The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By scamp88
Hi here are the pics of them in there wedding dresses they wore for the magazine...hopfully this will work
Well i cant upload pictures because i am stupid!!!

So thanks to Topher

Anyway i think they both look amazing.....if i was a guy they would be hard to say I dont to!

Liz xx
Last edited by scamp88 on Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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By MK Chris
You've put the page URL in the img tags.


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By gbm
S4B wrote:They look amazing! I prefer Carrie's dress to Rachel's.

What the hell is with the stepladder in the background?

Agreed on the Carrie front, what has Rachel got around her shoulders?!

The ladder and stage light things are blatently fake too!,

So are these their real wedding dresses or just for a photo thing, either way they are both looking Fwine
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By Yudster
They both look amazing, but I prefer Rachel's dress. And I like the fur thing too. Thats probably the prettiest I have ever seen Carrie look in a picture too, she usually looks like Anthea Turner but she looks really lovely in that pic.
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By Andy B
Oh god a thread about wedding dresses, it'll be curtains and cushions next! :)
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By Yudster
Its not about wedding dresses, its about Carrie and Rachel doing a photo shoot in a magazine.
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By Boboff
I think it's not the most sensible attire if you are clearly decorating the room.

Carrie looks stunning, something to hide he Arse must have taken some cloth !

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]