Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By kendra k
Gaspode is a legend. And S4B seems to flip flop on her opinion of him.

I keep thinking about doing the Gaspode fade, but it hasn't seemed to happen yet.
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By S4B
I have never said that I wanted him to stop posting, I have exactly the same opinion of him as I always have, however I do miss his presence on the forum. You can miss even people you don't get on with, if only for comedic value.
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By Boboff
TIAL wrote:Who is this 'Gaspode' you speak of?

If Topher & Gaspode were a double act Gaspode would be the Fat one, or the one in Braces. ( note to Toph, you always need a straight man ! [ note to foots, well not always!])

He was great at Newbie bating, and troll debating, very straight forward and funny. He and S4 had a drunken session on the net one night, and then they fell out, now he doesn't post very often.
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By Yudster
Gaspode's disappearance wasn't because of that though Boboff.

I miss him too, and he didn't like me at all - but one of the better things about this forum used to be that people picked and dug at each other and it was funny, and stimulating, and kept you on your toes. Everyone is far too sensitive these days, it's getting boring.
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By kendra k
I agree. Gaspode was one of the last serious old timers- he was around when I first joined in 2001. So without him, it makes me feel old.
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By Yudster
catherine wrote:Oh go * yourself Yudster 8)

Piss off Cat, I have someone to do that for me. Unlike you. You should be called Can't-Get-A-Shag-Cat. :twisted:
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By MK Chris

By Ballbag
charlalottie wrote: I'm on top of Ballbag. Fantastic.

Sunny So Cal wrote:He'll love that!

Not as much as she will.
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By Sunny So Cal
erm, bob, would you like to tell the class how you know that he's all sack and no *?
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By Sunny So Cal
I think it's a bit deeper than that, SAV1OUR. Is it willy-envy?
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By Boboff
I don't aspire to be a Thorn, or a Wonker.

It was more for Yuddies benefit really and not meant to be personal.

Ok you Yankie Redneck ?
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By Yudster
boboff wrote:I don't aspire to be a Thorn, or a Wonker.

It was more for Yuddies benefit really and not meant to be personal.

I have NO idea what you are talking about. Love you.
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By Boboff
Willie envy.

Willie Thorn - Snooker player

Willie Wonker - Fictional owner of chocolate factory.

Envy = aspire to be.

That is all.
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By Sunny So Cal
Haha! I think he means he wasn't having a go at Balls - he was just trying to incite you? And I'm not sure but I think I'm the "Yankie Redneck"?
Yes, it's OK Bob -- though YANKEE would please me more and I'm no redneck. I have no hick accent, thankfully.
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By kendra k
The only rednecks in the OC are either remnant Okies from the Dust Bowl or migrant workers (legal or not), so I think you're safe on that one Sunny.
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By Sunny So Cal
Well I'm farther south, I'm in San Diego. Much closer to the source point of the migrant workers. Still not redneck though. Think we need to move farther inland for that, yeah?
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By kendra k
My apologies. I know the median income in San Diego is lower than OC because there are more poor, migrant labourers. Being a redneck has little to do with being part of the inland empire, and more to do with the luxury of not having to work crappy retail jobs, afford a decent education, and other nice things. So you're safe.

My apologies again.
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By Sunny So Cal
I thought being a redneck had more to do with country music, horrid accents, trucks, deer and duck "hunting" and carrying their rifles everywhere? Not incomes or education. I could be wrong? Also I didn't mean move "inland" as in the "inland empire" -- but inland as in one of the redneck states.
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By Yudster
From a UK perspective, I have always thought of "redneck" of being indicative of an attitude or mindset rather than a demographic.
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