Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By chrysostom
I think you're right to be irked if they're publicly complaining about the company by name to you on your personal time - there might be a comms team monitoring mentions of the theatre too, which could raise a flag and cause trouble (not saying it will, but I've seen it happen). I would send a direct message saying this is your personal account, and you're not permitted to discuss company matters through this channel - then give them the necessary contact details.

It's also vital that you inform your manager/comms team, just in case this person brings this up in a 'well I spoke to Nicola on Twitter' way. If they don't care, then no harm done - but at least they'll be aware of it.
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By Nicola_Red
I'm glad people agree that it wasn't really appropriate. I replied advising them to write to customer services, but I didn't comment on the actual matter - I couldn't have even if I'd wanted to, I wasn't at work to be able to look into it - but the problem is something that's already happened, so I couldn't really do anything about it anyway. I might flag it up to customer services as well in case they do. I'm just irritated cos it seemed like I was being expected to be accountable to this place on my own time, and I'm not paid anywhere near enough to be that! Ah well, onwards and upwards :)
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By dimtimjim
Got my '3 month review' now. Admittedly, after 5 months, but... Fingers crossed!
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By Bonanzoid
The Deadly wrote:Best option is just to ignore them. By retaliating you leave yourself open to criticism by management and could get yourself in trouble. Report the incident to the necessary department and forget about it.
I've had a similar type of thing about a year ago on Twitter. I'm a bit of a local celebrity due to my wrestling and the press coverage it receives and a lot of the people who come to the shows know my twitter handle and have contacted me in the past either offering advice or saying they enjoyed the show etc. One day I got a private message from a lady asking me what I was going to do about making her daughter cry at one of the events. I had to explain wrestling to her step by step and how it was my job to play a bad character who was nasty to people. It then got in to the fact she thought wrestling was a completely legitimate sport and had no idea there was a certain amount of acting involved in it. It's worrying because if I acted like my wrestling character in real life I'd be sectioned but she honestly believed that was who I was.

Fair play for explaining it to someone who's quite clearly a moron. If someone cries at wrestling, surely that's just a sign they shouldn't be there?
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By The Deadly
Bonanzoid wrote:
The Deadly wrote:Best option is just to ignore them. By retaliating you leave yourself open to criticism by management and could get yourself in trouble. Report the incident to the necessary department and forget about it.
I've had a similar type of thing about a year ago on Twitter. I'm a bit of a local celebrity due to my wrestling and the press coverage it receives and a lot of the people who come to the shows know my twitter handle and have contacted me in the past either offering advice or saying they enjoyed the show etc. One day I got a private message from a lady asking me what I was going to do about making her daughter cry at one of the events. I had to explain wrestling to her step by step and how it was my job to play a bad character who was nasty to people. It then got in to the fact she thought wrestling was a completely legitimate sport and had no idea there was a certain amount of acting involved in it. It's worrying because if I acted like my wrestling character in real life I'd be sectioned but she honestly believed that was who I was.

Fair play for explaining it to someone who's quite clearly a moron. If someone cries at wrestling, surely that's just a sign they shouldn't be there?

Not entirely.

The wrestling we do isn't violent and very much aimed at families so it's important kids come to watch as 9 times out of 10 they create the atmosphere with their chants and screaming etc. The young girl was at her first wrestling event and despite being a fan of WWE she just picked the wrong day to be front row as I was particularly fiendish that day. At the start of the show the general manager character we have went round handing out balloons to some of the kids and me being the bastard I am came out with a pin and popped them. Since explaining it to the mother they've been back to more or less all the shows and the youngster can enjoy it knowing its just a bit of fun.
It was quite bizarre having to explain to a 30 year old woman that wrestling isn't real. I thought it was common knowledge.
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By The Deadly
Why are modern day women obsessed with saying "banter". A woman at work is complaining her date didn't have good banter and it's really irritating me.
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By Nicola_Red
I hate that word. It's one of those that's chronically overused at the moment. To me it means boisterous chatter between a group of people, so not something I would expect on a date - but in fact defines it as "an exchange of light, playful, teasing remarks; good-natured raillery", which is a bit different. Still, why not just say "conversation" or, I dunno, "rapport" or something if that's what you mean?
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By dimtimjim

^^ Perfect example.
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By Topher
dimtimjim wrote:

^^ Perfect example.

Ooh, thanks *bookmarks for later* I like Andrew Lawrence.
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By The Deadly
dimtimjim wrote:

^^ Perfect example.

Nice one you wanker!*

*Just banter
By bmstinton93
madz793 wrote:Exams before Christmas.

And intriguing posts like that are exactky why you got an invite to the leaving show! :P

Good luck for them though, and maybe save the papers and give them to me for next year!
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By Bonanzoid
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By Nicola_Red
Mr Red has gone away with work again - I hate it so much when he has to work away. He's been working so much the past few weeks it feels like I've barely seen him in ages. God damned Miranda Hart and her paperless shows.
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By dimtimjim
bmstinton93 wrote:
madz793 wrote:Exams before Christmas.

And intriguing posts like that are exactky why you got an invite to the leaving show! :P

Good luck for them though, and maybe save the papers and give them to me for next year!

put it back in your trousers Ben, she'll never sleep with you... :wink:
By bmstinton93
Right you lovely lot, I need some advice, hopefully one or two of you are lawyers or know some!

I moved out of my last rented property at the end of July and didn't receive the final bill in time from British Gas. Almost 6 months down the line I receive 2 threatening letters chasing me solely for the full amount from LCS, a debt recovery agent. After 2 people at British Gas hung up on me I was informed by the 3rd that I should phone LCS and agree to pay my third of the bill and hand over details of other said tenants. As expected when I phoned them they informed me that even if I was to pay my share I would still be held responsible and they although they could add the other 2 names on to the account, they would not add another address to chase without me paying my share. (I question whether they would even bother then). Anybody got any tips?

EDIT: I have forwarded on a tenancy agreement and full address of one other person anyway to LCS just in case. Also, me trying to simply ask for the money is categorically out of the question as it won't happen...
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By Topher
You are definitely responsible, BUT I think you can refuse to pay the debt company and go to British Gas. They are nasty, threatening companies and you are better off not dealing with them. Look online, you'll find templates for letters (always send letters or emails, refuse to deal with them on the phone - best to keep a record of ALL correspondence).
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