Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
bmstinton93 wrote:
flyingbadger wrote:Image

Cheers for the visual representation of your penis.

Fixed that for you Benjani.

JayE wrote:Comedy gold there Ben.

*Applauds JayE*
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By dimtimjim
Woooooa there party-people! I get chastised for rape jokes, but badger can post grotesque pictures like that..!! Ruddy double standards... :wink:
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By Bruvva
The perils of meeting a thrash metal band at the airport :

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By chrysostom
So I've been dealing with a difficult stakeholder in a project I've been working on at work, and the working process has been AWFUL (him making last minute changes via my main contact with his dept, ignoring process etc.) and we (3 members of his dept, 2 from mine) had a meeting to discuss efficient uses of time etc.

It was relatively heated, with the stakeholder feeling victimised (didn't help by him making false statements & me contradicting them) but everyone in the meeting agreed with my points (my project manager congratulating me on staying calm & not saying anything rude) - now I've found out that he feels it was the 'worst he's ever been spoken to' and plans to complain to my manager (who thinks this is hilarious) & HR if necessary.

I'm not sure why, but the ridiculousness of the situation is giving me a right chortle. Any other workplace stories?
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By Nicola_Red
I've just spent 10mins trying to compose an email to a school office telling them in polite terms that their teacher doesn't know what he's talking about, he's a liar and he shouted at me. I don't stand for that sort of crap from anyone, let alone the people that are supposed to be educating our next generation. I'm looking forward to a reply...
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By Nicola_Red
Just made a super tacky wedding countdown sig for the wedding planning forum I'm a member of. Most of the other members seem to have them and it has pleased me greatly. I'm quite tempted to use it here too.
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By dimtimjim
Nicola_Red wrote:I've just spent 10mins trying to compose an email to a school office telling them in polite terms that their teacher doesn't know what he's talking about, he's a liar and he shouted at me.

Nic, you left school 15/20 years ago, they won't care anymore... :?
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By Nicola_Red
dimtimjim wrote:
Nicola_Red wrote:I've just spent 10mins trying to compose an email to a school office telling them in polite terms that their teacher doesn't know what he's talking about, he's a liar and he shouted at me.

Nic, you left school 15/20 years ago, they won't care anymore... :?

Ha! 23 yrs ago in fact :( It does make me wonder if the school trips I went on back then were as poorly co-ordinated as the ones I now book in. Most teachers I speak to seem like they couldn't organise the proverbial piss-up.
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By dimtimjim
Given that both my folks are teachers, I'm always quick to defend the profession, as overall, its a shitty hard job with little tanks. But, I know exactly what you mean, some people soooo shouldn't be teachers; zero patience and tolerance.

But, you're blind to most of that as a child (as per your school trip comment). Ah... I miss being a kid. Such an easy life...
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By neilt0
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By Nicola_Red
dimtimjim wrote:Given that both my folks are teachers, I'm always quick to defend the profession, as overall, its a shitty hard job with little tanks. But, I know exactly what you mean, some people soooo shouldn't be teachers; zero patience and tolerance.

Yeah, my brother and sister in law are both teachers too. But even my brother admitted to me that when he organises school trips, he just calls and books and then it gets paid by some magical process that he knows nothing about. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if a finance office are to pay a bill, they need to be given an invoice, and if they don't pay, the trip isn't gonna happen. Sometimes it seems like they think if they just show up with a bunch of kids, we'll let them in. Strangely enough, we don't do that, we're a business.

And yeah, teachers in tanks sounds excellent. I'd watch that.
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By dimtimjim
:lol: Oops, teachers in tanks, obviously a typo, but I like it!
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By chrysostom
Regarding my work thing, a colleague just overheard him say this in a conversation pertaining to the situation:

“The thing is… you have to talk to people on the appropriate level. If you compare it to music, I am the Beatles and you wouldn’t talk to me like I was an international rapper would you?”

Word fail me.
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