Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By bmstinton93
Once they're all downloaded you will need to add them to iTunes then drag them on to your phone from there
By Nickster

thanks for this, being a complete technofobe, how do I add them to itunes? Sorry about this! Many thanks Nicky
By Nickster
I have done it!!!!!! Absolutely superb - was in 7th heaven listening last night - you are a star - thank you :-)
By gplfc1
Hi new to this site when I go on my iphone and download a podcast it just goes to a screen with a play button and I can hear it but my question is will this use my internet data on my phone?
By richardtomlinson
James H has kindly updated the Podcast wiki to include the new Radio X podcasts, which have now been uploaded to the collection.
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By yummytummy
Me too, I loved the bit at the end about sports cars
By johna
Hi just wondering whats happening with the podcast with the edited shows from radiox, i subscribed when they started, on monday i think it was i got about 23 back dated shows on my iphone but none from this week, any help would be great thanks
By JayE
Try deleting it and subscribing again. Works fine for me.
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By Frothy Bevvy
Yeah, no probs here. The backdated Xmas break shows were all upped at once but since then I've been getting the daily edits like clockwork.
By johna
MMMM deleted the podcast from my phone, but now i cant find the feed address, im on iphone

help please
We have all the podcasts in the archive (download link at the top of the page). I believe the change was around summer 2011, as per this thread from the time:

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Friday is up, and platinum:[…]