Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By slaphead1982
Unless I've missed something, Please delete this thread.
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By Topher
slaphead1982 wrote:Unless I've missed something, Please delete this thread.

What? Why?
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By fish heads
slaphead1982 wrote:Unless I've missed something, Please delete this thread.

Unfortunately what you have missed is the Forum glory years
By bmstinton93
slaphead1982 wrote:Unless I've missed something, Please delete this thread.

And this is why this forum is dead.
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By Longview01
Its Longview01...capitial "L"
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By Nicola_Red
Yeah, you already know mine *snorts*
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By Topher
It's a thread on an internet forum.
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By Topher
I don't really know what else you expected, a person wrote a post on a forum. Some people replied. That's it.
By JayE
Hey, Topher. Here's an idea for you to consider bruh. How about try taking a break from replying to almost everything that gets posted with dry sarcasm. You know I was questioning the intentions of the post, someone just randomly posted something that I didn't get and if you scroll up others didn't get either.
By Trigger
JayE wrote:Hey, Topher. Here's an idea for you to consider bruh. How about try taking a break from replying to almost everything that gets posted with dry sarcasm. You know I was questioning the intentions of the post, someone just randomly posted something that I didn't get and if you scroll up others didn't get either.


We all need a vice I guess.

#oldhabits #comfortinthemisery

I too miss chucking virtual bricks. #forthelolz
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By Topher
JayE wrote:The use of hashtags on forums is cringe.

That makes no sense because cringe is a verb.
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By Quincy
fish heads wrote:
slaphead1982 wrote:Unless I've missed something, Please delete this thread.

Unfortunately what you have missed is the Forum glory years

Oh what glorious years they were!


Oh, what? Glorious years, they were?!

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]