Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By MK Chris
Well you can't pretend he's breaking the rules just because you don't like him, that's stupid.
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By dimtimjim
Topher wrote:Well, he's stupid.

Bens point, bang on.
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By MK Chris
Changing quotes is stupid too.
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By MK Chris
*sigh* You're all a bunch of kids.
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By dimtimjim
Ey, Toph.....

Pull my finger! :D
By Dexy
Topher wrote:To be fair to chrisjames, I thought he wasn't so much getting around the swear filter as censoring himself.

He could do a better job of censoring himself by not posting at all.
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By Yudster
What Dexy said.
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By dimtimjim
Pow! Another Newbie diss.... Dunt take long to figure out! :D
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By Yudster
Well, not all of them....

One of the best debut albums of any band ever I thought. Nothing lived up to it afterwards, but who cares, the first album was sublime.

Oh no.
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By Senninha25
Oh no.
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By MadTheEddos
The Killers are one of my favourite bands, and Read My Mind is one of my favourite songs ever.

Oh no. :(
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By Johnny 1989
Oh no, Killers are one of my favourite bands of all time, sad to here he has died, Read My Mind is a sublime song :(
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By Nicola_Red
News just coming in that Adam Yauch, aka MCA of the Beastie Boys, has passed away from cancer, aged 49. Terrible news. RIP MCA :(
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By MadTheEddos
Oh no! I heard a while back that he was battling cancer and I remember hoping he'd beat it. Truly sad to hear.
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By Nicola_Red
I have to say I was a bit disappointed this morning to hear Chris mention MCA's passing but not even know his name, referring to him as "your man from the Beastie Boys". I appreciate that despite being the same age as me, Chris didn't grow up in an 'alternative' culture (urgh, hate that word) and so the Beastie Boys may not have been significant to him like they were to me. But I felt that he could have managed to check his name before mentioning it, especially given that the Beasties say their names in almost all of their songs - one of their biggest hits, No Sleep Til Brooklyn, even includes the line "they call me Adam Yauch, but I'm MCA." Hey ho.
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By Travis Bickle
I didn't think Moyles handled it particularly well, but the sentiment was genuine and the coldplay song was incredibly touching in my opinion.
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By Nicola_Red
Yeah, I didn't think that it wasn't genuine. It just would have been nice to hear his name. My flatmate and I agreed that the Beastie Boys were so important to us growing up that the loss of one of them is almost Cobain-like in its impact - they did such incredible, groundbreaking work. I s'pose I didn't really expect Chris to feel the same, but I would have liked him to speak a little bit about it rather than just mention it in passing. After all, Amy Winehouse got a half-hour tribute - and I loved her work too, but the fact that she's been in the charts more recently doesn't make her passing any less significant.
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By Travis Bickle
Nicola_Red wrote:Yeah, I didn't think that it wasn't genuine. It just would have been nice to hear his name. My flatmate and I agreed that the Beastie Boys were so important to us growing up that the loss of one of them is almost Cobain-like in its impact - they did such incredible, groundbreaking work. I s'pose I didn't really expect Chris to feel the same, but I would have liked him to speak a little bit about it rather than just mention it in passing. After all, Amy Winehouse got a half-hour tribute - and I loved her work too, but the fact that she's been in the charts more recently doesn't make her passing any less significant.

He did speak about it though. He said what impact they had and how relevant they were though didnt he? He encouraged listeners to download their songs as well.
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