. The best bet is always a proper diet. Yes, change your diet to suit your new requirements, but don't get too wound up in silly shakes/gels/drinks; they are NOT the best option.

Still, all the best dude.
I make my own fresh juices and shakes all the time and sometimes use a scoop of soya protein powder to fill me up and keep my blood sugar evened out (as opposed to carbs which cause a spike and crash). I don't see any harm in it, but you do need to have a good knowledge of nutrition and make sure you're using them in the right way, as opposed to, you know, Cartman. (BEEEEFFCAAAAKE)

I just got a magic bullet, which sounds like a sex toy but is in fact a juicer/blender for making fresh juice to drink immediately. I love it. I got some PB2 for my birthday as well, which is peanut butter powder for shakes - all the flavour of peanut butter without the oil.
So yeah, lost 4lbs last week. Unfortunately I read some anecdotal evidence that my gum problems (see the what's annoying you thread) could be related to a low carb diet and that's freaked me out so I'm very reluctant to continue with it. Instead I downloaded myfitnesspal and I'm doing old-school calorie counting, staying on the low carb side of the road but adding in a few complex carbs.
Well, all this ruddy wind... Whilst very annoying, its certainly 'helping' me on my cycle to and from work - burning loads of calories cycling against the wind. And swearing lots.
Half a stone off now. Quite pleased. Poor Mr Red is struggling though - I think he just has no experience of shifting into a 'dieting' mindset.
I know no longer eat bread and walk a mile or 2 during my lunch break.

To date I've lost about 2 stone.

This now allows me to drink 6 cans of lager a night instead of 4 and still look buff. Ish.
flyingbadger wrote:I know no longer eat bread and walk a mile or 2 during my lunch break.

Your Scottish, it should be 500 miles...!

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