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Which do you wake up to?

Radio 1 (Nick Grimshaw)
Radio 2 (Chris Evans)
6 Music (Shaun Keaveney)
Other BBC national
BBC local
No votes
Commercial local
No radio at all
One month on (almost) from the end of the Chris Moyles Show, what is your preferred radio alarm? If any at all? Thought it would be interesting to see where this forum is migrating to, and if it turns out to be typical of the actual listening figures. Votes can be changed and the poll is open permanently!
My alarm is still Radio 1 - Dev's show. Once I am in the car on the way to work its Chris Evans on Radio 2 for me now. He's been making a lot of references to "new listeners", although he hasn't gone so far as to welcome Moyles refugees!
Still R1 for me. I switch to archive Moyles once I'm out the house, but between 6.45 and 8ish I'm with Grimmy.
I'm very serious. Listening to Radio 1 at breakfast time endorses their decision. Even if the show was good its likely I wouldn't listen out of respect for Chris. Luckily the show is crap so gives me even more reason to avoid it. I'm shocked that you would give it the time of day.
I'm shocked that after working hard for this site for so many years you would accuse me of disloyalty. For the past four years, I have put some of almost every day of my life into the Chris Moyles Show. After Mr Harris, I was first on Aled's invite list to the live show. My work got me a mention on the final show. None of that was for the good of my health. It was because I was devoted to the Chris Moyles Show. I'm genuinely upset that you would say that to me.
Nicola_Red wrote:I'm shocked that after working hard for this site for so many years you would accuse me of disloyalty. For the past four years, I have put some of almost every day of my life into the Chris Moyles Show. After Mr Harris, I was first on Aled's invite list to the live show. My work got me a mention on the final show. None of that was for the good of my health. It was because I was devoted to the Chris Moyles Show. I'm genuinely upset that you would say that to me.

I'm not saying you're not loyal in general because clearly you are. I'm just shocked that being as loyal as you are and with all the work you've put into the site that you'd listen to Chris' replacement. It's not just the fact that Chris was replaced either its Radio 1's agenda against over 30's which deserves the least amount of support.
I won't let Radio 1 push me out if I don't want to stop listening. Not listening to Grimmy will not change anything and as Neil points out, it won't affect RAJAR either.
Deadly wrote:I'll stay loyal to the show I've supported for 8 years..

Me too. I have no doubts whatsoever about my loyalty to the show. That's the most important thing to me, although I can't deny that it matters to me to an extent if other forum members think I'm not loyal. It rather makes me think I might be wasting my time here.
This is how religious extremism begins. Can't we all just get along?

We all like Moyles, some of us like Grimmy's show, some of us are abivalent and some of us hate it - but it's not a breakfast show forum. If Mills had taken over the show I'd be listening every morning, but that doesn't mean I'd be 'disloyal' to the show.

If loyalty means being cruel about Grimmy all the time, telling people off for listening to his show and sending him abusive messages - then I don't want to be associated with that, the #TeamMoyles thing was supposed to be good natured (and I hope it was). I can't wait until the next Moyles project is underway, but Radio 1 is/was NOT supposed to be for over 30s.

The Chris Moyles Show ended up being so popular that the fans kept it in a slot it shouldn't have been him, Radio 1 is for stereotyped young people - and the Chris Moyles Show was not.
I've listened to a little R1 since CM left, but only the PM shows, only heard about 30 mins of Grimmy so far, t'was all I could stomach. The loss of TCMS still hurts, but the loss of R1 is of little impact, i've learned.
Nicola_Red wrote:
Deadly wrote:I'll stay loyal to the show I've supported for 8 years..

Me too. I have no doubts whatsoever about my loyalty to the show. That's the most important thing to me, although I can't deny that it matters to me to an extent if other forum members think I'm not loyal. It rather makes me think I might be wasting my time here.

Like I said previously your commitment to the show can not be questioned which is why I'm a bit shocked that of all people you'd give the replacement show the time of day. That being said its not North Korea and you are more than entitled to listen to whatever you like in the morning. What we have here is just a difference of opinion. Nothing more than that.
Think Deadly's got a wee touch of the PMS this morning.

I genuinely thought he was joking about this morning. Apparently not.

Whatever? He also appears to have regressed to his playground debating days.

Yeah...well...but...ah you smell of poo.
Never had you down as an arse kisser Badger. A lot of the stuff you post could be considered "playground" by a lot of people.
I can consider something disloyal if I want to. It may not be an opinion shared by you or others but everyone is entitled to their opinion and this is a forum where things like this can be discussed.
Deadly wrote:Never had you down as an arse kisser Badger.

So anyone who supports me is kissing arse now? If you want to start a fight with most of the forum, go ahead and see what happens. It's one thing to have an opinion and express it, it's another entirely to insult anyone who supports the opposing view.
Deadly wrote:Never had you down as an arse kisser Badger.

Where the * have you gathered that information from?

An arse kisser?

Aye, I'm the proverbial licky, licky brown nose. Think suck up, think Badger.

What a pile of pish you're spouting today Deadly. Disloyalty, some bollocks about opinions, Radio 1 agenda's.

* bullshit Deadly. Step away from the keyboard, it's not serving you well today.

*Edit -

Sorry Nic's beat me to the post and now I look like an Arse Kisser.
Last edited by a-moron on Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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