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who is the fittest neighbours honey?

mac (the WPC who is secretly a drug dealer)
susan kennedy
lyn scully
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By Sidders
Nobody could ever beat Michelle though. I want to marry her.
By David
The new style Karl is brilliant.
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By Mafro
Why did Max get rid of his zany sideburns? :cry:
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By fish heads
Why can he only seem to speak in a whisper as well - like Jon Calshaw's impression of Russell Crowe?
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By Mafro
I think he's trying to be calm.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
has he had the shane warne hair treatment too?
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By Mafro
Ah, that explains where his sideburns have gone.
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By fish heads
While I remember fellow Neighbours fans - it is on Good Friday and Easter Monday but only once, earlier than usual at 1pm. There is no 5:35 evening showing on either day, then back to normal on Tuesday
By David
Exactly how old is Lolly supposed to be? When she left she was about 5... Now she looks about 15 now, and she didn't leave 10 years ago.
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By fish heads
She is supposed to be 15 now - even though she was born in 1995!

Elle is also older than she actually should be - she was born in 1989 but is early 20s in the show now.
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By Mafro
Ha, Karls parrot-thing is brilliant when it goes hyper, that noise is hilarious.
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By Sidders
Bah, I missed it and there's no repeat today.
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By fish heads
Media Guardian wrote:The BBC is facing a three-way battle to keep Neighbours, with ITV and Channel Five considering bidding for the Australian daytime soap.

It is understood the BBC has a period of exclusivity in negotiations for a new contract for the long-running show, but has said it would only commit "if the price was right".

ITV and Channel Five would be keen to get their hands on the soap, with sources confirming they had both run the rule over it.

The soap's current contract with the BBC ends later next year and discussions about a new deal have already begun.

Neighbours would plug a hole in ITV1's afternoon schedule, which has struggled since the loss of Home and Away to Five and the defection of Paul O'Grady to Channel 4.

Neighbours could also be used on ITV2, which is also currently looking for a "teen-oriented soap".

The ITV chief operating officer, John Cresswell, was quoted as saying last week that a teen soap would bring a "habit-forming, young audience" to peak on ITV2.

ITV could follow the lead of Five, which plays Home and Away on its main network at 6pm, then gives viewers a first look at the next episode immediately afterwards on digital channel Five Life.

An ITV spokeswoman said the channel was looking to commission a home-grown series.

Five is also interested in bidding for Neighbours, which it would air alongside Home and Away in a soap hour from 6pm.

The channel has long been interested in acquiring the soap, made by Australian production company Grundy - which is owned by Five's parent company RTL.

The BBC has said it is "committed" to Neighbours, but has denied reports it is preparing to shell out £13m a year to keep it - over three times what it currently pays.

The BBC director of acquisitions, George McGhee, told the corporation wanted to keep the show "but only if the price was right".

He said: "This figure [of £13m a year] is a lot of nonsense. That amount of money would be absolutely ridiculous.

"The BBC is committed to Neighbours but only at the right price."

Negotiations over Neighbours are continuing, although one source said a deal was "still quite some time off", with the BBC holding the rights until well into next year.

Despite its ratings falling from the days of Scott and Charlene's romance and wedding in the late 80s, Neighbours is still a ratings banker for BBC1, pulling in around 3 million viewers for its 1.35pm lunchtime repeat and around 2.6 million for its 5.35pm episode.

I know this sort of story comes up every year or so, but this time it's from a reputable source, rather than the Sun or something, so it's worth keeping in mind...
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By MK Chris
fish heads wrote:
Media Guardian wrote:...pulling in around 3 million viewers for its 1.35pm lunchtime repeat and around 2.6 million for its 5.35pm episode.

I thought the evening episode was the repeat?
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By fish heads
Yeah, they clearly ballsed that bit up
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By Quincy
it would be crap with breaks though
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By foot-loose
Quincy wrote:it would be crap with breaks though


Coz right now its a televisual masterpiece!

(sorry :D)
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By Quincy
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By fish heads
Never be sorry for the truth footloose
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By foot-loose
Im not sure people in this thread would be able to handle the truth! :D
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
I used to watch Home and Away and then Channel 5 stole it but couldn't put it on for a year or something so I stopped watching. They can't take neighbours from me...
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By Yudster
They can, Gaspode, they can - and they will.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Meh it will mean I can stay in work past 10 past 5 without being bothered about missing it.
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By Dickie
Digital Spy wrote:BBC 'committed' to keeping 'Neighbours'
Thursday, April 12 2007, 12:14 BST

The BBC may have to fight to keep Australian daytime soap Neighbours as ITV and Five look to poach the show.

The soap's current contract with the BBC ends later next year and discussions about a new deal are currently going on.

ITV could use the show to boost its afternoon schedule, or put the show on ITV2. The channel is currently looking for a "teen-oriented soap," though a ITV spokeswoman said ITV2 was looking for a home-grown series.

Five is also believed to be interested in bidding for Neighbours, which is made by Grundy, owned by Five's parent company RTL.

The BBC has said it is "committed" to the show, "but only if the price was right."

The show currently manages around 3 million viewers for its 1.35pm lunchtime outing and around 2.6 million for its 5.35pm episode.
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Friday is up, and platinum:[…]