The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
There are always moments or segments where listeners will not like the content. On a personal level...
I have yet to hear a moment where I just can't listen. This show soo far is never less than average (NEVER less. I have yet to find a full show that is dull.) If he or the team decide to bring back "Jordan" for an interveiw, My ears are closed.
Frothy Bevvy wrote:I'm warming to Dave M but agree that it feels like there's a missing piece of the puzzle at times.

Pippa is clumsy on air, which Moyles plays up to but there's only so many times that's funny.

Dom is great for the silly humour but isn't quite enough of a sharp wit to seamlessly replace Comedy Dave. Chris has shown a bit of on-air exasperation at times with a lack of responsiveness from the team. Dave was always primed and ready to chip in and on Chris's level.
I'm sorry but did you accuse Comedy Dave of having a "sharp wit"?! Without it being a joke? I liked him a lot but Dom is the clever one.

I do know what you mean though, however these relationships take time to develop. I imagine Dave M will grow to fit the team - the rest of them all worked together for several years.
I don't listen religiously every day and normally playback when i can but the more I hear Madam Dave the more he seems to becoming part of the team.

It's hard to believe it's been on less than 2 months, it all feels like nothings changed from 3 years ago even without Aled & Comedy Dave.

It'll be interesting to see what people think this time next year.
WTF is going on with the Platinum hour?!!! Been in meeting (yeah, i know - couldn't they wait till after 10..!) so have missed what is going on, why is Vernon doing Kay's catalogue?!!!!!!!
Sorry for delay but just catching up on Thursday's show, enjoying Chris not sure whether he should be mocking his tax avoidance as a used car salesman or not!! Haha

I am really enjoying him being back. I have had to stop comparing the old to the new to get to that stage so would advise that for all. If it had come out Chris had quit then it might not of been as easy but that story of his sacking angered me as it was a complete mismanagement on Radio 1's behalf so I'll have him back in any form possible.

Also since Radio X seems to be plagued with issue after issue when it comes to technology I have never been more thankful for this site, big thanks to all the contributors.
dimtimjim wrote:WTF is going on with the Platinum hour?!!! Been in meeting (yeah, i know - couldn't they wait till after 10..!) so have missed what is going on, why is Vernon doing Kay's catalogue?!!!!!!!

Definitely worth a listen again that, it was payback for BBC Radio Stoke.

I was listening thinking "this sounds fake" but Radio X have released a video of it and it looks like Chris genuinely had no idea what was going on when it happened. Hilarious :D

The video in question:

jeddeth wrote:The Angry Man has been getting funnier and funnier. I think I could listen to that all day. I'm kind of curious to see video of him doing it, but on the other hand I wouldn't want to ruin the magic.

The Angry Man has become one of my favorite bits from the new show. I think Chris could go a entire hour jumping between himself and his alter ego. It was great when Dave actually started kind of arguing with him.
This past week has probably been my favourite full week of shows since the relaunch. It's still early days and whilst Chris has been in radio for a long time, he's doing a brand new show at a station still trying to find its own footing. There will always be teething problems and I think that will be the case for the next four-ten months. So I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt for now.

I can't disagree with anyone who misses the Chris/Comedy Dave dynamic but I actually don't think Dave would be the right fit for this new show (even if his 'lad' humour would actually fit straight into the Radio X Grr Men policy). Chris has clearly grown up and moved on somewhat, especially with his new love for Los Angeles and how often he seems to be mentioning it on air at the moment. I don't see Dave fitting into that any longer and whilst it would be nice to have the two make peace in their personal lives, I'm happy to not hear Dave on the air.

The ads and music policy are also prone to annoying the hell out of me, but we're just spoilt from so many years of ad-less Radio One shows. Sadly, this is the reality of the situation and whilst I'd love a scenario where the show can command higher fees for fewer adverts, I don't see Global wishing to lose any potential revenue just to placate one star. I'd love to be wrong on that, though.

My only other mild critiques would be that a) I miss the old handovers from Moyles to Whiley/Cotton, and b) Rob DJ's presence only serves to illustrate how much Rachel and Aled added to the show. As much as they played the punch bag role at times, their authority (something sorely lacking from Pippa and Chris) lent itself nicely to features such as the Pub Quiz. Rob desperately trying to make a star of himself, not so much. And if his lines have been written by Chris, I would strongly advise hiring a writer.

All that said, the show IS improving by leaps and bounds with each passing week. Masterman seems to 'get' it now and is jumping in more and more, hopefully moving towards him being more of a straight figure to reign Chris in when required. Pippa is warm in a way that I don't think Rachel ever was (although again, Rachel's strength was being the bossy one). And for what it's worth, I always thought that Dom was by far the funniest person on the team, so I'll never question his contribution to the show. The first 20 minutes of the show are back to being as entertaining as they always were, particularly with the outside broadcast putting Chris in his element. I love to hear Chris at his wits end about something. It's what makes 'zoo' radio so much fun as a format. So any excuse to see Chris rally against the incompetence around him is a win in my ears. No doubt that conflict will manifest itself more and more as this contract winds down.

I also wouldn't be surprised if Chris was all too aware of the need for one more person. He knows this stuff. Remember: his hero was Howard Stern whose popularity and creative peaks always coincided with strong team line-ups: first with Fred, Robin, Gary and Jackie 'The Jokeman' Martling and then bringing in comedian Artie Lange to replace the latter when he left. I would hate for Chris to look to his phone and make a call to Andi Peters, but I'm sure there's someone out there who is suited to the show and can bring back that missing ingredient. Doesn't even have to be a like-for-like replacement - just an extra voice to round the team off nicely.

It's so early into the run though that I'm still just appreciative of his return. Any excuse to actually turn on the radio again!
MitchOnAStick wrote:Rob desperately trying to make a star of himself, not so much.

While I'm happy to hear the quiz again, I noticed that he's been trying way too hard with the catch phrases and to come off as a diva the last week or two. We get it. You're Rob DJ. It gets old after awhile.

When it got to the quiz on this week's podcast, I skipped past it because I couldn't stand to hear it again. Be a great host and interact, but stop trying to be a star.
If you want the full version, what I do is go to the Radio X player and Listen Again and to the episode you want. I then view the source and search for .mp4.

Its the one starting http that you will want

e.g. audioUrl: ''

Just copy that into browser and then either listen in the browser or I save it myself - just in browser File-> Save Page As.

I also just literally change the extension to mp3 from mp4 - so it opens in my audio player rather than the player I use for videos.
bwfcol wrote:I liked the discussion on Courteeners and second hand car salesmen with Chris :D

Was this on the show Thursday 5th? I don't recall it so maybe I missed that show - I would've been interested to hear it. I don't suppose that bit got clipped or anyone can recall roughly when it was?
I haven't been able to do any clipping for a few weeks due to a complicated set of circumstances involving a ton of social commitments, broadband issues and needing to move house. I can clip it if someone remembers the date? Or I'm currently listening again to all October shows to make a clipping list, so I will get to it eventually, but that might take a while.
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Friday is up, and platinum:[…]