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By Badger Mark
neilt0 wrote:
Badger Mark wrote:Wow - that really sucks. Is it still any good ?

Fortunately, the new actors are very good. Last night's was very weird, but still great viewing.

I actually think if they brought Kelly and Nathan back, they'd be bloody annoying! 8O

Good to hear it's still worth watching. I have to admit that Nathan's been my favorite so far.
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By a-moron
neilt0 wrote:
Badger Mark wrote:
Misfit wrote:I know none of the original cast members are no longer on the show which really annoys me.


S'not really.

neilt0 wrote:
Badger Mark wrote:I know none of the original cast members are no longer on the show which really annoys me.

Now it's fixed.

*Throws keyboard back to the floor and walks away*
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By a-moron
Yudster wrote:I am LOVING Arrow.

I too am LOVING Arrow. Tight script, superb action sequences, riveting story line & * brilliant character integration.

All in all. Super t.v.
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By Yudster
Its close to perfect TV for me.
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By Latina
Frasier has just shown up in Cheers in ITV4! :D (Well, a couple of days ago I think. I'm slightly behind.)
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By DevilsDuck
Yay! I love JC...but not the one from the Bible
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By Yudster
Mr Yudster watches it and I catch quite a lot - I like it, but I don't really get it. It seems to suggest that pretty much EVERYONE is a fairytale monster in disguise. The non-weirdos are decidedly in a minority.
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By a-moron
boboff wrote:Does anyone watch Grimm?

I do and I enjoy it.

Queue one word answer fest.

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By Yudster
Smart arse.
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By Bonanzoid
Yudster wrote:It seems to suggest that pretty much EVERYONE is a fairytale monster in disguise

That makes me think it's the next step after watching Scooby Doo as a kid.
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By Boboff
Boners right, my 10 year old loves it as well, and he loves Scooby Do to.

It's not as bad as twilight on the everyones a monster front, it is only the weirdo's and people central to the plot.
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By a-moron
Yudster wrote:Smart arse.


boboff wrote:Boners right, my 10 year old loves it as well, and he loves Scooby Do to.

I too enjoy Boners. It's even better now in HD.
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By dimtimjim
Currently on iPlayer is a sci/nature series called "10 things you didn't know about...:" covering Tsunamis, Eartquakes and Avalanches. Well worth a watch, most informative and interesting. AND as a bonus, adding a little science to some of those silly bible stories we all have beaten into us.

Science > Religion, so say I.'t%20Know%20About...
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By a-moron
dimtimjim wrote:Science > Religion, so say I.

So say we all.

Well, maybe not the God botherer's.
Or those who have no interest in the science's.
Or God.
Or the other religious deities.
Or vegans.

But mostly so say we all.
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By Nicola_Red
No, I don't say that. Nothing to do with being a vegan though :)
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By dimtimjim
Nic, laying on your back screaming "oh my god" does not count as properly religious. Soz.
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By Nicola_Red
Oh no, really? :)
By Tunster

If anyone who's a fan of Gervais and hasn't seen the Derek pilot from earlier this year, it's brilliant! Been meaning to watch it and only just prompted myself to do so after seeing the above trailer. Love the way Gervais has placed Pilkington (playing Douglas) as the grumpy caretaker but make his character really genuine. New series starts in January I think!
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By Badger Mark
My wife and watched the Dr. Who Christmas show last night. Thought it was pretty good. I don't recall them ever using the Christmas show to set up the next companion. Going to miss Karen Gillan as Amy Pond, but Jenna-Louise Coleman as Clara seemed to fit right in based upon this episode and the series premiere from earlier this year.
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By Yudster
I am suitably curious about the Clara/Oswin situation. I need to know how.
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By Badger Mark
Yudster wrote:I am suitably curious about the Clara/Oswin situation. I need to know how.

Absolutely - can't wait to see where this storyline goes.
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By Boboff
Isn't she the key to time or summit?

BFQ 2012 was very funny, the chap from the IT crowd (in my mind it's our Chrys) was really excellent. Matt Corden and the Posh one were absolute Pub Man Humour tastic! (i.e. lots about wanking and bumming......Badger?????)
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By Yudster
I got the box set for the first 2 series of Sherlock because I missed most of season 2. I had forgotten how awesome it is. On a separate though related note, I am still really enjoying Elementary - but I do think you have to come to it with no expectation that it is in any way related to anything Conan Doyle wrote.
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By Bruvva
Yudster wrote:I got the box set for the first 2 series of Sherlock because I missed most of season 2. I had forgotten how awesome it is. On a separate though related note, I am still really enjoying Elementary - but I do think you have to come to it with no expectation that it is in any way related to anything Conan Doyle wrote.

Yes, Elementary is surprisingly good. I didn't have high hopes when I first heard about it as it reeked of an American network cashing in on the success of Sherlock over here but thankfully, I was wrong and I'm really enjoying it so far. Shame we have to wait until late 2013 for the new Sherlock series.

I'm also enjoying Arrow, despite it being a bit, well, rubbish really. I think my enjoyment is down to me being a comic geek and playing "spot the DC character" - I giggled when Huntress appeared and it looks like they're introducing the Oracle (despite the character NOT being Barbara Gordon). Also John Barrowman is always amusing.

The Walking Dead has just hit the mid-season break in season three and it's back on form after a fairly dull season two. David Morissey as the Governor is just pure evil.

Oh and finally, only three months until season 3 of Game of Thrones, after which I'll be able to talk to people about a certain event that happens in the books without massively spoiling things for them.
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