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By The Deadly
Nah I don't think there will be a knee jerk reaction. It's more likely if the rating is terrible Cooper will allow him to see out the contract and then replace him.
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By Travis Bickle
I expect the ratings to have fallen even further than last time. I still think Grimmy is quite talented, but that breakfast show is awful. Really, other than the nickstape there is nothing to like about it.
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By ckirk1610
I've tried to listen and tried to like it. The first link annoys me way too much. this is very anoraky, but he cant use a fader properly. The volume of the opening bed goes up and down way too abruptly... its actually quite irritating. enough for me to turn off.
By JayE
Hmmmm, who knows.. this could go either way really. Personally I don't care because I don't listen to radio 1 anymore. Only occasionally will I tune in to listen to Scott Mills and Greg James, but that doesn't happen often.

If they are bad hopefully Ben will realise he chose the wrong person for the job, (he really did by the way.)
Or if they have gone up slightly he'll stay. Ah well.
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By reviloslater
I must admit I have been listening to Grimmy in the car on the way to work now for the past few months, and it has grown on me. Of course, it is a far cry from Chris, and my choices of radio are either that, Radio 2 (don't like Chris Evans), Radio Aire (local) or Capital (annoying) - so perhaps if there was a better option I would use it.

I do like Sara Cox sitting in for Fearne, and Greg James show is decent enough. Scott is alright though I was never a major fan.

Either way, if Chris got his backside back on radio, I'd listen to it whatever time of day so hopefully...
By Misfit
I listened to grimmy most of last week for an hour at work, and the one thing I noticed was, there is a lot of talking and links carrying on for 15 minutes. so much for #nomoretalking or whatever it was
By Tunster
"The average age of a Radio 1 listener is 32, with Grimshaw drafted in by controller Ben Cooper as part of a strategic move make the station more appealing to its target audience of 15- to 29-year-olds." - from the Guardian article.

The original tactic hasn't worked clearly. To be a million down on Moyles' average isn't disastrous but the show hasn't improved that much to only draw in 100,000. Sounds like the BBC are clutching at straws at the moment. We may see that 5.9 million figure drop like a stone between Aug - Oct because Q3 is normally the quieter of the 4 quarters (holidays etc) if the show in general doesn't improve.

Having listened to some of Grimmy's show recently; it seems like all the initial flag-waving of this "less-zoo format", more music crap has gone out the window. We definitely know Grimshaw is not in control of the show that's for sure. 8)
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By ckirk1610
Grimmy may have added 100,000 listeners but I guarantee 99.9% of those are Harry Stiles fans. Having a look through the RAJARS, pretty much every local station in my area has gained listeners. It seems to be a good quarter for local radio. Grimmy out, Adverts every 10 mins in!
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By Boboff
Jaye, that is an odd sentiment, as is Bens.

He is an Okay listen, not a listen that would make you join his forum, but okay.

We have to live with what we have, and Moyles at best is going to fill in for Grimmy when him and Harry are on Paternity leave!
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By The Deadly
JayE seems to think that if Grimshaw goes then Chris Moyles will ride in on a big white horse. Chris is never coming back, its over. Hate to break it to you Jay but if Grimshaw goes he will be replaced with somebody worse.
By JayE
No, no no. That's not what I think at all. I've accepted the fact that Chris is gone, I have never once said I want Chris back on the breakfast show at all.

All I've said is that Nick Grimshaw's breakfast show is a pile of shit and I don't want him on breakfast. Anyone is better than Grimmy, I wouldn't mind if someone like Greg James was put on breakfast or anyone else on radio 1. Grimmy just doesn't suit the show at all, he was however suited to his nightime show because believe it or not I actually enjoyed his show when he was on that slot.

I don't want Chris back on breakfast at all. I do want him to do something else in radio though.
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By The Deadly
As much as I like Greg James I think he's missed the boat for the breakfast show. I'd look for them to go with someone very young the next time the job comes up.
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By Topher
If they go for that awful Gemma Cairney woman, then you'll know what it feels like when your ears bleed.

Grimshaw is pretty shit, but I don't listen to Radio 1 any more, so it makes no odds to me.
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By Yudster
Gemma Cairney at the weekends is truly awful although her show is no longer the repeated extended car crash that it used to be. She still can't speak without shouting though, and Topher is right, if you want your ears to bleed, Radio 1 weekend breakfast is the way to achieve it.
By JayE
I don't usually listen at the weekend, except to Matt Edmondson, he's the only good DJ on now at the weekend in my opinion. Gemma Cairney was alright when she first started I think, now she's too giggly and loud and just incredibly annoying.
Last edited by JayE on Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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