Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
Topher wrote:The trouble is, if you look into a lot of these cases, people give no prior warning before they actually do it. I've heard stories where someone who committed suicide was making plans on the same day they killed themselves to go out with mates on the next day and stuff.. the people they were talking to often have no idea that something is wrong, they hide it very well.

Very true... makes it even scarier then if you don't see it coming... but then it makes me think - why do it?
Just because they look like they're happy, doesn't mean they are. People can be very deceiving.
rustybike wrote:... but then it makes me think - why do it?

Oh grow up.
Yudster wrote:
rustybike wrote:... but then it makes me think - why do it?

Oh grow up.

Yudster, sorry if i've upset you - but it's just a conversation. My uncle comitted suicide a couple of years ago and when conversations like this come up i'm interested and I am allowed to express my opinion/thoughts on something just like everyone else does around here - although people may not agree with me at times. But I am sorry if whatever I've said has upset you.
I'm not remotely upset, just annoyed at the simplistic and childish views some people seem to hold. The idea that such a situation is simple and uncomplicated enough to be summed up and dismissed by a juvenile comment such as yours - although you aren't the only one - is a damning indictment of supposed adult's perception and understanding.
Yudster wrote:I'm not remotely upset, just annoyed at the simplistic and childish views some people seem to hold. The idea that such a situation is simple and uncomplicated enough to be summed up and dismissed by a juvenile comment such as yours - although you aren't the only one - is a damning indictment of supposed adult's perception and understanding.

I would never think that something like this is simple and uncomplicated... no way no way. I understand that much. I am just always curious what goes on in people's minds sometimes. That's all...

I'm going to stay quiet now.

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]