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By Yudster
I am LOVING Arrow.
By Tunster
I'm still trying to finish "The Bridge". Thought I was further into the series and then realised I was only at episode 5... 8O . Loving the autistic swedish female detective. Just the chemistry between the two detectives from both sides of the bond is developing to be epic. Can't wait for series 2 next year!
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By neilt0
Tunster wrote:I'm still trying to finish "The Bridge". Thought I was further into the series and then realised I was only at episode 5... 8O . Loving the autistic swedish female detective. Just the chemistry between the two detectives from both sides of the bond is developing to be epic. Can't wait for series 2 next year!

The Bridge was great. Everyone should also watch The Killing (original, not the crap U.S. versionh) and Borgen.
By Tunster
neilt0 wrote:
Tunster wrote:I'm still trying to finish "The Bridge". Thought I was further into the series and then realised I was only at episode 5... 8O . Loving the autistic swedish female detective. Just the chemistry between the two detectives from both sides of the bond is developing to be epic. Can't wait for series 2 next year!

The Bridge was great. Everyone should also watch The Killing (original, not the crap U.S. versionh) and Borgen.

There's a new 3rd series starting next week I think. Keeping that one in the locker until I've finished the bridge.
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By Yudster
Elementary is not as awful as it seemed at first, in fact as long as you don't make the mistake pf thinking that its anything to do with Sherlock Holmes, and especially as long as you don't make any comparison with the BBC series, its very enjoyable.
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By neilt0
Tunster wrote:There's a new 3rd series starting next week I think. Keeping that one in the locker until I've finished the bridge.

In my house, it started 9 weeks ago... the Danish version is out there in the ether with some excellent fansubs up to Episode 6.
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By MK Chris
dimtimjim wrote:Ta.

**heads off to eBay**

Edit: Its not out 'till next week, naughty Toph.

Ahem, would you believe I had it on the planner from when it was on Sky Movies..?

Being serious though - if it had been better, I would absolutely have gone out and bought it.
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By dimtimjim
Good man! Knew you were a decent chap. :wink:
By Tunster
neilt0 wrote:
Tunster wrote:There's a new 3rd series starting next week I think. Keeping that one in the locker until I've finished the bridge.

In my house, it started 9 weeks ago... the Danish version is out there in the ether with some excellent fansubs up to Episode 6.

Clever! I am going to aim to do what I did with Heroes and keep up with the initial releases by downloading them before they come over to the UK when the new Bridge appears.

I seriously miss that Heroes series though! *must get blu-ray out tonight and start watching it again!*
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By Badger Mark
Yudster wrote:Elementary is not as awful as it seemed at first, in fact as long as you don't make the mistake pf thinking that its anything to do with Sherlock Holmes, and especially as long as you don't make any comparison with the BBC series, its very enjoyable.

My wife and I gave Elementary a try for a couple of episodes. For me, I'm not a big Holmes fan in general so it didn't really do much for me. However the same is not true for my wife - she's a big Sherlock Holmes fan. She thought Elementary was OK, but didn't like Lucy Liu as Watson. So we gave up on it.
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By Yudster
I think if you take it as it is presented, ie a re-worked version of Sherlock Holmes and Watson, it doesn't work at all. If you just watch it as another lightweight American TV drama it works very nicely. Lucy Liu isn't any good as "Watson", but she is good in this because the character she is playing - who just happens to be called Watson - is a million miles away from anything written by Conan-Doyle. And she is utterly gorgeous, especially as she seems to be allowing herself to get visibly older.
By Misfit
watching misfits again this series although, its slowly getting sh*t as all the original characters were killed off/left to go back in time so the new ones are trying to replace them instead of playing their own parts.
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By Yudster
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By dimtimjim
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By MK Chris
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By MK Chris
In fairness, it's in that category of 'things I would probably like but I watch too much anyway'.
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By Badger Mark
Misfit wrote:anyone else watch misfits???

I've seen the first two series of the show. There's a cable channel here in the States that finally started showing it earlier this year, and it's one of my favorite shows. I know a number of the original cast members are no longer on the show which really annoys me.
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By neilt0
Badger Mark wrote:
Misfit wrote:I know none of the original cast members are no longer on the show which really annoys me.

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By Badger Mark
neilt0 wrote:
Badger Mark wrote:
Misfit wrote:I know none of the original cast members are no longer on the show which really annoys me.


Wow - that really sucks. Is it still any good ?
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By neilt0
Badger Mark wrote:Wow - that really sucks. Is it still any good ?

Fortunately, the new actors are very good. Last night's was very weird, but still great viewing.

I actually think if they brought Kelly and Nathan back, they'd be bloody annoying! 8O
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