Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By Smoggy78
Hi guys,

Does nobody collect the sounds and beds anymore from the CM show.
I'm creating a sound board and I'd love letters, some disco and a few of the other sound effects such as the joke fanfare etc.

Anybody got any plans to get the new show sounds?
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By Nicola_Red
Most of the ones we have in the vault were supplied by people who were very infrequent posters, like travismitchell who gave me a ton of the jingles and beds I uploaded. I'm not sure if any of those people still collect - but if they do they can feel free to PM me with what they have and I'll happily upload to the vault. I still upload sound clips now and again, but they get very few downloads these days.
By Tico987
Nicola_Red wrote:Most of the ones we have in the vault were supplied by people who were very infrequent posters, like travismitchell who gave me a ton of the jingles and beds I uploaded. I'm not sure if any of those people still collect - but if they do they can feel free to PM me with what they have and I'll happily upload to the vault. I still upload sound clips now and again, but they get very few downloads these days.

Are there any of the old beds from the afternoon show around? Not really sure what they're called just remember them being really cool. Do recall one of them being Weapon of Choice by Fatboy Slim but wondered if there were any others available?

Saturday is up