The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
funny with the Vernon gag with the balloons. Can anyone clip it as was funny. I wonder what Chris will do for revenge
Looks like Vernon's only gone and done another prank, got some clowns to surprise Chris. Video's on the Facebook Page.

Kinda felt sorry for Chris though, he's only done one prank to Vernon and he's got quite a lot of payback already.
mate who gets the monthly rajars at his work in radio in manchester said the massive drop in figures they were expecting from X hasn't happened. Interesting.

I'm very much looking forward to the figures in january
There's no such thing as monthly Rajars.

Rajar publish every quarter and no more - the next release being February. The last release didn't take into account Radio X.

XFM Network (UK) (will be Radio X Network (UK)) report half yearly - so their results are averaged out over 2 reporting periods, not one, so February's set of figures will still include some of the old XFM. And by the nature of Rajar, you actually really want to look at Year on Year figures, and not Quarter on Quarter.

My predictions:

They will be higher than XFM ever achieved.

They won't come anywhere near as close as Radio 1 figures ever did (and no one in the industry, including Moyles/Global/Radio 1 would expect them to - but the media might use that as a non-story)

They probably won't beat Key 103 locally in Manchester just yet (although it's worth noting Key 103/Bauer network are spectacularly * up in every possible way at the moment, so it is a goal to aim for).

Moyles's best figures will be at the start - and they'll go down as the novelty wears off. He'll struggle to gain a new audience that have never heard him before. And he'll probably lose people that tuned at first, but realised the music wasn't for them, or the hassle of trying to listen in unconventional ways becomes too inconvenient for most. (for example I stopped listening in the car as plugging my phone into the radio got too cumbersome first thing in the morning).

Moyles will be a massive spike on X's figures, with the rest of their figures being meh. (because let's be honest, it's not a great radio station after 10am).

Vernon Kay's contract will not be renewed - when that time comes.

My hope long term: I think Radio X will keep him in employment, and in the radio business for 3- 5 years.
Then another brief patch in the wilderness before ultimately within a decade from now, he'll have a daytime show on Radio 2 where he'll see out his days.
For all the flaws in the idea of throwing a figure like Moyles onto a stage in front of people who have not come to see him and probably do not like him in the least, whoever came up with the idea of sending the team on the road so early into the run has actually hit on to something! The relationships, Chris and Dave II in particular, are growing every week and it really comes across on the air now. There's also a lot more of the old 'style' coming into play now. The music seems to be a little more varied, the news is running later, the open is getting longer and a few more names and voices are making themselves heard, particularly on the podcast.

My only problems now are the whole Rob DJ thing, the editing of the podcast (which is a rant in and of itself) and the Vernon feud. Sorry, I just can't stand him. Chris vs. Scott always felt a bit more fun as they were completely contrasted characters who were extremely good at what they did and somehow had found themselves in the same building, where the humour arose. Vernon is just a louder, less talented Chris and I couldn't give a shade about what he does or his zany little pranks. The lack of a Scott or even... oh god, I'm going to instantly regret saying this... a Jo Whiley or Fearne Cotton to bounce off, it's really apparent how good Chris is with people who aren't in any way like him. That was actually the key take home from the marathon shows, just how many shows were elevated by the contrast between him and say, Mistajam which actually created a weird but welcome chemistry. But him and Vernon are too similar, too cuddly together and too bleh to be amusing to me. That may just be my dislike of the Kay/Daly family impeding my view, though.

So yeah, tour good, team great, Vernon bad.
Yeah I'm with you on Vernon, he's always been annoying to me.

Up to this point I always thought that the show needs another voice. Although I'm not as emphatic about that now as I once was, I do think it would be worth considering. Someone who contributes a lot like Dom does (and like the old Dave did).
By wireman2004
OK. I listen on the catch up from here. But are there more adverts??? The shows are pretty consistent in how long they are without ads and music. Around 2h 05m
MitchOnAStick wrote:My only problems now are the whole Rob DJ thing, the editing of the podcast (which is a rant in and of itself) and the Vernon feud. Sorry, I just can't stand him. Chris vs. Scott always felt a bit more fun as they were completely contrasted characters who were extremely good at what they did and somehow had found themselves in the same building, where the humour arose. Vernon is just a louder, less talented Chris and I couldn't give a shade about what he does or his zany little pranks. The lack of a Scott or even... oh god, I'm going to instantly regret saying this... a Jo Whiley or Fearne Cotton to bounce off, it's really apparent how good Chris is with people who aren't in any way like him. That was actually the key take home from the marathon shows, just how many shows were elevated by the contrast between him and say, Mistajam which actually created a weird but welcome chemistry. But him and Vernon are too similar, too cuddly together and too bleh to be amusing to me. That may just be my dislike of the Kay/Daly family impeding my view, though.

So yeah, tour good, team great, Vernon bad.

Wow I thought I was the deep one. I get what you're saying about the R1 days of him basically being surrounded by hipsters. I can remember him vibing (if thats the right word) with Annie Mac which would never happen outside that studio. The people he used to speak to because the world of the DeeJay and the popstar always collided. Like a trucker meeting a beauty queen...oh the chemistry. But the beauty of the radio medium is, that it's all about what is said between two different people. That Chris Martin interview, so many people who just wanted to plug their thing and go, and it just made great radio. One of the few complaints I have always had is about the self-indulgent aspect of the show. Moyles is at his best when he's entertaining someone from out of town. Either during one of those R1 handovers or during an interview. It's a good point you make.
David wrote:There's no such thing as monthly Rajars.

Rajar publish every quarter and no more - the next release being February. The last release didn't take into account Radio


The RAJAR frequencies of reporting are monthly, quarterly, 6-monthly and yearly.
That's a misunderstanding of the word monthly.

The data can be broken down into monthly results for internal use - but it is still only reported to stations quarterly.

The current survey is 21st September - 20th December (Wks 38-50), so absolutely no data from that time (and therefore Moyles's time on Radio X) has been published.

The very first data that includes Moyles figures will only be released to stations on Wednesday 3rd February 2016.

I have access to RAJAR through work. I've spent far too much time looking at figures trying to find positive spin in what could quite often be abysmal figures.

P.S. I don't believe it's a coincidence Moyles started on the same day as a RAJAR survey period.
As far as I can remember she had virtually no air time on the old show because she just wanted to produce. But yes she is hilarious (often unintentionally). I think she should definitely continue to have an on-air presence rather than just producing. It's ironic that many of us thought that the team needed an extra voice, and the extra voice was there all along :)
David wrote:Pippa has quickly become one of my favourite members of the CMS ever.

Was she that good in the R1 days, or did she just not get a lot of air time?

My memory of her on the R1 show is when they would occasionally call back listeners who texted in to complain about the show. She was the person who would actually make the call and talk to the listeners about what could be done to make the show better. I remember them being pretty funny segments of the show.
OMFG, the Star Wars music sounds Brilliant on the radio! What piece of classical music..!

Yes. I'm glad the Donkey has returned and I'm sure most other old-school listeners are too. But I dunno why Chris has to make such a massive fuss about it, I think I'd rather he not play it than play it and whinge about it so much.
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